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Facial bone job

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It's been 4 years since I got my square jaw done and got a T-bone bone~~

꿍띵이 2015-06-29 (월) 05:41 9 Years ago 8666
I was wandering around because I was bored, so I went to Seongyesa because I was going to have eye surgery soon. There are currently no major side effects. A double chin when I'm tired? Should I say this? There's nothing wrong with it other than the slight lump-like appearance under my chin. Oh, that's right. It's a bit of a gravel sound.. haha. Sometimes it comes out when I move my jaw. It bothered me at first, but it doesn't always come out and I don't really care. Now, it's exactly the same as Park Kyung-lim's chin. !! It was like that, but now I'm happy that I can live with a round face shape, even though it doesn't look like a complete V-line haha. Sometimes, I hear people say I have a slim face.. By the way, muscle resection is also done when chin surgery is done~~ ~ That's completely effective hahaha I've been getting Botox these days.. My chin area has developed so much that my muscles and bones have become huge, so I shaved my chin and excised the muscles, but I found out that even if you excise a muscle, other muscles develop again, so I had to do a muscle resection. They say it doesn't mean anything.. I'm sullen.. Anyway, for those who are about to have surgery, don't be too greedy and expect dramatic results. If you just think about getting rid of complexes, I think you can have surgery safely and live happily! Those of you who have had surgery may be worried as you watch the swelling day by day, but soon the swelling will go away and the day will come when you will even forget that you had surgery. Take it easy~~~ I hope my post is helpful~~

Comment 21
치킨홀릭 2015-06-29 (월) 12:33 9 Years ago Address
I think it will be helpful to many people. Many people think that facial contouring will bring dramatic changes, but the reality is that this is not the case.
꿍띵이 Writer 2015-06-29 (월) 15:17 9 Years ago Address
[@Chickenholic] That's right, it's not that dramatic. The face is naturally small and pretty, but if you have a slightly angular chin, it looks a little dramatic, but if it's angular, it's just a line adjustment..
처뤼 2015-06-29 (월) 13:08 9 Years ago Address
Congratulations on everything going well. But even if I do it, if I don't get Botox, isn't there a big difference?
꿍띵이 Writer 2015-06-29 (월) 15:18 9 Years ago Address
[@처뤼] 아뇨 뼈부분은 효과있죠~~! 근데 근육부분이 다시 자라나면 옆에서 보면 갸름한데 정면서 보면 턱부분이 약간 톡튀어나와보이거든요 ㅎㅎ
반달소녀 2015-06-29 (월) 20:44 9 Years ago Address
드라마틱한 효과가 있을꺼라고 생각하지만 다 자기 만족이라는거..
볼처짐 안오고 그냥 컴플렉스만 제거해도 아마 본인은 만족할꺼 같아요~~
꿍띵이 Writer 2015-07-01 (수) 21:00 9 Years ago Address
[@반달소녀] 맞아요~ 콤플렉스만 없앤다고 생각하면 아주 만족스러운 수술이 될듯해요 ㅋㅋ
누리맘 2015-07-01 (수) 11:04 9 Years ago Address
아 후기 감사해요 . 그럼 근육절제술보다는 보톡스를 정기적으로? 맞아대는게 나은거죠?
저도 살짝 사각티가 나요 이번에 첨 보톡스맞았는데 너무 만족하고 맘에 드는데요
저는 왜이리 살이 빠졌냐고 소리들을정도...근데..요게 계속하면 효과가 줄어든다해서 또 걱정인에ㅛ ㅠ
꿍띵이 Writer 2015-07-01 (수) 21:02 9 Years ago Address
[@누리맘] 네 전 근육절제술 비추요 ㅠㅠ 다른 사람들 이야기 들어봐도 절제술 하고 시간지나면 다시 근육돌아왔단 사람이 엄청 많더라구요.. 괜히 비싼돈, 시간 들여가며 고생할바에 간단한 보톡스 정기적으로 맞는게 나를것같아요 ㅋㅋ 그리구 내성문제는 제가 듣기론 보톡스 종류를 한번씩 바꿔주면 괜찮다고 들었는데.. 전 아직 내성이 오지않아서 그부분은 정확히 모르겟네요 ㅠㅠ
신사동김태희 2015-07-02 (목) 14:17 9 Years ago Address
근육절제가 별로라니 새로운 정보네요!!
혹시 병원 정보 알 수 있을까요?
턱 수술 생각중이라서요 ㅎㅎ
꿍띵이 Writer 2015-07-07 (화) 16:45 9 Years ago Address
[@신사동김태희] 저는 압구정 ㅇㅇㄷ에서햇어요ㅋㅋ아는데가 거기밖에없엇기에 ㅠㅜ
spiffy 2015-07-03 (금) 01:01 9 Years ago Address
전 보톡스 내성이 생겨 효과가 없어요ㅜㅜ
갸름한 얼굴로 6년?정도살다 효과없으니 참담해요
수술하고싶었는데 근육이 다시 자란다니요
영구적이라고했는데...해야되나 고민되네요
꿍띵이 Writer 2015-07-07 (화) 16:46 9 Years ago Address
[@spiffy] 절제한근육은 안자라는데 다른 근육이 자라나서 결국은 도루묵 ㅠㅠ 생각잘해보셔용..
Lauren7 2015-07-04 (토) 21:54 9 Years ago Address
어디서 하셨는지 정보좀 얻을 수 있을까요?
꿍띵이 Writer 2015-07-07 (화) 16:46 9 Years ago Address
[@Lauren7] 전 압구정 ㅇㅇㄷ요~
ㅉ히리히힣 2015-08-04 (화) 17:28 9 Years ago Address
저 병원정보좀 알려주실수있을까요ㅠㅠ
ㅇㅂㅇ 2015-08-24 (월) 23:26 9 Years ago Address
저도 병원정보 좀 알려주세요 ^^;;
뿌잉뿌이잉이 2015-09-20 (일) 14:13 9 Years ago Address
맞아요. 요즘 뭐 교근축소술은 해봤자라고 발품 팔다보니 알게됬네요. 그냥 교근이 많으신 분들은 보톡스가 짱..
레이어스 2015-09-21 (월) 16:20 9 Years ago Address
근데 보톡스 저도맞아봣는데 .......... 이것도 다시돌아오긴 돌아오는데 사실 보톡스는 여러번 맞아야 턱이 많이 갸름해지는거 같애서요

그래서 그냥 맘편하게 교근축소할까했는데 그냥 보톡스나 맞아야겠어요 ㅜ`
희발 2015-09-27 (일) 20:59 8 Years ago Address
수술후에 살처짐?같은 증상은 없나요?
dkxjw 2015-10-09 (금) 21:58 8 Years ago Address
티절골 붓기는 얼마만에 다 빠지셧어요?
지워ㅣ니ㅣㄴ 2018-06-05 (화) 07:59 6 Years ago Address
뼈만 깎으면 근육때문에 갸름해지는게 덜한가요?
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