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Facial bone job

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Clown 2 months ago..is there anyone like me ㅠㅠ

lingooo 2013-06-05 (수) 11:34 11 Years ago 7282
This is a person who has been operated for 2 months for non-fixation of the cheekbones. I was going to fix it from the beginning, but it was unavoidably fixed. After that, I was worried about the swelling and the sound of the bones ㅠ ㅠㅠㅠ When I went to the hospital, the doctor was a little surprised~ If you continue to hear bone noises until the 3rd month, the bones will not stick. .. is there anyone like me?? Even if you only put a screw on the side, it will be painful to swell. If I fix it after surgery, won't the bone sound no longer??

Comment 11
개판이구먼 2013-06-05 (수) 14:51 11 Years ago Address
ㅠㅠ I'm also clown and it feels like one side is moving when teeth mesh . It's already been 2 years . Believe in yourself and keep working hard!
lingooo Writer 2013-06-05 (수) 15:31 11 Years ago Address
It's scary that it's moving.. Then shouldn't I have to have surgery to fix it? They said that they had to undergo re-surgery because they did not stick together due to teeth grinding.
수달링 2013-06-05 (수) 16:34 11 Years ago Address
Ah.. I know that it is fixed.. but it is not fixed.. ㅠㅠ.. even if it does, it makes a sound.. but if it keeps moving, never.. why don't you get a refund and go to another hospital?
힘내유ㅠ_ㅠ 2013-07-02 (화) 00:21 11 Years ago Address
비고정은 진짜 하는거 아니에요
저도 돈더내고 차라리 고정했는데 후회없고 아주좋아요
수고했어오늘도 2013-07-12 (금) 23:47 11 Years ago Address
아님 ㅜㅜㅜㅜ스트레스 장난아니겠어요 윽...광대는 무조건 고정으로 해야해요.. 상태가 그러시면 재수술하시던가 다른병원도 가셔서 상담받으시는게 좋을듯해요
이오맄… 2013-08-22 (목) 02:41 11 Years ago Address
아 오늘도 배웁니다 고정은 안되는 건가요?
그래도 환불을 순순히 해주는 병원도있네요 ....
음냠냠음냠 2013-12-25 (수) 16:17 10 Years ago Address
혹시 정보공유가는하시면 정보쪽지점요 부탁드립니다..ㅠㅠ
개판이구먼 2014-02-16 (일) 01:29 10 Years ago Address

병원정보좀 알려주세영

저도 비고정인대 고정으로 하려고용...

아어때 2014-06-04 (수) 00:08 10 Years ago Address

저도 병원 정보좀 부탁드려요..

말랑모찌 2014-10-20 (월) 03:22 10 Years ago Address

저도 광대하려고하는데 쪽지 부탁드려요 ㅠㅠ

백설공듀86 2016-04-15 (금) 03:18 8 Years ago Address
저도그래요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
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