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Facial bone job

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About scalp incision surgery..(22 days after cheekbone, square jaw surgery)

dodo0200 2012-08-12 (일) 21:15 12 Years ago 4852
Someone asked me to send you a note about scars from scalp incision surgery. I'm posting this publicly because I want anyone to be curious about this. And also, why I chose this surgery. I hope it will help you to decide carefully which surgical method you choose. I am over 30 years old. The condition of the face (?) was to the extent that the features were okay, and sometimes I heard that she was pretty. Now that I think about it, other people (even my mother) look at the features first. Then, if you want your eyes or nose to look cool and pretty, you say 'You're pretty~'. However, if you look at your face every day over time (as we do with actors on TV), you might think, 'Um, your face is a bit big..'. However, since I put it in my head and do not compare it with the post-surgery, I think you can think of facial surgery as a surgery that gradually makes you look pretty without others. The story is a bit leaky.. Anyway, the condition of my face was that the cheekbones under the eyes were wide spread out to the side and high up. After surgery, when I looked to the side, it was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo really big was the straight line of the cheekbones. So, my hairstyle was always long, puffy, permed hair, and I pulled my hair forward. I can't hate it so much when my mom says, 'It's frustrating..' Still, she knew that she had a pretty face and said, 'What if it's not a square face? Even the boxer is uniquely pretty..' She said, 'She lived well, and when she got a little closer to bumping into people while living her social life and seeing her boyfriend for a long time, the words she always heard were 'looks strong' and 'looks toxic'. At first she thought it was only because of her personality. It's because I said it in a rude way. But as I get older, I start to lose more weight, and I start to get clowns and square chins that don't suit my skinny body. It looks strong and toxic to me. And when you see pretty women on TV, you're pretty and cute even when you're angry, right? You don't look poisonous... And when you look at actresses who look poisonous, clowns are often developed. (Like an actor who appears as a reporter in a ghost.. Not a True Story reporter haha.) The time when I felt it properly was early this year. The month of February... A lot of comedians and actors came out as completely different people after having had facial surgery... So, first, I went into one place on the Internet. It's a big hospital that advertises on the Internet.. When I entered, it was a very easy operation and I immediately thought that I would become a different person if I did it. I wanted to do it right away. If I had time, I think I would have done it then. But I didn't have time until summer vacation. So, I felt like I was going crazy for waiting 5 months because of this hasty personality. Then I suddenly thought that I should find out about waiting here and there, so did you get facial contouring surgery in the Naver search bar? Anyway, I did a search and started to open them in order. The hospital I chose was the 2nd or 3rd, but I went to the hospital website and found out. I thought there was a scalp incision surgery method for cheekbone surgery.. I signed up without thinking and my head seemed to go down as I read the articles about the effects of the surgery, detailed explanations about the surgery, and the reviews. It's not that I fell in love from the very beginning. Before the surgery After reading the explanation about the surgery, I was like, 'It's funny . Sunglasses and baseball caps go well together. When I look in the mirror, I look pretty when I squint a little. I read something like this and said, 'Foot.. that's funny.. It's a phrase to dazzle, but it's too detailed and childish..' (Thinking about it now, my heart is pounding as to what would have been possible if I had left the homepage thinking like that.) Then, I read the reviews carefully.. The more I read, the more my thoughts changed. Most of the articles were very good, so it wasn't that I wasn't suspicious. I heard that part-timers use it... shouldn't I be suspicious? It's been like this. Because I am human too. But go ahead and read it. These were very detailed articles that could only be written by someone who had undergone surgery, and I couldn't believe that I had written all these articles about trust in teachers. I read all of them one by one after work for over two weeks. I also read the medical column that the teacher put up (I didn't know what the challenge Cinderella was, but I knew this while reading it. It seems that you were there), and the advantages and disadvantages of scalp incision, and whether there is safety or not, side effects from mouth incision, etc. I've read them all. And then I didn't go to another hospital's website... If I went somewhere else, I might be shaken again. Especially for people with thin ears like me.. I myself have thin ears, so if I go to another place, I may make the wrong choice because my confidence is shaken. I didn't. After that, what I did was read the reviews and prepare the preparations I had to make before the surgery. Facial contouring surgery is really a big operation. Whether the method is a scalp incision or mouth incision, the square jaw surgery is behind the ear or mouth surgery, it is a major surgery that changes the position of the bone and cuts the bone. Choosing a hospital is nag to say the least, there are too many things to prepare and prepare for, and you have to be prepared for the long waiting time after surgery. Just like you are wondering right now, I was worried about scars or hair when scalp incision was made. And the fear of swelling... However, once my brain understands the scalp incision method logically, when I have another operation (I know that other methods do not necessarily have 100% side effects), I believe in the surgical method understood by my head, thinking about possible side effects. . It was such a natural thing to say. Cheekbones are not ugly bones that need to be cut and removed. The arch shape must be alive. If the arch shape is small and compact, it should be in harmony with the head and chin to look beautiful, but it does not have to disappear. If you think about it for a bit, it was natural to think about it more than anything else. If you can't see it, how can you move it to the right location? And if you move the bone as low as possible and move it back as far as possible, rather than just cutting it with your mouth, the muscles and tissues follow the movement in the opposite direction to gravity, so there is no drooping (commonly referred to as cheek sagging) phenomenon. will. I wanted to be right. There is such a sure way.. What I want now is to move the arch of the cheekbone to fit my head nicely and small, and I thought I had to endure the discomfort (hair loss) that came as a result of choosing that surgery. Even so, if I became bald, or if I could not even go to the hairdresser because my scalp was so wide, I would not have been able to afford that. However, the majority of people who have already had surgery don't even know that their hair is falling out after a month.. After that, it came back.. The scar on the scalp disappeared so that even the groom couldn't find it later. I didn't even know about going to the hairdresser... Most people... I can't say 100%. Some people had severe hair loss, but he believed and waited, and I saw others saying that he got better after 6 months. I was prepared for the worst because I had to have surgery in this way. I asked myself. My hair was originally weak, so I might have more hair loss than other people.. Even if I become bald temporarily... Do I still want to?... The answer was 'I still want to.' It was 'why not to wear a wig..' After that, I was reading a review article and saw that someone ate black soybean powder after surgery and there was definitely less hair loss, so I started taking it twice a day two months before the surgery. He also bought a shampoo that was said to be good for hair loss and used it consistently. Because I was so afraid that I had no choice but to have the surgery. I was afraid of that, so I chose a different surgical method, but if there was one bone nonunion and dentation..If ​​the cheeks were sagging, I couldn't afford it. I really wanted to do that. So, I wanted to live a pretty life when I was a little bit younger. That said, I didn't think that I might become Kim Tae-hee after the absurd surgery. In other words, he didn't have high expectations. Now, if I could cut off the corners on my face and make it softer, as the director said, if the features could be seen at a glance and the overall impression could be softened, I just thought that was it. And as long as it's safe... I could be satisfied with that. I have a strong impression, so even a little bit of my argument seems poisonous... I didn't like it anymore. I set a vacation date 5 months in advance and made a reservation at the hospital. I was afraid of losing that date because it was vacation time (they only operated once a day), and I had no choice but to lie. I had to come alone without anyone knowing. The surgery was... the director of the hospital, the head of the department, and I only know. I told my family that I was going on a trip with my friends and waited for July. I wanted to make a reservation for surgery online and pay the reservation fee and then visit the hospital on the day of the surgery. After seeing the teacher in person, I think I can understand why the homepage is so humane and thank you. I wanted to explain it in so much detail (I already saw it all and knew it, so I didn't have to explain it like this...) and until I soaked the beans and eat it so that I won't be hungry.. Next, I asked the manager for the dormitory. (Because my home is not in Seoul..) Finally, the day before the surgery, I took my suitcase and went to the dormitory that the manager had reserved in advance, unpacked my luggage, and visited the hospital for the second time on the morning of the surgery. Only then did I tremble. Almost mentally... When I asked the teacher to cut the square jaw so small that only I knew it, the teacher felt sorry for it, so my hair became complicated in an instant. So, 'I don't like cutting too much, but I also don't like that it doesn't show too much, what should I do?' I said, 'It's the clown that determines the face line', so he made the cheekbones look pretty, and then asked them to cut them nicely and never cut them too much.. ) I lay down... and when I got up, it was over. Are you curious about what happened after that? It was more painful than I thought. surgery? no~~ I'll get rid of the anesthesia... I read that if the body is healthy, the anesthesia can be relieved easily, otherwise it's difficult, but when I got it, I thought, 'I'll do some exercise and make a body..' On the evening of the day of surgery, I vomited every 2-3 hours.. ㅠㅠ It seemed to be soggy until the morning of the next day, but it gradually got better. I'm alone and I don't think I'm going to die from swelling like this... ㅠㅠ Thinking about that time, I can't say 'I'm so happy~~' now. At that time, I was also shaken, who was so determined. You can really go back to 10, right? (Most of the reviews say that similar to me, you can get rid of the stitches in 10 days or so. Some say that they removed the stitches on the 7th day. But..5th,6th,7th, the swollen lips found their place.. The mouth seems to have become a little lighter..I feel better. And on the 8th day (Sunday), I took off the bandages by myself and looked in the mirror. Black..it looked like a complete monster. Not only the part hidden in the bandage, but also the neck part was swollen... Still, wash your hair carefully and bravely!! And I wore a mask and worked out hard. There is a place where you can take a walk in the neighborhood where the accommodation is. I also walked through the apartment complex. I also took a walk on the promenade.. I did it because I thought I had to work hard for the swelling to go down. These days, I can't exercise because I don't have time, but then I worked out like that for 3 or 4 days, and on the 11th day after I pulled the stitches, I checked that the cheekbones were fixed and the square bones were well cut, so I went on a trip right away..so about 7 days did exercise in any way.. And this is what it looks like now.. As you can see from the reviews I left, the family members I met after a month or two believed in the word Botox and had no doubts whatsoever. The friends I met on the 19th also believed in botox and fat grafting. The swelling is still there. The sides of the lips are quite plump. When I wake up in the morning, both sides of the clothing have a heavy feeling.. I know that the forehead and scalp sensations are coming back.. The cheekbones are a little dull. But think about it. Wouldn't it be strange if you had such a major surgery and your senses returned to the pre-operative level right away? If it had been, it would have been dissatisfying. Did the surgery go right? How are you doing this? While... in a way, I'm anxious and suspicious... That's probably the psychological state of people who have undergone major surgeries like this. I don't know if this long article will be helpful or not, but in short, choose the surgical method and hospital carefully and carefully. If you choose, then you should only focus on successful surgery and post-operative swelling management, and don't be as sensitive as possible. At the moment when you think you are sensitive and sensitive, just look at the part you like the result of the surgery and be happy and don't stress. I think I'm just being too happy. You might think that I have no complaints with the surgical method I have chosen, but it is not. However, I thought about it hundreds of times before the operation and was prepared, so I feel more joy in what I got and wait, thinking that the discomfort will gradually get better. And wouldn't it be enough to trust the doctor at the chosen hospital and wait for the results of those who operated there first? I was worried, but like everyone else, the surgery was done safely, and I was worried, but like everyone else, I feel that much satisfaction when the period comes... I used baseball caps to my heart's content (I bought two pretty hats because they were on sale at the department store on the way home ^^) I tied my hair up without looking in the mirror... It really was just as it was posted on the website. And now it's been less than a month, but it's only going to get better and better...where can you complain? Even so, I will leave an honest review because I do not know what time will pass or what will happen. A month later, two months later... If you suspect that I am a part-timer or a broker, I will go to the hospital in 3 months to check whether the bones are well fused, so I can meet you at that time. I don't know, but how about it.. I also thought it would be nice to meet someone and listen to a baby. I can understand that feeling too... It seems like there are only perfect babies, so I wanted to ask those who have doubts. Then there must be a part about the wrong operation, 'Oh, I'm relieved.' I guess... the surgery must be dreadful and perfect. 'Cause it took my life If you still have any questions, please leave a message. I'll answer you. I'll write again if time passes and if there's something like 'I'll pray for this baby'. Be pretty

Comment 37
ㄴㅁㅇㄹ;ㅣㅏ 2012-08-13 (월) 18:28 12 Years ago Address
Please give me hospital information.
skekt 2012-08-14 (화) 00:05 12 Years ago Address
Oh thank you so much for this review
skekt 2012-08-14 (화) 00:05 12 Years ago Address
hospital information please
호크마 2012-08-14 (화) 02:30 12 Years ago Address
I miss you... Please send me a note
dodo0200 Writer 2012-08-14 (화) 11:26 12 Years ago Address
I left a message.
ekfzhagksz… 2012-08-14 (화) 15:20 12 Years ago Address
information please
Pipipi 2012-08-14 (화) 23:08 12 Years ago Address
Congrats on the surgery and I'd like some information too.
쩡이 2012-08-15 (수) 08:58 12 Years ago Address
I'm also thinking about getting a scalp incision. I'm running out of information. ^*^
sloveth 2012-08-16 (목) 06:15 12 Years ago Address
Thank you for the review. I'm so glad that you care .
tt 2012-08-16 (목) 14:58 12 Years ago Address
Hospital information please.
완죤히 2012-08-16 (목) 15:49 12 Years ago Address
I've been reading your posts carefully without missing a single word. I'm going to have surgery on that scalp.. I'm going to have an incision in the mouth.
dodo0200 Writer 2012-08-16 (목) 23:05 12 Years ago Address
I sent you a note.
나수니 2012-08-17 (금) 01:22 12 Years ago Address
Hospital information please
김치나머거라 2012-08-17 (금) 13:11 12 Years ago Address
The reviews are good ㅠㅠ I want to get a consultation too.. Please give me information.
dodo0200 Writer 2012-08-17 (금) 21:40 12 Years ago Address
I sent you a note
무턱탈출 2012-08-18 (토) 14:58 12 Years ago Address
Please send me a note for hospital information.
dodo0200 Writer 2012-08-18 (토) 15:15 12 Years ago Address
I sent you a note
ssssdf 2012-08-21 (화) 19:49 12 Years ago Address
There are so many thoughts that are the same as me ㅠㅠ Please give me hospital information
젤뤼클 2012-08-22 (수) 10:10 12 Years ago Address
Hospital information and price.. Please give me some information~
달빛냥이 2012-08-22 (수) 14:52 12 Years ago Address
Please give me some information
SJh---*** 2012-08-23 (목) 00:12 12 Years ago Address
Please provide hospital information and price.
드라이버100M 2012-08-23 (목) 17:53 12 Years ago Address
I also ask for information
뺑아리삐약삐약 2012-08-27 (월) 16:13 12 Years ago Address
Please give me hospital information and cost~ I'm only blind,
텀블러 2012-08-29 (수) 00:55 12 Years ago Address
I read the article very well ㅜㅜ Please give me information too!
hh0013 2012-08-29 (수) 09:36 12 Years ago Address
I'm thinking of reoperation on the cheekbones, but every hospital says I need to have a scalp incision, so I'm worried... The nonunion is severe, so I need a revision surgery, but I'm worried about hair loss ㅠㅠ Could I get a photo of the scalp incision site too... Please also ask for information about the hospital -
dodo0200 Writer 2012-09-02 (일) 09:46 12 Years ago Address
I sent you a note. Sorry for the late reply. I'm so busy these days.. I came in to write. ^^
물한잔 2012-09-04 (화) 17:45 12 Years ago Address
Please give me some information...
dodo0200 Writer 2012-09-04 (화) 19:12 12 Years ago Address
I sent you a note.
뽀뽀뽀오 2012-09-14 (금) 21:37 12 Years ago Address
정보 부탁드려요..ㅎㅎ ^^
truegirl11 2012-09-23 (일) 00:13 11 Years ago Address
글잘쓰신다 ㅎㅎ 저도 정보좀요^^
applegirl1… 2012-10-10 (수) 22:02 11 Years ago Address
병원 정보 좀 주세요~ ^^
멋진대화명 2012-11-01 (목) 14:07 11 Years ago Address
후기가 너무 도움되네요ㅜㅜ저도 정보좀 부탁드립니다
그랑늘~* 2014-02-05 (수) 01:48 10 Years ago Address

저도 정보좀 주세요 ㅠㅠ 지금은 어떠세요?

지워ㅣ니ㅣㄴ 2018-05-25 (금) 11:21 6 Years ago Address
자세한 후기 감사합니다. 지금은 어떠신가요?
Keemboram 2018-06-29 (금) 22:08 6 Years ago Address
뾰로리얌 2021-02-28 (일) 11:25 3 Years ago Address
저도 이곳과 다른대형병원 사이에서 고민중인데 쓴이의글에 조금은 방향이잡히는것같아요 물론 상담은 두군데다 가보고 결정해야겠지만요 도움주셔서 감사합니다^^
리플 2022-03-29 (화) 14:30 2 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
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