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Facial bone job

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20th day of cheekbone square jaw surgery

dodo0200 2012-08-10 (금) 14:11 12 Years ago 4866
I keep getting comments on the post below on the 16th day of cheekbone/square jaw surgery... I'm posting again on the 20th day. I should have sent you a note yesterday, but I was too sleepy after watching it before going to bed, so I just fell asleep. ㅠㅠ Those of you who have decided to get plastic surgery will be waiting for information... I'll write this and go right away to write you a note... I'll write it carefully ^^ Yesterday, for the first time, not to my boyfriend. (My dull boyfriend said I got some Botox and he said it looked like a bun and was cute.. ㅡㅡ; This was the 11th day after surgery) I met my friends.. Yesterday was the 19th day.. I got Botox to my friends (you will definitely see that my angles have disappeared later) When I heard that I had undergone fat grafting (in preparation for the past) (due to swelling... my face would look younger with the cheekbones anyway...), I said it looked like candy bites... and I ended up laughing at the fact that I had fat on my cheeks... It was so amazing... haha, I looked younger . Actually, it's because of my cheekbones... After the cheekbone surgery, the swelling right now is so much that only I can feel it... And thanks to the square jaw surgery, I think I can use the excuse of Botox and avoid a lot of plastic surgery suspicions... I'm so glad~~ Ah. .. I think the surgery went really well. It doesn't swell a lot... Of course, there are no discomforts after the surgery, but it's minimal compared to the joy I enjoy, so I'm enjoying it day by day. The doctor said that the effects of cheekbone surgery will gradually start to look prettier after 3 months, and that it is best to wait 6 months or even a year after the surgery, but I can freely wear baseball caps and headbands due to my cheekbones being gently reduced when viewed from the side right after the surgery. ..I tied my hair up without even looking in the mirror.. It was so nice.. It got better and better, and I found myself smiling even in my sleep. My face wasn't visible from the cheekbones or anything. Overall, I had a big face with the cheekbones under my eyes spreading out to the sides. My cheekbones were in a straight line with the square shape... I always wore my hair down and pulled my long hair out in front to cover up the square eye area. ... After the surgery, I realized that the reason I couldn't slick my hair back and the reason I permed my hair exaggeratedly and puffed it up was all because I was trying to cover up my cheekbones without realizing it. I think I can try straight hair now. Now that I have a cute little cheekbone that matches my small head (my head is small...ㅠㅠ), I feel confident going out as soon as I wash my hair. In the past, I dried my hair hard, applied something to make it puff up, and couldn't go out unless my hairstyle was complete. I wasn't confident... If my hair was tight, my face would look bigger... Anyway, it was all because of the clown... Clown... Woman. If you want to be cute and pretty, first take a good look at the clowns. If you think a clown is okay, just use a square. I asked them to cut off my square jaw just a little bit because I was worried that people would not be able to stand it because I had changed so much... but they cut it long... gently... because of the secondary angle... I had a lot of swelling when the bandage was removed . I felt like my cheekbones and squared off had changed dramatically, so I was worried about how I would handle people's attention once the swelling started to go down, but I think facial surgery is a surgery that changes slowly without anyone noticing. If the facial features had been touched, no excuse would have worked... People remember the facial features, not the entire angle... I asked them to cut a small amount of the square on the morning of the surgery, but I was wondering what would happen if there was no change, so I cut a lot of it in an awkward way. I don't like it, but I'm also worried that there isn't much change. What should I do?' When I asked him about it, he said that it is the cheekbones that determine the overall line of the face, so I safely asked him to cut them to fit the cheekbones nicely and had the surgery. Then, my family doesn't know... After all, what people remember is the facial features~~ (If I had known it would be like this, I should have cut it off more? ^^) Oh my! And I have a friend (he's a guy) that I've known for over 10 years, and he looks like a fox... When I met him and told him he'd had Botox and fat grafting, he said, 'You've changed a bit.' He said, 'Get married before you get to an age where Botox doesn't work.' While I was sighing, the potato said, ‘Huh? He said, ‘It doesn’t seem like you.. You’ve changed a lot.. Was that what Botox was supposed to do?’ I was shocked and said, 'What... is it me...' I didn't know before, but when I look in the mirror over there, it doesn't seem to be you... It looks like it's swollen from the front, but I didn't know much, but I thought it was because of the 45-degree angle reflected in the mirror... Subtly . Are you worried yet happy? I am satisfied because I feel like I am getting prettier every day. Now I'll go down and leave you a message~~ Good things should be shared~~ Everyone, please get surgery quickly. There will be a lot of changes... not only in your face but also in your life...

Comment 30
날아그둣 2012-08-10 (금) 22:22 12 Years ago Address
정보좀주세영 ㅠ
dodo0200 Writer 2012-08-11 (토) 00:14 12 Years ago Address
쪽지 보내드렸습니다~~
위너빌 2012-08-11 (토) 11:57 12 Years ago Address
훈녀프로젝트 2012-08-11 (토) 19:31 12 Years ago Address
후기 잘 읽었어요~ 정보 부탁드릴게요^^
꾸박이 2012-08-12 (일) 00:56 12 Years ago Address
근데.. 저는 사각턱 수술한지 2주 됫는데요.. 하기전이랑 하고난후랑 별 차이가 없는데... 큰 붓기도 다 빠져서, 지금은 얼굴윤곽이 뚜렷하다고 느껴질정도에요. 완벽한 효과는 언제부터 나오는건가요?
dodo0200 Writer 2012-08-12 (일) 21:18 12 Years ago Address
사각턱 수술한지 2주밖에 되지 않았는데 차이가 없을만큼 붓기가 없다구요?
와..입안절개 하셨어요? 전 입안절개했거든요. 상처살이란게 있어서 도저히 그건 불가능할것 같은데..그러면 좋은거 아닌가요?
저도 기다리는 입장이라 언제부터인지는 모르겠지만...
제 스스로는 붕대풀자마자 각이 없어졌다는걸 알겠던데요...근데 붓기때문인지 남들은 잘 몰라요..대부분 서서히 줄어들다 석달이면 사각턱은 붓기도 빠지고 예쁜각 볼수 있다던데 (제가 수술한 병원 후기에서요..) 저는 cd에 수술장면이랑 잘린 뼈 사진 넣어주셨거든요. 뼈사진 보여드릴까요?
꾸박이 2012-08-13 (월) 12:34 12 Years ago Address
전 뼈같은거 안보여주던데ㅠㅠ 세달뒤부터 예쁜각을 볼수있다구요?
마일드김 2012-08-13 (월) 15:39 12 Years ago Address
정보부탁드릴께요 ^^
dodo0200 Writer 2012-08-13 (월) 18:08 12 Years ago Address
네..석달이면 사각턱은 완전히 빛을 보는걸로 알고있습니다. (후기글과 병원홈피 사각턱 모델 사진도 그렇고...)
근데 솔직히 저는 수술직후 바로 알겠더라구요.
그래서 병원가서 제가 '광대도 사각도 서서히 좋아진다더니 이건 누가봐도 '너 성형했지'네요..'하며 걱정하니까 이런분은 또 처음이라며...ㅡㅡ
다들 너무 큰 기대를 했다가 맨처음은 불만족스러워하다..갈수록 나아지니
나중에 후기에다 그동안 귀찮게 해드려 죄송했습니다. 정말 시간이 갈수록 예뻐지네요..뭐 이런글도 봤었거든요.
전 알겠던데...옆에서 45도 각이 확 낮아져서 거울로 곁눈질해서 보는 얼굴선이 달라졌는데..모르다니요..근데 남들은 모르데요..그래서 더 신기신기하다는.. 저느 좋조 뭐...난 만족스럽고 남은 모르니...
그리고 잘린뼈 완전 깨끗합니다. 사진은 여기서 안올려지나요?
컴맹이라.. 수술직후 잘린뼈 봤는데 신기하더라구요. 좀 징그럽기도 했지만
지금 턱끝과 목으로 연결된 곳에 붓기가 있거든요?
고거 눌러서 얼굴 라인 보면 날렵해요... 그 붓기가 사각은 3달정도 걸리고 광대는 안부은것 같은데 서서히 빠져서 3,6,12개월후에 완전히 달라지나보더라구요.
ㄴㅁㅇㄹ;ㅣㅏ 2012-08-13 (월) 18:30 12 Years ago Address
정보부탁드려요!!! 어느 병원에서 얼마에 하셨나요?ㅠ
오로라로즈리 2012-08-15 (수) 19:09 12 Years ago Address
정보 부탁드려요...ㅎ
dodo0200 Writer 2012-08-15 (수) 21:52 12 Years ago Address
nayaiyai 2012-08-16 (목) 14:50 12 Years ago Address
정보 부탁드려요!
드라이버100M 2012-08-23 (목) 17:55 12 Years ago Address
정보 부탁드릴께요
텀블러 2012-08-29 (수) 01:00 12 Years ago Address
정보 꼭부탁드려요 ㅜㅜ
맑은오후 2012-08-30 (목) 01:44 12 Years ago Address
완죤히 2012-08-30 (목) 16:08 12 Years ago Address
근데땡기미 언제까지해야되나요?
20일쯤엔 안해도되요?
dodo0200 Writer 2012-09-02 (일) 09:48 12 Years ago Address
쪽지 남겨드렸습니다.
저는 땡기미 실밥제거하기전날 딱 하루..한 8시간정도 했습니다.
올라가서 글남기며 애기해드릴게요..요즘 저도 궁금한게 생겼거든요. 병원에 물어보고 글을 써야하나싶기도 하고...암튼 지금까진 별무리없이 만족입니다.
lucid 2012-09-08 (토) 00:51 12 Years ago Address
자세한 후기 잘 읽었습니다~~ 수술 고민중인데 병원과 비용관련 정보부탁 드릴게요^^
uyuni 2012-09-24 (월) 16:51 12 Years ago Address
저도 사각턱 정보 꼭 부탁드려용 ㅠㅠ
2012-09-27 (목) 21:14 12 Years ago Address
정보 부탁드립니다~~!
uuoo 2012-09-30 (일) 20:05 12 Years ago Address
제발예뻐지길.... 2012-10-06 (토) 03:52 12 Years ago Address
수술이 잘되셔서 너무 다행이세요!! 저도 정보 꼭 부탁드러요ㅠㅠㅠ
applegirl1… 2012-10-10 (수) 22:08 12 Years ago Address
정보 좀 주세요~^^
daham 2012-10-15 (월) 09:25 12 Years ago Address
너무 부럽습니다... 광대 때문에 스트레스를 너무 받네요 ㅠㅠ 저도 정보좀 부탁드릴게요~~!
칼피 2012-10-31 (수) 14:56 12 Years ago Address
가격이랑 병원정보부탁드립니다.
dodo0200 Writer 2012-10-31 (수) 20:55 12 Years ago Address
쪽지드렸습니다 혹 못받으신분들은 쪽지주세요 그리고 제아이디로 검색하신후 가장 최근글 밑에글남겨주셔야 읽습니다^^
내사너사 2015-06-29 (월) 11:32 9 Years ago Address
저두 정보주세요!! 저 7월 말에 수술해서 8월 말부터 출근인데 붓기가 많이 걱정되네요ㅠㅠㅠ
연임 2015-10-31 (토) 12:48 9 Years ago Address
전지현 2016-05-25 (수) 00:35 8 Years ago Address
저도 정보좀 부탁드릴게요~~
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