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About the square jaw behind the ear...

evae 2010-09-06 (월) 01:44 14 Years ago 5110
I'm writing this because a lot of people seem to be curious . Of course, I did it behind my ears too. I came here before the surgery and read a lot of posts, but I don't think there are any answers that are exactly what I want. Of course, each person is different, right? The things I was most curious about before the surgery were that there was no frontal effect if I put it behind the ear, but it was about whether there was a frontal effect or not, and it was about swelling. I will explain only what I know . First of all, it seems that square jaw surgery that is generally performed in the mouth can be viewed in two major ways . Therefore, the front jaw must be cut in a T-shape and then reattached. Now, it's a square jaw behind the ear. Comparing it with a mouth incision, the square jaw surgery behind the ear can be just matched with the square jaw surgery, and the square jaw surgery behind the ear + filler seems to have a similar effect to the V-line square jaw surgery. In the square jaw surgery behind the ear, if the front jaw is not slim, the front jaw is surgically cut and reattached, and a permanent filler is used instead. Cut it long from the back of the ear to the front, and make a V-line with filler at the end. Is there a big difference in cost, swelling, and risk of surgery? In my view, in terms of cost, normal mouth incision square jaw = square jaw behind the ear + filler So, if the frontal effect is important and you want to save time and money for swelling, you can use a square chin and filler behind the ears. You do this by lifting your muscles upwards. I don't want to make a Dayamond type haha ​​Mmm, the director decides on his own. And the swelling is very different depending on whether the square jaw behind the ear is cut long. Of course, you can go around on the 3rd day, but if you can't, it's better to take it for a week. There were a lot of people who said that the frontal effect wouldn't work if I put it behind my ears, so I was worried a lot. I think the front came out better. I guess it's different for each person. Anyway, it's possible to do the V-line surgery behind the ear enough; I think the advantage is that it is advantageous in terms of cost and swelling .

Comment 8
mypolly 2010-09-07 (화) 12:12 14 Years ago Address
나중에 사진도 올려주세요 예뻐지신모습보고싶네요 그리고 병원이랑 비용정보좀 부탁드려요
오붸이베~ 2010-09-08 (수) 01:32 14 Years ago Address
지금 수술하신지 얼마나 되셨어요?? 얼마 정도 지나고 갸름하고 예뻐지셨어요?
주유린 2010-09-08 (수) 20:59 14 Years ago Address
저는 수술한지 6개월이 지났는데....정면효과는 커녕
얼굴이 더 부어보여요.. 사람들이 살쪘데요..ㅠㅠ 지방흡입도 같이했는데 그 붓기가 안빠진건가?ㅠㅠ
나엉 2010-09-13 (월) 15:00 14 Years ago Address
귀뒤 사각턱은 갈아내는 걸로 알고잇는데,, 아예 잘라내는것도 가능한가요?? 비용은 얼마나 드셨어요?
ssook0620 2010-09-14 (화) 22:42 14 Years ago Address
님`~저도 비용이랑 병원정보좀 부탁드릴께여
evae Writer 2010-09-15 (수) 20:30 14 Years ago Address
쪽지가 안보내집니다..;;; 답장은 되거든요.. 저한테 쪽지를 남겨주세요;;
왜이런건지 몰르겠네요^^;
alsldf 2010-10-08 (금) 09:34 13 Years ago Address
저도 귀뒤사각턱했습니다. 그런데 뒤로 들어가서 수술하는거라 그런지
앞선과 잘 맞지 않아요, 병원에 문의해봐도 기다려보라는 말밖에 업네요.
더군다나 광대는 더 두드러져요ㅠㅠ
ㄴㅁㅇㄹ;ㅣㅏ 2014-01-15 (수) 21:37 10 Years ago Address
정보좀 부탁드려요!
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