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Facial bone job

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Chin Bock Tox is great..

사과나무 2009-07-18 (토) 23:15 15 Years ago 2519
I always got Voxox at the same hospital.. In the neighborhood.... The hospital was closed due to circumstances.. I got a chin at the “v K” plastic surgery clinic in Sinsa-dong. In the past, I had a lot of feeling that the drug was going into the muscle... but how much do you put it in a little and then take it out? It's been swollen for a few days... it's hot, and it's a red mark as if only that part is enticing your hand? Something like this happened .. Only that part has a hot fever.. It goes away after a few days... Now, several months have passed now,,,, sometimes the jaw area is strange... It's painful... It's annoying... .. I always paid 300,000 won.. I'm too reckless here.. Maybe the medicines are different..,,,, I only regret . If you look at it... it has shrunk, but you can feel the jaw muscles... This is Monji,,,,,

Comment 7
tnsqorck 2009-07-19 (일) 21:01 15 Years ago Address
어디서 하셨어용?ㅠㅠ 저도 보톡스 정보 구하고 있는데 피해야겠어용 ㅠ
다이하드 2009-07-19 (일) 23:40 15 Years ago Address
거기 뒷트임땜에 꽤 말많았던 병원인거 같은데 ..휴..어째요..ㅠㅠ
자연미인 2009-07-20 (월) 00:22 15 Years ago Address
어디 병원인가요? 전 뽈록하게 나와서 미칠꺼 같애요 ... 턱보톡스 진짜 이상한데서 맞으면 안될듯 ㅠㅠ 중국제도 많다 하던데 .. ㅠㅠ 님 맞으신곳 어딘가요?
vbarbiev 2009-07-20 (월) 01:20 15 Years ago Address
저 며칠전에 맞았는데 맞고나서도 주사바늘자국이 별로 티도안나고..여드름이좀있어서 별로 티가안나는듯 ㅠㅋㅋ암튼 아프거나 그런거 전혀업던데..한6방씩 맞은거같네요.. 전압구정쪽에서 영국산18주고맞앗어여;
ㅅ ㅑ틴 2009-07-20 (월) 03:46 15 Years ago Address
신사역에서 제일 큰 으리으리한 병원이죠?...
js486 2009-07-20 (월) 10:16 15 Years ago Address
그병원 좀 무성의하죠? 제가아는사람들도 다른걸로 그병원갔었는데 역시나 무성의하다고... 바쁘다고 대충봐주는느낌?
에비타82 2009-07-22 (수) 10:58 15 Years ago Address
흠... 역쉬 보톡스는 아닌가 봐요..ㅠㅠ 상담 들어보니 보톡스는 6개월 있다가 또 맞아야 한다던데.. 이론이론... 에휴..
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