It's been about 3 weeks since I got Botox.
I didn't chew hard things (gum, squid) because I was told not to.
Around the 3rd week, I liked meat, so I cut the meat into
pieces and chewed it. It feels weird if you get a slight bite when you first get it.
It's been 3 weeks now, and I haven't felt that way for a while, and then I don't chew anymore, but I feel that way even when I
sit still. I have a long face, and it's a bit square, so I went to the dentist and they said it would be okay to get Botox.
After the Botox treatment, gum, squid, etc. Can I eat regular food except for hard foods?
I keep getting this strange feeling like it was the first time. Doesn't this mean my chin is getting bigger?
Please give me a good answer