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Facial bone job

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I came to see the progress todayㅋ

마츠우라아야♡ 2008-12-24 (수) 02:26 15 Years ago 2133
If you only go to Seongye Temple, you can't space the text, so it's hard to read ㅠㅠ Sorry!!! ㅠ--------------------- It's been exactly 18 days since I had my cheekbones fixed. I just came to check the progress and I think the consultation lasted about 5 minutes ㅠㅠ They said I don't need to press on my cheekbones anymore, and that the surgery went well,,,,, I wasn't happy with my cheekbones,, I asked because it didn't seem to go in as much as I thought, and they said it was just the scars and swelling and that it would go away smoothly in a little while. I really hope that's true ㅋㅋㅋ By the way, I wonder when my stiff facial muscles will relax ㅎㅎㅎ It's been over 2 weeks but it's still unnatural and uncomfortable when I smile ㅋㅋ At first, it was completely smooth because of the swelling, but now it's similar to my face before the surgeryㅎ Of course, my cheekbones went in a lot ㅎㅎ But I'm greedy and wish that they would go in a little moreㅠ I'll upload a picture in exactly one month ㅋㅋ I'm not satisfied yet,ㅎ Anyway, I came back to see the progress but I'm sad that you didn't say anything ㅠㅠㅠIt's hard to go all the way to Seoul-_-,,, ,,ㅊ Anyway, the swelling under my chin isn't going down at all ㅠ I look like I'm totally obsessed with chubby cheeks ㅠㅠI think I suffer more mentally after getting facial surgery than during it -ㅅ-, I wish time would pass quickly ㅠㅠㅠ

Comment 11
두성이 2008-12-24 (수) 09:53 15 Years ago Address
으윽;;;;;;수고하셨어요;;;;;;의사들 다 말하죠;;;; 수술 잘됐다고;;;ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 전 예전얼굴좀 되찾고 싶어요ㅜㅁ ㅜ.... 정말 해도해도 너무 부웠음 끄윽..ㅜㅜ
ggaaabbaa! 2008-12-24 (수) 12:15 15 Years ago Address
아 ㅠ.ㅠ 수고하셨어여 ㅠ.ㅠ 그래도 마츠님은 밝아 보이네여 ㅠ.ㅠ 전 효과를 못본거같아 넘 속상합니다 ㅠㅠ 붓기가 빠지기는 하는데 예전이랑 똑같거나 더 나온거같아요 ㅠㅠ. ㄴ어엉 두성씨는 수술결과 어떻게 나오셨나 궁금한여 ㅠ.ㅠ 후기좀 올려주세여 ㅋㅋ
ggaaabbaa! 2008-12-24 (수) 13:12 15 Years ago Address
마츠님 근데 경과보러가면 엑스레이전후 사진같은 객관적인 자료 보여주나여 ? 아님 그냥 의사샘 이 주관적으로 이정도면 됐따 하나여 ? 답글 기다릴꼐여 !! ㅠ.ㅠ
초슬림 2008-12-24 (수) 13:54 15 Years ago Address
마츠우라아야♡ Writer 2008-12-24 (수) 15:57 15 Years ago Address
엑스레이 찍어달라니까,,ㅠ찍어도 별로 확인할게없다고 안찍어주시드라고요-ㅅ-;;;쳇,,저도 왼쪽뼈가 부스럭 거려요 ㅋㅋㅋ그래도 처음보단 덜하니까,, 곧 쏘옥 붙을거라고 믿는중ㅠㅠ근데 광대에 있는 붓기 점점빠져요, 저도 몇일전엔 되게불안했는데 지금은 좀 매끈하게빠졌어요 ㅎ 더빠질거라는 긍정적인 생각을갖고 기다리는중이에요 ㅎ
마츠우라아야♡ Writer 2008-12-24 (수) 15:59 15 Years ago Address
글고 광대누르지 말랫는데 ㅠ 혹시나 다시나올까하는 조바심에 계속 습관적으로 누르게되네요-_-;;;;,,,,별탈없겟죠?ㅜㅜ
꾸룸구루미 2008-12-24 (수) 16:01 15 Years ago Address
저도 담달에 하려는데...병원 정보좀 주세요,,,,저도 비고정으로 하고시포요,,,
두성이 2008-12-24 (수) 18:18 15 Years ago Address
전 누르면 소리가 나긴 나는데... 약간 부스륵 소리이고 거의 소리 안나던데요... 으으으으으으.... 전에 간호사가 그러는데 어느분은 옆광대 너무 눌러서... 45도 광보다 들어가서 애먹었다고-_-;
초슬림 2008-12-24 (수) 22:12 15 Years ago Address
김쎈스 2008-12-26 (금) 23:20 15 Years ago Address
김수빈ㄴ 2008-12-27 (토) 11:02 15 Years ago Address
글 쓰실때~
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