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Facial bone job

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About high-frequency square jaw surgery....

나도크고싶다규 2007-09-10 (월) 14:25 17 Years ago 2409
hello. It has been about 5 to 6 years since I had square jaw surgery. But just because I shaved my bones, it doesn't mean that I would necessarily become slimmer... I got cheekbones and a square jaw at the same time. At first, I thought my face had gotten a lot smaller... but now a few years later, the side profile is slimmer, but the front profile doesn't look like someone who had surgery at all... Of course, it's a lot better than before. It seems like the muscles have grown again... When I bite my molars tightly, the muscles pop out on both sides. When viewed from the front, the shape of my face looks like a pentagon, so it bothers me... Even if I take a picture, it looks like that... I guess the muscles have grown again. I think this is what happened... I should have taken good care of myself after the surgery... I really like gum, squid, octopus legs, etc... so I guess I chewed it too much... ㅠㅠ These days, there are high-frequency and mid-frequency surgeries as well . ..Is that really effective? Now that I've shaved off the bones, I just need to remove the muscles. I was thinking about getting Botox... but I'm scared because it's not permanent, not only because of the cost, but also because I think it'll look weird if I get it often... They say high frequency is permanent... I need to find out now which hospital is good at it... ㅠㅠ Where can anyone who has had it done do it? Please give me information about whether you had it done and how much it cost... And for those of you who had facial contouring surgery... It's not the end after the surgery... You should never chew hard things for a long time and you need to maintain it regularly... That way, after a few years, you will look like me. I don't think I'll ever have to think like this again... If you know anything about radiofrequency, please contact me~ I contacted a plastic surgery clinic earlier, and they said that radiofrequency treatment causes severe swelling for two weeks and recommended Botox...what is the answer? You know... Botox can be permanent if you get it twice. But that may not be the case for everyone, and I'm really worried... When I look at someone's face, he's in his 40s, and his face is lumpy and really ugly... I wonder if it's a side effect of Botox... Oh, what should I really do... .

Comment 7
짱짱구 2007-09-10 (월) 15:15 17 Years ago Address
고주파에 대해서는 잘 모르고요 죄송^^ 예전에 수술하셨던 병원이 어떻게 되요?사람한명 살리는 셈 치고 답변부탁드릴께요..
나도크고싶다규 Writer 2007-09-10 (월) 17:11 17 Years ago Address
아쉽지만 제가 수술한 병원은 지금 없어졌어요....그 원장샘이 다른 병원에 다른 분들이랑 같이 새로운 병원을 개업하셨나 보더라구요..병원은 쪽지로 알려드릴께요..
mayra 2007-09-11 (화) 18:02 17 Years ago Address
제 친구가 했었는데 부기 적어도 한달은 생각하셔야 할거예요. 그리고 그 붓는 정도가 어마어마하게 붓구요...
뽀샤 2007-09-11 (화) 22:04 17 Years ago Address
저는 보톡스 추천할께요,,제가 두 번 맞았는데요 효과 조아요^^영구적이지 않다해도 예전만큼은 안 돌아가는 것 같구요,,위험부담없이 간단하니까 일단 보톡스 먼저 맞아보심이 어쩔지 싶네요
나도크고싶다규 Writer 2007-09-12 (수) 10:31 17 Years ago Address
헉 그렇군요...이건 머 턱을 깍아내도 이렇게 걱정을 하고 살아야 하다니...슬플따름입니다. ㅠㅠ 보톡스 맞을곳을 알아봐야겠군요..추천부탁드려요~
ㅋㅋㅇㅋ 2007-09-15 (토) 14:32 17 Years ago Address
고주파 영구적이란말 다 거짓말인것같더라구요. 어느 양심적인 성형외과에 질문해봤더니 그저 말그대로 근육을 축소하는거라고 하네요.그래서 시간이 지나면 다시 근육이 원래대로 돌아간다고 하네요. 중주파는 잘 모르겠지만 중주파 최초병원이라는 성형외과에서는 영구적이다! 라고 하긴하는데 .. 그리고 보톡스도 영구적이란말 누가했는지 모르지만 절대 믿지마세요
후... 2007-09-16 (일) 19:46 17 Years ago Address
차라리 보톡스를맞고 무턱을하심이..그럼 갸름해질듯..
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