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Ajumma’s Amazing Square Jaw Botox Experience Review~

무뼈닭발 2007-04-17 (화) 04:04 17 Years ago 3539
I am an ordinary woman with a middle school daughter who has lived without even knowing what Botox is. Coincidentally, two months ago, my mother said she wanted to get Botox because she had a lot of wrinkles on her face. A friend of mine found a Botox specialist hospital through Sungyesa here, so I went to a hospital in Seoul with my mother... Director Sam is my mother . While explaining about Botox for forehead wrinkles and eye wrinkles, he looked at my face and advised me to get Botox because I have a lot of jaw muscles and a very square jaw. I knew that there was no treatment other than chin surgery because my chin was so big . I was so scared that I gave up, but it turns out that it can be easily solved with Botox!! At first, she was reluctant and did not easily believe these words, but her mother was very satisfied with the Botox treatment at the hospital, and because the director, Sam, trusted her and recommended it with confidence, she pretended to be deceived once and got Botox. I didn't really notice it at first, but after a month, it seemed like my facial fat was slowly disappearing, and now, after 2 months, I can't believe how amazing it is that the corners of my square jaw have become slimmer, as if they were shaved off. ^^ With just one Botox injection, I looked like a celebrity who had plastic surgery. Every time I see a face that has changed so much, I feel like I am possessed by magic. I was told that the cheap Botox was a European product, and I was very happy that my face could become this small for just 300,000 won. I was relieved that there were no side effects or discomfort, so I plan to continue getting Botox in the future. I would like to recommend Botox to people with large jaw muscles as it will be very effective. If I get a chance, I will upload a photo to the photo room.

Comment 18
Mrs조 2007-04-17 (화) 08:50 17 Years ago Address
ㅊㅋㅊㅋ....정보좀 부탁드려요~~^^*
동안이조아 2007-04-17 (화) 09:47 17 Years ago Address
정보 부탁드려요!
꼬리리 2007-04-17 (화) 11:13 17 Years ago Address
정말요??정보 주세요...
지우네스 2007-04-17 (화) 23:45 17 Years ago Address
효과보셨다니 추카드려요.. 보톡스정보부탁해요.. 병원등등....
커피빈조아 2007-04-18 (수) 16:26 17 Years ago Address
저두 정보 주세요~
블루카이 2007-04-19 (목) 08:46 17 Years ago Address
정말 축하드려요~~잘되셨네요
은댕 2007-04-19 (목) 17:24 17 Years ago Address
햬&#… 2007-04-19 (목) 20:14 17 Years ago Address
저도 정보좀 주세요 ~
꾸리꾸리꾸리꾹 2007-04-20 (금) 13:58 17 Years ago Address
얌코 2007-04-20 (금) 15:24 17 Years ago Address
답글을 달기 전에 글쓴이를 배려하는 마음을 가집시다.
얌코 2007-04-20 (금) 15:25 17 Years ago Address
저도 고민중인데 병원정보좀 주세여~꼭여~
웃는얼굴은 다예뻐~ 2007-04-20 (금) 20:59 17 Years ago Address
저도 정보좀 부탁드려요~~
sweet 2007-04-21 (토) 04:55 17 Years ago Address
저도 정보 부탁드려요~!!!
아뵤오걸 2007-04-21 (토) 12:02 17 Years ago Address
님 정보 부탁드려요~~^^하하
굿 2007-04-21 (토) 14:21 17 Years ago Address
정보 꼭 부탁드립니다 ^^ 쪽지보냈어용
음냐냐냐냐~ 2007-04-21 (토) 21:38 17 Years ago Address
전형적인 홍보글문체..흠..
너도나도이뻐지자 2007-04-22 (일) 14:45 17 Years ago Address
토나올라고 해요 너무 홍보글,,
대박기원 2007-04-23 (월) 23:01 17 Years ago Address
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