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Facial bone job

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Must read!!! For those who are going to undergo chin surgery... be sure to read it...

낭만파 2007-01-17 (수) 21:36 17 Years ago 3006
I wrote a post below asking me to ask, and a lot of people gave me a note... But most of them have the same questions, so I'm writing this here. I am a person who has had a chin osteotomy for 6 months. I'll write what I know about the chin osteotomy 1. Is chin osteotomy the easiest operation among the facial bones? -> It may be the easiest during facial contouring surgery, but it is by no means an easy operation. It's more of what hospitals say to entice their patients. Chin osteotomy is a difficult operation that requires an incision in the muscle and avoids nerves. 2. Before undergoing a chin osteotomy, please judge whether you have a small chin or not..(vertical length of the chin) or if the chin is not small. This is not small.. If the chin is retracted from the mouth, the result of jaw osteotomy is often not good. Think about what your face will look like when the mouth and chin come out... And if the length of the chin is long but the chin is not protruding and the chin is deeply indented, shorten the length of the jawbone and pull it out. 3. If you cut the tip of the jaw and pull it forward when performing a chin osteotomy, the result will be much better, but if you cut the tip of the jaw bone, the cut bone will die. This will cut the middle of the jawbone. In other words, not the tip of the chin, but the middle of the chin as well. Doctors with many skills and experience will moderately grind the protruding part of the middle of the chin. The hospital where I operated on does not seem to know this. 4. When fixing the cut jawbone, usually use a titanium fixing plate or use a wire or an absorbent fixing plate. . 2) Titanium fixing plate -> It is used the most because it is easy to operate. But..usually, a fixing plate is used in the center of the chin. Then, it is difficult to properly grind the middle part of the chin mentioned above, so it is easy to create a strange-shaped chin with the middle part of the chin protruding. The chin looks pretty when the tip of the chin protrudes slightly... And there is an inconvenience that it has to be removed if the bone attaches later. It has to be removed so the center of the chin protrudes... 3) Wire -.> The shape of the chin after surgery In terms of it, it is the best. But it is tricky to use. It is difficult to balance left and right. It is said that a lot of the skill of a doctor is required. 5. Side effects of chin osteotomy and chin surgery 1) Facial fat loss. -> It depends on individual differences and the skill of the doctor, but there are a lot of people who say they look old because they have lost a lot of facial fat. As the chin protrudes forward, the skin tightens and the cheeks are often seen. 2) When the tip of the chin or the center of the chin comes out...the middle part of both ends of the chin...that is, the lower part of both ends of the lips... looks relatively receding. This makes a person look quite old. Think about it.. The tip of the chin and the center come out from the front... What would it look like if the part where the chin and cheek met was depressed... 3) Problems with the sensation of the lips... -> At both ends of the middle of the chin, that is, the lower part of both ends of the lips, there is one hole on each side for the nerves to exit. Chin osteotomy inevitably requires an incision in the muscle just below the lip in front of the chin... Also, when an incision is made between the lower gums and lips for surgery and the flesh is spread, the nerves mentioned above are slightly stretched. It's natural. Whether a saw or a laser device enters the skin, you have to spread the flesh to go in and cut the bone.... At this time, the nerves may be slightly damaged. And since the muscles under the lips are also incised...the nerves in the muscles will also be damaged...so the lips will lose sensation for a while. Usually, hospitals say that this is 100% recovery, but there are people who have not experienced 100% recovery from jaw osteotomy and it takes a lot of time to recover. It's been 6 months since my surgery, but my senses are still not perfect. The general consensus is that 90-95 percent recovery is common. It is said that if the sensation after surgery does not recover even after a year or so, it should be given up. "Isn't there anything special about living?" There are also dog-like doctors who want to jump over. The nerve part is an important part that depends a lot on the skill of the doctor. 4) Skin problems -.> Many people see facial contouring surgery easily . After the swelling subsides, the skin often loses elasticity, such as wrinkles appearing on the skin. It gets better with time... but the stress is considerable. I also didn't get my skin anywhere... One of the things I regret the most after chin surgery is that my skin has deteriorated. First of all, it is what I remember. I'll post other things when I think of them again. One thing I would like to ask you is...don't look at the chin surgery too easily. There are some who have succeeded, but there are also many who have failed. The jawbone osteotomy requires a lot of precision from the doctor and... compared to the impression that it gets better if it succeeds... it's a big surgery that gets worse if it fails. Please think carefully and think about it only when you can't fix it with orthodontic treatment or fat injection. If it doesn't work , you can remove the implants. If you have any other questions, please send me a note... Never go to the stupid and incompetent hospital where I operated... Please go to the anti-plasty mask next time (Hanmail). Please be careful and be careful with your knife.

Comment 2
대박기원 2007-01-22 (월) 23:27 17 Years ago Address
It's been 8 years since I've had chin surgery, and I'm living well without such side effects .
낭만파 Writer 2007-01-23 (화) 00:52 17 Years ago Address
The implant shovel is much better... I can't do osteotomy...
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