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Facial bone job

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6 months after cheekbone surgery...

브루마 2006-09-14 (목) 19:15 18 Years ago 2134
It's been a long time since I've been here... I had surgery to push my lateral cheekbones in early March of this year... I was very anxious in the beginning... The swelling went down faster than expected, but I felt like my bones were lifting, and when I lay on my side or chew, it felt like a stabbing pain. , the feeling of crackling when I pressed it with my hand continued for about 4 months... It seemed to be more so on the left side than the right... I was very worried that my cheeks would sag... (Actually, I'm still not completely relieved.) But After about 5 months, I started to feel like my bones were completely united. Even when I lie down, I don't feel like my bones are pulling, and I don't hear any noise when I touch them. There's no problem at all when I chew. At first, when the swelling had lessened, my face actually gained weight. It seemed like there was a lot of fat on my face, but over time, the skin on my face cleared up on its own. I had Botox on my cheekbones and chin at the same time, so my overall facial contour became softer than before. Of course, since my head itself was large, it didn't become too small or something like that, but I should say that because my cheekbones got smaller, the fierce feeling on my face decreased. In the past, the side beams protruded a lot, so when I let my hair down, the side glow was more emphasized and my impression looked very strong. But now, I have let my hair down in a bun, but my impression seems to have become much softer, so I am personally satisfied. I had a wedding at the end of August, and the bridal makeup may have had an effect, but my friends were amazed that my face had become half as big. Everyone thought I had lost weight. (In fact, there was no change in my weight at all.) If your face gets smaller, it definitely makes you look like you have lost weight . It seems like the bones are well together and as of now, I don't have any major complaints because I wanted an overall natural line rather than expecting a dramatic effect. Sometimes, when I see cheekbone surgery online, it seems good at first, but after 3-4 years it doesn't seem to work. I heard that it definitely causes sagging cheeks.. I heard that some people have facial paralysis.. My heart sinks when I read something like this.. If you send a consultation message to specialists, it won't happen.. They say it's safe, but.. I told someone who sells medicine. If you ask me if there are any problems with the medicine, who would tell me about the side effects in advance? I already had the surgery... I just want to feel at ease... Who would do cheekbone surgery if it was a surgery that would 100% cause sagging cheeks... Those of you who had the surgery, don't worry too much... However, you shouldn't relax too much. Facial contouring surgery is a major surgery that touches the bones, so it is said that the contour will gradually settle over the course of a year, so take good care of it, be careful, and wait with a positive mind. If you didn't get surgery from a quack and you don't have any problems with your constitution, like me, the problems that bothered you will be sorted out one by one in about 6 months. I'm not particularly good at taking care of myself , but ... I slept carelessly and pressed my palm against it... haha ​​I even put it away after a month...) I think it's important to have a positive attitude... If you don't feel at ease, consult with the surgeon in charge. Well... There are a lot of people who inquire about the surgery cost or the hospital via message, but I'm sorry, but I can't reply to them all... I'm so busy that I don't get many messages... I couldn't even think about it because I got so many messages... I said it was a good hospital. I think it's difficult to say that it's right for professionals. I think it would be better to look into several places (famous for facials), get specific consultation, and do it at the place you think is most suitable. I sincerely hope you get good results.

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