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Facial bone job

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About 6 months of cheekbones..

타라 2006-05-21 (일) 15:15 18 Years ago 1772
Even now, it is still swelling. Damn, I haven't seen a friend since the surgery. How long will this be like this... Of course, I did the surgery without telling my parents. I had no idea the swelling could be this bad. ㅠㅠ However, there seems to be no perfect crime.. After avoiding meeting her mother with all kinds of excuses, in the end, it seems that her mother's sprain is something. You said you came right away. In the end, Lee Shiljikgo.. Why am I living in the world? Why are you doing such a surgery because of where you are? Cursing I've been eating too much until now. I also did a square chin. Her chin was slightly asymmetrical, and one of her chins was a little overdeveloped. The clown wasn't too bad.. Excessive greed.. Stop it.. She did it.. Mom doesn't know how big it is. I know she's the size of her chin.. But the problem is that this clown should be fine without any side effects, but I 'd rather live... My right side hurts so much. When I touch it .. when I lightly press it with her hand, it hurts strangely. By the way, since I had surgery in a foreign country, there was no time to ask questions, and I went to an orthopedic surgeon to get X-rays, and it was a spectacle. How many screws did you put in? There was really no Frankenstein . with melancholy. How much does it cost to undergo a thorough examination at a plastic surgeon? It's not covered by insurance, so carrots must be expensive . It's really bad.. If the cheekbone surgery isn't severe, it's absolutely not worth it. The swelling is unimaginable.

Comment 14
핑키걸 2006-05-21 (일) 15:50 18 Years ago Address
Sir... Reoperation. Don't make an incision in your mouth, do it with your scalp.. You can get sagging cheeks due to the dents made wrong... TT.TT Bad guys...Why are you screwing it in a robot,,,,..TT.TT I was a clown 3 days ago I had a chin with my chin... because of the swelling at home.. I'm dead.. Don't take it even if you say Ace there.. I'm good at revision surgery, so go and find out about it... TT.TT
똥굴이누나 2006-05-22 (월) 00:41 18 Years ago Address
I'm curious...does the screw come in when you push it in? And are you pushing these days? are you going to cut it? I think it's optional, but which way is better? I'd appreciate it if you could tell me the pros and cons.
타라 Writer 2006-05-22 (월) 00:50 18 Years ago Address
It seems to depend on the patient's clown condition. By the way, if you go to the homepage of Dr. Yang Doo-byeong, it is helpful because there is specific information. I only read it today. You can find it by going to the Angelim homepage.
mk.불면증 2006-05-22 (월) 04:21 18 Years ago Address
I also went to a big hospital to treat my wisdom tooth, but the doctor Sam asked what kind of operation he had because of the naked iron core. He had no choice but to have cheekbone surgery, but he was so embarrassed ;; If you take an X-ray, Danah will come~~ If you investigate, Danah will come. Damn it
핑키걸 2006-05-22 (월) 08:09 18 Years ago Address
Gulkoonyo...As expected, the investigation is over....TT.TT Damn it....TT.TT There is no perfect crime...
꿈속에서 2006-05-22 (월) 13:32 18 Years ago Address
ㅋㅋ Insomnia-nim is so funny ^^* If you research it, it will come out`~ㅋ
황태자비 2006-05-22 (월) 13:54 18 Years ago Address
타라님..해외어디여?전 태국에서 했거든여 나사박았단 소리는 못들었는데 님만 그런건가여? 6개월인데 아직도 아프다니 전 두달 됐습니다 걱정마니 됩니다 광대턱은 안아픈데 코가조금아프고 치아가 아픕니다. 님힘내세여. 글고 병원다녀오심 답변 부탁합니다
의심신고 누적으로 ID가 자동 정지된 회원입니다.
똥굴이누나 2006-05-22 (월) 17:33 18 Years ago Address
글쿤요...조사하면 다 나오는군요..ㅋㅋ
타라님 정보 감사합니다~
아푸지말고 예뻐지길 빌께요..
이렇게 아픈건 동정심도 못 사고...날짜 잡아 놓고는 요즘 웰케 제 얼굴이 이뻐보이져??ㅋㅋ
무서우니깐 미쳐가나봐요..ㅋ

타라 Writer 2006-05-23 (화) 01:21 18 Years ago Address
흠...광대 정말 신중히 생각하세요..ㅠㅠ
붓기빠지면 이뻐지겠지만 지금은 온니 수술 잘못안됐기만을 바라고 있거든요.
그리고 저는 태국서 했는데..나사박는다는 소리는 저도 못들었는데..
우리나라성형홈피보니깐 광대가 아주 심하게 나온사람의경우 나사박는데요.근데 저는 광대넣는거 의사가 비추했거든요. 근데도..나사를....젠장...
진짜 완전 범죄는 안돼여. 특히 광대는요...그나저나 아파서 불안해죽겠어요..ㅠ
rhaud11 2006-05-23 (화) 01:25 18 Years ago Address
나사밖으면 계속그상태로있는거에요?~~
만약부작용이라면 그 1년재수술그거안되나요?
캬캬캬 2006-05-23 (화) 03:36 18 Years ago Address
6개월이나 지났는데 붓기가 있나요?
광대 성형 자체가 문제가 아니고 제가 볼 땐 병원 선택이
중요한데 그걸 넘 가볍게 생각한 건 아닌지요?
아직도 아프시면 엑스레이 찍은 거 들고 재수술병원 한번
방문해보세요.재수술도 운이 좋을 경우 해서 효과를 그나마
볼 수 있지만 그렇지 않으면....재수술해도 부작용을 완전 해소할 수
주댕뽀샤시 2006-05-25 (목) 14:36 18 Years ago Address
성형수술 특히 안면윤곽같이 수술후에도 긴밀하게 병원과 연락을 취해야 하는 수술은,, 외국에서 하면 안될거 같아요~!! 광대수술은 수술후 반드시 엑스레이로 찍어서 어디서 봐도 제대로 된 수술을 해야죠!!,,
타라 Writer 2006-05-25 (목) 16:57 18 Years ago Address
슬램 2006-05-25 (목) 18:29 18 Years ago Address
얀h병원에서 하신건가요? 저도 그 병원 생각하고 있는데...쩝..불안하네요..
ㅠ.ㅠ 힘내시구요....쪽지주세요
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