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Facial bone job

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Ahahaha I'm posting a review for the first time in a week.

성형미인 2006-05-19 (금) 01:05 18 Years ago 1141
I can finally laugh. Until yesterday, I really felt like I was going to die, but this guy's swelling is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Hopefully, I took a walk today and took turns taking a half bath. Wow !!!!!!!!!!!!! It 's half as much as yesterday.... It's a little more swollen than before... Wow...I didn't know it would make this effect. Haha But I still have sore lower teeth~~~ Is this normal?? ??? It's not that I'm nervous. I'm worried.... You guys should take a walk and take a half bath too. I really recommend it.!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comment 5
핑키걸 2006-05-19 (금) 05:54 18 Years ago Address
I'm not sore, it hurts, my teeth are... Am I far away?
예뻐질꺼거덩 2006-05-19 (금) 10:33 18 Years ago Address
Tooth pain is scary and scary... How painful is a toothache... How long do these symptoms last...
캬캬캬 2006-05-19 (금) 22:09 18 Years ago Address
반신욕이 그렇게 좋군요...왜 난 그 당시 그 생각을 못했을까.... 붓기는 시간이 약이긴 하지만 노력하면 조금은 더 빠지죠. 날로날로 이뻐지실테니 기대감갖고 인내하세요^^
파랭이 2006-05-20 (토) 01:35 18 Years ago Address
치통은 사람마다 다른데 어떤분은 4개월까지...어떤분은 2달까지...뭐 이렇게 글 올라왔던거 기억나요.
likemyself 2006-05-20 (토) 13:40 18 Years ago Address
저도 아랫이는 시려요~ 저는 오늘로 11일째 되는데염..앞턱까지 해서 좀 많이 부었어여~ 저도 온찜질하고 산책좀하니 이제 눈에 보이게 빠지더라구여..
그래도 아직 퉁퉁합니다~^^;
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