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Facial bone job

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I posted this on January 3rd ^^

이별 2006-01-11 (수) 20:01 18 Years ago 966
I posted this on January 3rd and said I didn't have a computer at home so I could reply, but a week passed and they said they didn't use it ㅜ.ㅜ It's a friend's house, but I don't have any friends, so I'm posting secretly. Ah, this miserable reality. It's already been 40 days today, but the swelling still hasn't improved. Everyone's posts Thank you for posting it. It really helped me. ^^ Someone who has tried it knows how it feels. I went to the hospital yesterday and every time I go to the hospital, I get depressed because of the swelling, so they said that if I come tomorrow, they will do an ultrasound or something. That will help the swelling go down. He was a bit condescending to me, but other hospitals don't do it. Anyway, it doesn't work, so I didn't say anything good, but I never said anything bad. Anyway, every time I go to the hospital, I know that it's useless to say it a hundred times until the swelling goes down, so I always keep a straight face ㅡㅡ; I know that the swelling will continue to go down for about 3 to 6 months, but I've been hanging out in a corner of the house recently, and I met two friends, and they asked me why my face was so swollen, and they asked if it was painful somewhere, and they said it was bigger than my previous face... And one of my friends also lost weight. Why is it so bad? I shouldn't listen to it, but when I see pictures of people who had successful surgeries and people whose swelling has gone down, I worry that the surgery I spent all my money on might not be effective. I wonder if it would have been better if I had gone to another hospital instead of this hospital. I was watching Seven Days a few days ago and it was like that. They say that worrying is the reason why people who had plastic surgery and got it wrong go to a psychiatrist. Of course, it's not that the surgery was done wrong, but if it doesn't work, doesn't that mean they did something wrong? Anyway, the wound is healing well and the mouth opening seems to be getting better, but this guy's face is trying to get smaller. .It's really hard to see when the effect will take effect. Like you said, time is really short, but the reason I'm more anxious is because I have to spend all my savings and go to work, but I can't work because of the damn swelling, and I don't have any money. I think it's because of that . .sob

Comment 12
완죤이쁭… 2006-01-11 (수) 21:19 18 Years ago Address
힘내세요~~저도 짐 붓기땜에 아주 죽을맛이랍니다 ~~ㅠ.ㅠ 정말 시간이 약인거 같아요~님도 빨리 붓기빠지셨으면 좋겠어요`^^전 호박죽 먹고 있는데 님도 호박즙이나 그런거 드셔보세요~
이별 Writer 2006-01-11 (수) 21:56 18 Years ago Address
호박즙저도 초기에는 먹었답니다 ㅜ.ㅜ 근데 그다지 효과를. .님은 얼마나대셨나요?
완죤이쁭… 2006-01-11 (수) 22:54 18 Years ago Address
전 월욜날 1시에 수술해서 지금 3일째네요~~저도 입술 아래 엄청 부어서 지금 말형상을 하고 있습니다~~~~~
완죤이쁭… 2006-01-11 (수) 22:54 18 Years ago Address
아참 저는 무턱 수술햏ㅆ어요~~위에 글 남겼어요 후기요~
캬캬캬 2006-01-12 (목) 00:32 18 Years ago Address
턱 광대 하신거예요? 아님 광대만? 아님 턱? 어디를 했건 틀림없이 수술로 줄인 건 맞을텐데... 예전 얼굴과 다를 거예요. 지금은 붓기 때문에 윤곽이 안드러나서 그렇지 꼭 달라지긴 했을 거예요. 같을리가 있나요. 줄였는데... 그러니 기다려보세요.
오린지 2006-01-12 (목) 07:42 18 Years ago Address
많이 돌아다니세요...반신욕도 하시구요.
이별 Writer 2006-01-12 (목) 09:39 18 Years ago Address
턱이랑 광대요 틀림없이 줄기야 줄었겠죠 근데 저는 턱은 삐죽해지고싶어서 한거였거든요 작고 갸름해지고 싶어서요 상담받을때 병원마다 안하는게좋을꺼라구 했는데 잘댄님들 사진봄 제가 안가본 병원이라서 후회두 대구.. 암튼 그렇습니다 당연히 햇는데 효과야 있겠죠 근데 그효과가 어느정도인지에 따라서..
사각은 아니여서 당연히 눈에 보이는 효과는 적겠지만 저는 그렇거든요 그렇게 얼굴이 큰편은 아니였지만 작아지고 싶어서 한거였는데.. 효과가 제가 생각했던 만큼 없을까봐야요 그래서 병원선택할때도 고민도 많이 했고 걱정도 많이 햇거든요 ㅜㅜ.
이별 Writer 2006-01-12 (목) 09:42 18 Years ago Address
반신욕이 좋은건 알았지만 근데 저는 저번에 한번하구났더니 하구나서 더붓는 느낌이 들길래 안했거든요 그리고 궁금한게 있는데요 계속 붓기가1년까지도 빠진다고했는데 그안에 일상생활하잖아요 모 술도먹구...그래도 붓기는 계속빠지나요?그렇다구 1년동안 술도안먹구 사회생활안할수 없잖아요?
글구 안면윤곽하구나서 다른수술하면 안대는건지..
캬캬캬 2006-01-12 (목) 15:56 18 Years ago Address
안면윤곽하고나서 다른수술해도 되요. 부분마취 수면마취 그런 수술요. 전신마취는 금방하면 몸에 무리오니까 좀 기다렸다 하는게 좋은데, 왠만하면 하지마세요.
wing 2006-01-13 (금) 01:34 18 Years ago Address
호박즙, 호박죽, 호박밥, 호박셀러드 다 도움되구요, 반신욕 매일 하시구요, 산책도 꼭 매일하세요.. 효과 있으실꺼예요 넘 걱정마시구요 긍정적으로 생각하시구요 술은 되도록 드시지 마세요..
wing 2006-01-13 (금) 01:35 18 Years ago Address
안면윤곽 후에 실밥뽑은 후라면 다른 수술 가능하다고 들었어요^^
이별 Writer 2006-01-13 (금) 20:18 18 Years ago Address
그렇군요 병원선택하기전에 병원마다 그러셨거든요 그거깍고 돈받기고 그렇다구 하지말라고 ㅜ.ㅜ 한원장님은 차라리 눈코랑 귀족을 하면 얼굴이 더작아보일꺼라구 그말을 들을꺼했나 하는 그런생각까지 이제는 든답니다 ㅜ.ㅜ
오늘은 그래서많이 돌아당겼어요ㅜㅜ
근데 제가 하는일이 술을 먹어야하는일을 해야할수도 잇거든요 참고루 이상하게 생각하시지말구요 무슨술집이라든가 그게아니고 ..그래서정말 걱정이랍니다 앞으로 일을해야하는데 술먹으면 당연히 얼굴부을테고ㅜ.ㅡ
그렇다고 일을 안할수도 잇구 정말 제가 욕심이 컸나하는생각까지들고 다른병원에서 할껄하는생각도 자꾸들어요 암튼 님들 글이 정말 힘이네요^^
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