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Facial bone job

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I'm still in the hospital

아이다 2005-09-21 (수) 19:06 19 Years ago 1756
This is the person who wrote before that it could be this painful. In early August, I had chin and cheekbone surgery, and my chin got inflamed, so my cheeks were very swollen and painful. . _ _ I did, but they sent me back twice saying it was okay, and they treated me at the hospital saying it wasn't a big deal... Eventually I was sent to a university hospital. Painkillers and antibiotics because I thought I was going to die... how much I cried. How come the bone is inflamed and it hurts, and disgusting blue pus comes out of your mouth and you keep spitting it out . I'm sick, but I'm living with nightmares every night,, I'm really stumped and I don't know how this could happen... I still don't know how the hell I shaved my face... Now I can't even get a blood vessel... I've been taking antibiotics every day for almost two months. I couldn't eat rice or porridge because I was busy, so I had to poke it 3 or 4 times every time I put IVs in to get nutritional supplements.. I still have a swollen face.. I really hate it.. Today I was cold from a fever and found that there was swelling again only on the left side where there was inflammation along the inside line of the gums.. Please hope the inflammation hasn't spread... I'm so upset I have a fever and I can't even sleep because I'm cold...

Comment 15
갸름이되고파 2005-09-21 (수) 19:11 19 Years ago Address
You're strong~~ I can only say this...
afterdeath 2005-09-21 (수) 20:18 19 Years ago Address
Ugh *_*; Are you in the hospital for two months? You seem to have done something similar to me... The side effects are really serious. You're a doctor... How did you let it get to that point... I'm all pissed off. Nim Pa~~~~ Sha!!!!!
02짱 2005-09-21 (수) 20:37 19 Years ago Address
There are also cases like this. It must be hard.. Please cheer up.. Hway~ Ding~~~
난말이지 2005-09-21 (수) 20:46 19 Years ago Address
헛....어느 병원에서 하셨길래 ㅠㅠ 뼈에 어쩌다가 염증이 생기신 건가요? 그래도 힘내시고 치료 잘 받으세요.
캬캬캬 2005-09-21 (수) 21:19 19 Years ago Address
세상에....님 정말 고생하시네요. 정말 읽는 제가 화딱지납니다. 그 병원에서 조금만 진지하게 님 말에 귀기울였어도 염증이 덜한 상태에서 치료받으셨을텐데... 휴... 모두 환불받으시고 입원비 등 모두 병원에서 보상해달라고 하세요. 정말, 너무 기가 막히네요-_-
동동이 2005-09-21 (수) 23:49 19 Years ago Address
헉.. 정말 고생많으셨네요.. 그리고 보철기까지// 그 병원 정말 너무하네요.
보상받으셔야 되는거 아닌가요? 정말 무책임한 의사네요..
sesori 2005-09-21 (수) 23:57 19 Years ago Address
가슴 아파요! 힘 내시고 빨리 건강해지셔야죠... 나쁜 병원 -어떻게든 보상받으세요... 다음에 좋은 일 생기려고 액땜했다 생각하시고 ...제발 빨리 나이지셨음 좋겠어요.
a메롱 2005-09-22 (목) 01:46 19 Years ago Address
이궁... 기운내세요 어쩌다 그런일이..
레이첼 2005-09-22 (목) 02:54 19 Years ago Address
저랑 같은날 하셨네요..넘 안타까움....ㅠㅠ힘내시구여!얼릉 나으셔서 꼭 보상 받으세여!!
둘가인 2005-09-22 (목) 10:03 19 Years ago Address
ㅜ.ㅡ 힘내세요~ 좀만 더 참으시면 다 나으실거예요 글고 낫고 붓기 빠지면 예뼈지실거예요~
토마토 2005-09-22 (목) 10:36 19 Years ago Address
에혀,,정말 힘드시겠어요,,,힘내세여~글구 꼭 배상받으세요~
눈코입턱 2005-09-22 (목) 19:08 19 Years ago Address
고오민 2005-09-22 (목) 22:11 19 Years ago Address
너무 가슴아픕니다.... 하지만 꼭 용기와 희망을 잃지 마세요. 억울하고 답답하신줄 알지만, 인생을 살면서 한번 큰 액땜을 하는 것이라 여기고 이 시기를 이겨내시길 바랍니다..
아이다 Writer 2005-09-23 (금) 14:21 19 Years ago Address
액땜이라고 생각하기엔 너무나 통증이 아파요..ㅠㅠ 다 나아서 아물어가는 줄 알았더니 또 생겼나봐요. 또 다시 부풀어 오르고 있어요..ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
굿 2005-09-27 (화) 17:47 19 Years ago Address
대체 병원이 어딘가요??
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