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13 days after surgery..

달나라호빵 2005-02-10 (목) 22:56 19 Years ago 2005
The day the stitches were removed, I felt so happy, as if it was my world. I feel like unnecessary things in my body are missing. However, the stitches were removed before the Lunar New Year (holiday), so I'm having a truly hellish holiday. It's the height of depression, as I'm stuck with my family eating delicious food and having a depressing meal that almost tastes like baby food. Anyway, it's in very good condition. If you've read my previous posts, you'll know that, because of my low nerve level, I cut it off a little(?). You can almost say that only the angled key on the side was cut. Even the doctor (I had it done at JG. Do you know JJ style? Long story short~) seems to be disappointed every time I consult. Haha, maybe because I cut it a little bit... there was no pain even after the surgery. It's just that the blood hose and pressure mask made it difficult for me. The swelling doesn't just go down visibly. Still, if you compare the photo taken without the pressure mask to the current photo (9 days have passed), the swelling has gone down a lot. It feels a bit asymmetrical on both sides, but I feel reassured after reading other people's posts. ^^ When it comes to eating, I really eat a high-nutrition, high-protein diet. The downside is that I eat a lot without chewing and don't feel full;; In general, I don't think I will lose weight. It actually feels like it's stinging lol (I'm curious about those who have lost weight after surgery. How they lose it;;) Still, I feel happy when I look at the side lines. When I tie my hair up, it always looks angular...^^ I think this year's summer will be a really cool summer. Haha , but when I meet people, I struggle with what to say. Only one person knows... I wonder if I can push Botox to other people~ ;;

Comment 6
하늘부늬기 2005-02-10 (목) 23:10 19 Years ago Address
좋겠어여~저두ㅈㄱ.. 실밥뽑는 그날까지 기다리구 있는중...체력적으로 많이
힘드네여..전 죽만먹어선지 2키로가 빠졌어여..전 사랑니로 밀고나가는데
붓기가 엄청나서 큰일임당..붓기빼는 노하우좀 알려주세용^^
달나라호빵 Writer 2005-02-11 (금) 11:57 19 Years ago Address
전..실밥풀기전까지 아무찜찔도 안했거던요. 풀고나서 온찜질 하다말다 하다말다 하는데..그냥 시간지나면 빠지겠거니 하고 기다리고 있어여 ;;
동구박 2005-02-11 (금) 13:07 19 Years ago Address
머리스타일을바꾸새여 그리고 얼굴왜그러냐고물어보면 살빠젔다고하셈
저두지금 머리스탈바꾸니깐 다들 살빠젔다고만하던데요
별따지꽃따지 2005-02-12 (토) 04:12 19 Years ago Address
살 잘 안찔껄요..아마..ㅋ 저두 무진장 찐줄 알았다가요..막상 체중계 올라가뜨니 빠져뜨라구여..몸은 무거운데 빠져있으니 신기하더군요..^^
뽀샤시 2005-02-12 (토) 14:03 19 Years ago Address
부러워요~ 저두 빨리 수술을 해서 여름에 머리도 올리고 다니고파~ 머리스타일도 마음대로 해보고 넘넘~~~~~~부러워요
대대대박 2005-02-12 (토) 23:29 19 Years ago Address
저눙 5키러나 쪘능뒈 ㅠ,.ㅠ 제가 이상한가 봐영. 으흐흐 -.-;; 잘 먹어야 빨랑 나을 것 같아서 넘 열씨미 먹었나 봐영. ㅋㅋㅋ
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