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Facial bone job

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50th day of full face fat grafting

vivivic 2010-02-15 (월) 01:14 14 Years ago 4625
It has been 50 days since the fat grafting of the entire face. Forehead, cheeks, temples, bridge of the nose, under the eyes, nasolabial folds, chin, and so on, the entire face was done. Currently, the forehead and bridge of the nose are missing a lot, and the rest of the area is still full. I think fat grafting is really time consuming. After 10 days, I went to work, and people asked why my face was so swollen and what to do if the swelling didn't go away. And, after the fat transplant, people say that their skin is clearer and better .^^ Some people said their skin improved after fat transplantation, and some said that it got worse , so I was a little worried,,,, I'm really glad that my skin is getting better haha ​​I haven't seen it in a while My sister also asked if she had skin care, and she just said that she had a very good skin . I received about 3 consultations, and everywhere I went, I heard a lot about why there are so many curves in my face . I am most satisfied with the relief of the cheekbones and protruding mouth after fat grafting . From the beginning, the temple part was turned off a lot, If too much fat is transplanted in the temple part, he put it in appropriately to make the face look bigger . It's semi-permanent, so it'll only last a few years, but I'm happy with it now. I lost fat from my thighs, but my thighs hurt a lot more than my fat grafted face, so I suffered a lot. I almost died and came back to life. ㅠㅠ It's nice to be pretty... but my thigh hurts so much, I'll have to consider another fat transplant next time. The 2nd car said that they put the leftovers in the 1st, so don't worry, the 2nd hit will make you prettier . Anyway, for those of you who are going to have fat grafting, take a long vacation as much as possible because time is short. I think it's best to take it for at least 2 weeks. It's really like working with a chubby face ㅡㅡ

Comment 16
침대카바 2010-02-15 (월) 02:07 14 Years ago Address
아잉, 2010-02-15 (월) 04:34 14 Years ago Address
전 사진은 없나용?궁금..^^ 정보 부탁드릴께용~!
루비 2010-02-15 (월) 20:02 14 Years ago Address
저두1차한지 2주정도됐는데 2차는언제하세여 10일지나니까 부기가 빨리빠지네요 그리고 이마는원래잘안빠지나여?
루비 2010-02-16 (화) 12:07 14 Years ago Address
ㅎㅎ 근데 2차도똑같이 수면마취한다네요,,
변할테다 2010-02-16 (화) 21:39 14 Years ago Address
이마랑 볼 지방이식하려하는데~~ 병원이랑 비용 정보좀 부탁해여~ ^^
유키오천 2010-02-18 (목) 08:51 14 Years ago Address
ㅋㅋ저도 지금 일주일 됐는데.... 아직도 붓기랑 멍이........ㅋ
vivivic Writer 2010-02-19 (금) 07:54 14 Years ago Address
유키오천님 일주일이면 아직도 빵빵할때입니다. 조금만 지나면 이뻐지실꺼에요~^^
줄리 2010-02-22 (월) 16:36 14 Years ago Address
저도 금요일 예약 잡고 지금 갈팡질팡 5차주입이 나을가요 1~2차가 나을가요..,
리수쌤 2010-02-22 (월) 21:56 14 Years ago Address
멍이 잘드는 체질이라 걱정이에요.. 오늘 수술 하고 왔어요~ ㅜㅠ
현a 2010-02-23 (화) 21:23 14 Years ago Address
ㅠㅠ 정보좀주세요 이마랑볼하려고하는데
공주이뽀 2010-02-23 (화) 23:45 14 Years ago Address
저도 정보좀 주세요~
쑤딩 2010-02-24 (수) 12:01 14 Years ago Address
저두 정보좀 부탁드려요
이쁜니 2010-02-24 (수) 12:28 14 Years ago Address
저두 정보좀 부탁해요
호박이 2010-03-02 (화) 00:27 14 Years ago Address
저도 정보 좀 주세요~ 그리고 허벅지 지방 빼고 나서 압박복 입는거는 안불편한가요??
곱단 2010-03-04 (목) 11:00 14 Years ago Address
정보좀 부탁드려요
쑤딩 2010-03-30 (화) 11:05 14 Years ago Address
저두 정보좀 주세요.
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