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I did Mixto...

zizizizizi 2010-01-26 (화) 19:14 14 Years ago 2655
There are no photos. I did Mixto once. Before doing it, I applied numbing cream for 30 minutes and used Mixto laser. It hurts. It stings. If you look at the posts here, you can see that after using Mixto once, my skin felt soft after washing my face... I got porcelain skin. They say... I don't think I'll be envious of Go Hyun-jung's skin... I can clearly see that my pores have gotten smaller... I think it's completely overkill . I still don't know at all. So far... And the nurse (? ) My sister said that, I have to do it two more times, but I'm worried... Oh, and I have to mixto and take antiviral medicine 4 times a day for 5 days. If I don't take the medicine, the virus like blisters can spread...

Comment 12
정정덩이 2010-01-26 (화) 22:33 14 Years ago Address
Mixto honestly smells like a broker so much,,,ㅠㅠ
리뉴얼 2010-01-26 (화) 23:38 14 Years ago Address
The place where the 5th fat transplant and Ji Yong-bong and Mixto are performed... is it the same hospital???
zizizizizi Writer 2010-01-27 (수) 00:53 14 Years ago Address
I also just read the article here, went straight to the consultation, and did the mixto on the same day. Renewal, I think you're right...
영호꺼 2010-01-27 (수) 13:42 14 Years ago Address
Honest reviews like yours are very helpful. The reviews of people who participated in Mixto really all seemed like brokers. I was also intrigued because I'm a big pore...
꿀꿀이 2010-01-28 (목) 01:31 14 Years ago Address
Is Mixto more painful than Fraxel..? I've been going to a dermatologist for 10 years, but I just heard about Mixto laser at Seongyesa.. It seems like it came up all of a sudden, so...
속눈섭연장 2010-01-28 (목) 03:19 14 Years ago Address
I tried Mixto before posting here, but it really hurt and didn't work... It hurt like I got a tattoo all over my face...
Wndusl 2010-01-28 (목) 10:59 14 Years ago Address
I did it twice... I didn't really notice it the first time, but the second time I did it, it seemed to have some effect... I guess how many times do I have to do it for it to be good?
폭풍간지 2010-01-28 (목) 11:43 14 Years ago Address
I also did Mixto 3 times and it was more effective than Fraxel. I guess it varies from person to person.
건방진계집녀 2010-01-28 (목) 11:49 14 Years ago Address
Mixto was something I was really unfamiliar with, but I heard that Seongyesa was particularly good at it... haha
오키는요 2010-01-28 (목) 18:37 14 Years ago Address
I did a mixto, but it doesn't seem to be as effective as I thought... It's just like a Fraxel. Don't do a mixto, just go to a nearby hospital and get a Fraxel.
zizizizizi Writer 2010-01-28 (목) 18:54 14 Years ago Address
Stormganji, how much have you improved?ㅋ Like other people, you also had pimples on your face from squeezing your acne. Has it gotten smoother?ㅋ Do other people notice that you’ve improved as well?ㅋ
롱롱 2010-01-29 (금) 02:44 14 Years ago Address
저도 믹스토 했는데 지금 이주정도 되가네요 사진이랑 후기 곧올려드릴께요 근데 글쓴분이랑 비슷한 심정 -_-; ㅠ
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