<전><수술 당일><1주차><3주차><한달차><3달차><6달차 사진>Because my square jaw and cheekbones protruded and my face shape resembled a pentagon when the wind blew, I would always walk with my head down and look at the ground, and
even if I tied my hair up, my face shape didn’t look good so I couldn’t tie my hair up even in the hot weather, and because my jaw line always stood out when I took a selfie,
the surroundings got distorted from Photoshopping, and I would get dizzy every time I took a picture, so after much deliberation, I ended up getting the surgery.
I think I searched the web, Gangnam Unnies, and Barbie Talk every night and only looked for reviews of facial contouring surgeries.
The director of Cookie Plastic Surgery has over 20 years of experience, and the surgery room has CCTV installed, and
most of all, the reviews were so dramatic and pretty that I got the surgery.
People around me also said that my face seemed smaller, and I love that my face looks smaller and smoother at a glance!
The consulting manager was so kind and the director was trustworthy, and the aftercare was great too.
Before the surgery, my self-esteem was rock bottom whenever I saw my pentagonal face shape.. ㅋㅋㅋ I was really stressed out because of that ㅠㅠ
If I had known from the beginning that my face shape could change like this with just three types of contouring, I would have done it sooner ㅠㅠ
As time goes by, I think I chose a good hospital.. ㅋㅋㅋ
In particular, I think I have a lot of cheekbones, so I like that I don't have to cover them with my hair!
I'm not sure how each hospital provides aftercare, but Cookie
said that they would provide care whenever I wanted, so I went often and got care, and I think the swelling went down a lot quickly.ㅎㅎ If
I could go back to how I was before the surgery, I think I would still get contouring surgery.
If you're thinking about getting contouring, please refer to my review ~!!!