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Facial bone job

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I brought you a review after 5 months of chin advancement surgery~

햇고구마 2024-12-01 (일) 01:06 20 Days ago 1305
600 만원
157 days

It's already been 5 months since I had the surgery. I'll leave a detailed review with before and after photos~ I don't know if the surgery itself hurts because I was under anesthesia! I didn't feel any pain as soon as I woke up from the surgery, but my throat was so, so, so dry.. But they said I couldn't drink water for an hour or two, so it was so painful. And when I woke up from the anesthesia, the surgical site started to hurt, but since I couldn't stand the pain, I took two extra Tylenol pills a day for two or three days after the surgery (I really regret having the surgery at that time). In fact, right after the surgery, I was anxious because of the swelling and awkwardness, thinking, "Huh? How did it stick out so much?" But I'm so satisfied now~ As the swelling went down, it became more natural, and I don't know why, closing my mouth and breathing felt easier (is it because I'm imagining it?). The sensation in my jaw came back, but it feels duller than before? My lower teeth are slowly coming back! (Actually, I didn't know my lower teeth could become dull before the surgery.. Everyone, take note!) But one thing that concerns me is, when will the hard swelling in the middle of my jawline and under my chin go down when I can see it with my naked eye.. Actually, I should have gone to the hospital and asked, but I couldn't go because I was busy.. + Now that I think about it, the price seems too evil ㅠ I just did it once to fix my complex, but anyway, the result was good, so.. <—This is my mindset.>
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Comment 13
Emperkr 2024-12-01 (일) 02:06 20 Days ago Address
길이도 연장한거야 아니면 전진만한거야? 개잘됐네 그리고 몇mm한건지도 궁그매
햇고구마 Writer 2024-12-01 (일) 02:07 20 Days ago Address
연장은 안하구 이단 전진으로 해서 10-12?정도 뺐어!
칭찬 고마워
칙힌느겟 2024-12-02 (월) 17:51 19 Days ago Address
그래 가격 사악해도.. 평생갈꺼 푸는건데 잘했다!!
햇고구마 Writer 2024-12-09 (월) 22:54 11 Days ago Address
칭찬 고마워!
성예다 2024-12-06 (금) 22:31 14 Days ago Address
이차각은 어때? 패임이나 턱라인 울퉁불퉁한건 없어?
햇고구마 Writer 2024-12-09 (월) 22:55 11 Days ago Address
아직은 단단한 붓기가 있어서 이게 판단이 안돼ㅠㅠ
얼른 붓기 빠졌으면..
단단한 붓기 빠지면 또 게시글에 후기 남겨볼게!
개구이라고하더라구 2024-12-09 (월) 22:52 11 Days ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
햇고구마 Writer 2024-12-09 (월) 23:04 11 Days ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
개구이라고하더라구 2024-12-09 (월) 23:16 11 Days ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
햇고구마 Writer 2024-12-10 (화) 01:04 11 Days ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
개구이라고하더라구 2024-12-10 (화) 08:46 11 Days ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
Uiov 2024-12-20 (금) 22:39 23 Hours ago Address
혹시 병원정보 여쭤봐도 될까요?
모공주사 2024-12-20 (금) 23:10 23 Hours ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
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