My face was too long and I had a complex because of my long face, but when I consulted with Director Max Park Jae-bong, he understood my complex and did a great job with the surgery, so I am satisfied! In fact, from the day of my surgery to the day I was hospitalized, I didn't feel much pain, and the director came often to check on my condition, so I felt very stable, and the nurses took good care of me during the day and at night, so I was able to live comfortably without any discomfort and was discharged.
For a week after the surgery, I had a lot of swelling and only ate water, so it was hard, but after the surgery, I was able to see my face getting shorter and my eyes and nose getting smaller, so I was surprised that my face got smaller even though I had swelling.
It's hard to give you an exact figure, but after the surgery, my face length has decreased by about 10mm. When you look from the side, my mouth used to be protruding, but now my mouth is pretty and my chin is forward, so I'm really satisfied. It's
already been over 3 months since the surgery, and now that the swelling has gone down, my complete face line seems to be coming out, so I'm really satisfied! I feel so good these days because people around me and my friends are telling me that my face is getting better and better.
To be honest, since double jaw surgery is a major surgery, it takes a long time to decide and the recovery time is longer than other surgeries, so I was worried, but the recovery is getting faster than I thought and the results are good, so I am very grateful to the director!
I hope the swelling goes down more quickly so that I can look good.