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Changwon XX plastic surgery damage

마루타B 2010-09-02 (목) 20:14 14 Years ago 3518
I recently had a plate lift at Changwon XX Plastic Surgery Clinic. However, my face didn't improve at all, so when I inquired about it, it got better with time, so I told him to go back. It didn’t get better over time, and I didn’t want to blush, so I personally spent a million won to go to the oriental clinic to correct my face ㅠ ) And after a while, pus started to form on the back of one ear. So I went to the hospital and immediately put him on the operating table, anesthetized, and checked. The doctor said that the stitches in the face were less removed during the operation, so there was blood pus, and he just made an incision and covered it again. Since then, my face has become numb, and whenever I smile, there is no strength around my mouth, and from the back of my ears to the top of my head, I feel heavy and dull, even aching. Now, 6 months have passed, the scars are clear to anyone's eyes, bumpy, and even the color has changed, like a scar cut with scissors. I expressed dissatisfaction with that a few times, but at first, the scar that said it would get better with time and that it barely showed up in 6 months was still very clearly left. So I went to the hospital, and he said he couldn't see the scar in front of me, and he just pretended.. Does that make sense? It makes sense to say that you can't see it from the front. So, I went to the plastic surgery department and rehabilitation medicine department of the largest hospital in the area and got a diagnosis. He said that it is difficult to determine a nerve problem if it is from the back of the ear to the head rather than the face, where the incision is located where the nerve roots are. .ㅠ.,ㅠ Not only that, but behind one ear, there is a bulging scar and a tiny hole, so the inside is dark. So, when I went to the hospital today, he said that he would refund less than half of the operation fee . It's my fault that I chose it, but I hope that no one suffers the same damage as me. ㅠ.,ㅠ If you have any questions about the hospital, please send me a note ... If possible, don't have surgery.. ㅠ., ㅠ

Comment 20
콤엄마 2010-09-03 (금) 05:47 14 Years ago Address
Bad Doctor!!
미라는예뻐지는중 2010-09-03 (금) 12:35 14 Years ago Address
Oh, I was also going to do a plate lift, but I'm scared ㅠㅠ
수술해야징~ 2010-09-03 (금) 19:17 14 Years ago Address
Ah.. Because of these unconscionable doctors, I feel like this kind of damage keeps happening and I feel powerless. It would be relieved to have to reveal the hospital so that you will starve.. :(
je3 2010-09-04 (토) 12:12 14 Years ago Address
I think I need to be really good at choosing a hospital before surgery. That hospital is really absurd.
넌별로야 2010-09-04 (토) 16:01 14 Years ago Address
Where are you in Changwon? I'm from Changwon too! let me know by message
손 예진 2010-09-05 (일) 10:00 14 Years ago Address
Please give me information~ ㅠㅠ I hope it's not the hospital where I operated..ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
쪼아버려 2010-09-06 (월) 00:17 14 Years ago Address
Can you please tell me where the hospital is?
kkkk1207 2010-09-07 (화) 00:16 14 Years ago Address
Are you a plastic surgeon?
끽끽끽룩 2010-09-16 (목) 18:17 14 Years ago Address
There are so many crazy doctors.......
롯데빌리지 2010-10-05 (화) 19:01 14 Years ago Address
I also went through a lot of trouble after getting under eye fat removal at a certain hospital in Changwon!!! When the doctor said he would gladly re-surgery, don't mumble but say hello!!! I'm not even praying .
알랄랄라 2010-11-08 (월) 01:56 14 Years ago Address
I'm going to go and do it... I really can't do it... At least I chose the surgery myself, so I'm sorry and I should apologize even if I don't have money! Mention your real name! What if another victim like you comes out? Maruta is far from the patient!
초절정락커1 2010-11-23 (화) 14:49 14 Years ago Address
Please give me some information. I'm also from Changwon.
현망이 2016-11-07 (월) 23:45 8 Years ago Address
I'm also from Changwon.. Please give me some information
청도 2019-01-17 (목) 03:50 5 Years ago Address
Hey, give me some information. Is it the same hospital?
Junnn 2019-04-14 (일) 16:56 5 Years ago Address
Thank you for your information. I am from Changwon.
Junnn 2019-05-15 (수) 04:16 5 Years ago Address
Information please. I am from Changwon.
스피늬웅 2019-08-27 (화) 10:22 5 Years ago Address
Thank you for the information. I am from Changwon.
반지동비실이 2022-07-07 (목) 16:10 2 Years ago Address
Information please!!
i004ay 2022-12-08 (목) 22:34 2 Years ago Address
저도 정보 좀 부탁드립니다
kyb11 2024-12-17 (화) 23:02 1 Days ago Address
저도 쪽지 부탁드립니다ㅠㅜ
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