<<수술전>><<수술전>><<수술전>><<일주일차>><<일주일차>><<일주일차>><>><>><>><>><>><>>I just got cheekbone reduction surgery at Cookie Plastic Surgery. Haha.
Ever since I was a student, I had a complex about my cheekbones, so I worried about it for a long time. I sold my hands a lot and went to get a consultation. All the way from Busan to Seoul!
During the consultation, I felt like this was the hospital, so I made a reservation on the same day (CCTV can be viewed by guardians, anesthesiologist is always present, only two surgeries per day, etc.) And they only told me about the surgeries that I really needed.
Since I had a complex about my clown face, I was nervous until the day of the surgery, but I think I wanted to do it quickly and become pretty.
And of course, the surgery was over when I woke up. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
After the surgery, I was in the recovery room for a few hours and went to Busan on the same day. There wasn't much pain :)
I think my face was swollen for 3 days after the surgery (I usually heal very well). Even looking at other people's reviews, I thought I was a bit swollen. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ...
But from the 4th day, the swelling started to go down like a lie. It's been a week now, and it went down more than I could have imagined on the 3rd day. My family and friends have already complimented me that my face shape has changed a lot, and that my face will get smaller when the swelling goes down. I'm so glad I did it. ㅠㅠ The swelling hasn't gone down yet, but it's already I'm happy haha Then I'll come back and write a review later haha