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Facial bone job

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[Face lift]

Minimum incision Smas lift 2nd week review

꽃분홍 2024-06-21 (금) 20:16 5 Months ago 2396
16 days

After consultations at 9 hospitals, I finally decided to have surgery at Samsao. Now, two weeks later, I am writing this review. The surgery I underwent included minimal incision volume SMAS lift + deep cheek removal (intra-mouth incision) + fat grafting under the eyes and nasolabial folds using the fat produced after fat removal under the chin. Now, it's great that my deep cheeks have become flat, and the overall lifting effect is visible, so I'm getting my old look. In addition, fat grafting was done to the areas under my eyes that were flat and looked more saggy, so it's even better because my face looks more vibrant^^
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Comment 13
엘이엘 2024-06-22 (토) 04:13 5 Months ago Address
꽃분홍 Writer 2024-06-22 (토) 07:54 5 Months ago Address
뭉미이 2024-06-27 (목) 07:29 5 Months ago Address
비용은 얼마나 드셨어요?
꽃분홍 Writer 2024-06-27 (목) 09:08 5 Months ago Address
Jayya 2024-07-05 (금) 04:03 4 Months ago Address
저도 쪽지로 알려주세요~
팥소보로 2024-06-29 (토) 20:56 4 Months ago Address
어디로 절개하나요? 비용도 얼마인지 부탁드려요
꽃분홍 Writer 2024-06-29 (토) 23:24 4 Months ago Address
귀위쪽 머리속으로 4~4.5cm정도고 지금 다아물었고 머리속이라 흉터는 안보일거같아요
비용은 쪽지드릴게요
팥소보로 2024-06-29 (토) 23:37 4 Months ago Address
별이별경 2024-07-01 (월) 23:55 4 Months ago Address
수술후 일상생활은 어떨까요? 붓기랑 멍도 궁금해요
꽃분홍 Writer 2024-07-02 (화) 00:31 4 Months ago Address
3일차까지 좀 부은얼굴이고 4일차부 조금씩 붓기 빠져요~5일차 모자쓰고 출근하고 6일째부터 그냥 출근했어요 1주일부터는 붓기 확확 빠지고 멍은 화장커버하니깐 크게 신경 안쓰였어요~
아댬이 2024-07-06 (토) 11:48 4 Months ago Address
수술 넘 잘 된 거 같아요!! 비용 정보 알 수 있을까요 ㅠㅠ??
롱롱아이 2024-07-12 (금) 04:18 4 Months ago Address
심부볼 제거 효과 있나요?! 비용은 얼마정도 인가요?
꽃분홍 Writer 2024-07-13 (토) 14:35 4 Months ago Address
심부볼효과 확실히 있어요!!  대신 입안절개라 1달 넘었는데 절개부위가 아직은 붓기가 남아있어요
비용은 같이한거라 심부볼만은 잘 몰라요~상담가보세요
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