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Facial bone job

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[Face lift]


뷰리쏘피 2024-02-10 (토) 16:40 7 Months ago 1757
1000 만원
16 days

Excluding the forehead, an incision was made from the temple to the front of the ear, along the entire line behind the ear, and an incision was made along the hairline behind the neck. The blood bag was placed and removed after 2 days, and the stitches were removed after 2 weeks. It is currently the 16th day. There are many hospitals, but I saw an advertisement saying they only did lifting, so I just went to Seoul and got the same-day procedure. I have no regrets about the lift surgery, as the sagging skin and double chin were also serious due to the orthognathic surgery. There is still some swelling, so it will take about 6 months for the minor swelling to go away and sensation to return, but I have no regrets about the lift surgery. I think it would have been better if I had searched more hospitals and chose the hospital carefully after many satdams. As a customer, I think it is my right to have surgery at a hospital that provides good post-surgery care. From now on, I think I will have to search carefully when performing any surgery and look into various aspects such as after-care and nearby accommodation before choosing a hospital. It would be a good idea to research carefully before choosing a hospital so that you do not go to a hospital that is friendly only before the surgery, makes it difficult to see the doctor and manager after the surgery, or tells you to take care of the aftercare.
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Comment 12
바나나롤 2024-02-10 (토) 16:56 7 Months ago Address
I also had a mini lift, but after 8 months, the scars were so dark that I ended up getting surgery to remove the scars. You can get laser treatment starting 3 weeks after the stitches are removed, so consult a dermatologist now and get consistent scar care. The sooner you start, the better the prognosis.
뷰리쏘피 Writer 2024-02-10 (토) 17:23 7 Months ago Address
They gave me ointment and scar cream, but that doesn't seem to be enough. . If it weren't for Banana Roll, I would have just been distracted. I will seek consultation and treatment at a dermatologist as soon as possible after the holidays. Thank you for your precious, precious and sincere words of advice that are like jewels. When I see bananas, I think of Banana Roll ^ ^!;; It would have been better for Banana Roll if he had received treatment earlier, but I still feel regretful. . ㅠ ㅠ I sincerely hope that you receive consistent treatment and recover quickly. I sincerely hope that the remaining scar is faint and almost invisible. . ㅠ ㅠ
김바기 2024-02-10 (토) 17:13 7 Months ago Address
Is your face okay??? Still, at that level, I just need to take care of the scar.
뷰리쏘피 Writer 2024-02-10 (토) 17:31 7 Months ago Address
My face is very swollen and the area under my eyes is so bulging that my eyebrows are stabbing my eyes, so I am putting in artificial tears. The line from the temple to the front of the ear to the square jaw area is very swollen. In particular, the swelling below the temple is severe as outlined. As the swelling goes down and goes down, a double chin under the chin becomes bulging. I heard that it will take some time (6 months) for the remaining balance to be sorted out, so I am waiting, thinking that time will pass. The face was so disgustingly swollen like a balloon that I didn't feel like taking a picture of it, so I didn't take a picture of it. . They say time is the answer for swelling, but scars need to be treated quickly, so I need to make an appointment at the dermatologist first. . Thank you for your comment.
꾸꾸리또 2024-02-11 (일) 15:27 7 Months ago Address
Does it hurt a lot? He asked me to find my mother, but I don't know where she should go.
뷰리쏘피 Writer 2024-02-11 (일) 16:48 7 Months ago Address
In large hospitals, it is difficult to see the doctors or counselors who performed the surgery after the surgery, and they treat you well before the surgery, but after the surgery and after removing the stitches, you take care of it personally. Since there is no follow-up after the procedure, they are smaller than large hospitals, but they provide thorough after-care. We recommend that you get surgery at. And if you have a lot of incisions like me, I recommend that you do it when you have time so that you can comfortably manage swelling and scars at home for about a month. It's very stressful and difficult for a week. .After the stitches are removed in the 2nd week, it becomes 50% easier. One week is the hardest, and even the second week is moderately difficult. It is difficult to remove the stitches and the swelling is significant. It's been three weeks, but I think it'll take about two months before I can move around with all the minor details sorted out. . . . I chose a large hospital without knowing why, but they didn't care at all about follow-up care, and when they advertised that they had injections and lasers for management, they said they didn't need it now and told me to come back in two months. Get good follow-up care and see a doctor who treats you thoroughly from a Hwajin perspective. . You have to go to several places to get information. Since I didn't have much time, I chose one location and had the surgery right away, but please choose carefully and have the surgery. You will get a feel for it if you get counseling from several places. It requires time investment. . . ㅠ ㅠ
부자에너지 2024-03-01 (금) 21:03 6 Months ago Address
I hope you recover well.
푸리롱 2024-03-04 (월) 17:49 6 Months ago Address
Ugh... I hope you recover well ㅠㅠ I'm becoming more and more reluctant to go to big, famous hospitals.
dkssudTT 2024-03-23 (토) 22:00 5 Months ago Address
아이고....여기 또 피해자 생기셨네요ㅠㅠ 저 역시 뭣모르고 간곳이라 지금이라면 절대 가지않을 곳이었을거에요 몇년지난 지금 여전히 수술자국 남아있고 아직도 저릿합니다..ㅠㅠ 제가 그래서 이 사이트를 나중에 알게돼서 늦게나마 후기를 올렸는데.. 워낙 옛 일이라 또 이렇게 피해자가 생겼나보네요 후회는 하지 않는다니 다행이에요 다만 거기서는 뭘 더 바란다면 글쓴 분만 많이 힘드실거에요ㅠㅠ 무사히 잘 회복바랍니다
dkssudTT 2024-03-23 (토) 22:02 5 Months ago Address
그나마 절개라인이 앞쪽이라 티가 날 뿐이지 깔끔히 된것같네요 ..
숨숨숨2 2024-04-07 (일) 03:04 5 Months ago Address
유명하다고 다 관리를 잘 해주는 건 아니구나.. 경험을 공유해줘서 고마워. 지금은 흉터가 붉고 붓기도 있지만 회복 시간은 개인차가 있으니 꼭 좋아질거라 믿어..!
보람차 2024-05-26 (일) 23:42 3 Months ago Address
이곳에서 잘하는곳이라고 말해줘서 수요일 상담가는데.
사후 관리도 진짜 중요한데 유튜브에서 보는것이 다가 아니구나 싶네요.
지금이라도 사후관리 잘 하시면 흉터가 점점 나아질꺼라 생각해요.
요즘 광고도 많고 아는 정보는 한계가 있어서 잘하는 병원 찾기 너무 힘들어요
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