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Facial bone job

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[Face Contour Resurgery]

In addition to cheekbone revision surgery, I also had a square jaw and chin tip done while lying down.

GFYS 2024-03-14 (목) 10:34 3 Months ago 1995

Reoperation for cheekbones only (square jaw + chin tip) is the first surgery. Cheekbones were done at a large hospital at an event price at a low price. I didn't have money at the time, but I really wanted to reduce the size of my cheekbones, so I had it done, but I didn't see any results... What's changed? ...The previous photo I uploaded was not before cheekbone surgery, but after the first cheekbone surgery.. I saved up more money than I thought to have cheekbone surgery again, so I had a slight thought that I would have to reduce the tip of my chin and square jaw along with cheekbone surgery, but I'll show you the picture you want. (Photoshopped photo of my face) I was lying down on the operating table thinking that I needed to get a square jaw at the tip of my chin. I didn't want to lie down again, so I decided to turn it around!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The reason why I chose Bonji was because I looked for reviews on reoperation and there were quite a few. It had a natural style and was very accommodating to the patient's wishes as much as possible. The consultation was also satisfactory. The reason why reoperation is expensive is difficult... So, even if it is a bit expensive, it is a good place to spend money this time. I was planning to do it at and I only consulted at one-person hospitals, and among them, I got the right feel and quickly had the surgery. I'm currently in my 4th month +++ Please don't ask me about the first hospital /// Getting proof of contents ㄷㄷㄷ -_-

Comment 23
송미역 2024-03-14 (목) 13:13 3 Months ago Address
Wow, that went well..
GFYS Writer 2024-03-14 (목) 18:35 3 Months ago Address
I'm so glad you did
쿠쿠추쿠 2024-03-14 (목) 15:05 3 Months ago Address
Awesome ㅠㅠ
GFYS Writer 2024-03-14 (목) 18:35 3 Months ago Address
챠챠돌챠 2024-03-14 (목) 16:28 3 Months ago Address
It's so pretty ㅠㅠ
GFYS Writer 2024-03-14 (목) 18:35 3 Months ago Address
Thank you ㅠㅠ
asdfg0109 2024-03-14 (목) 16:34 3 Months ago Address
It was great to work with you. The lines turned out beautifully.
GFYS Writer 2024-03-14 (목) 18:35 3 Months ago Address
I'm glad it came out well!
songtaehun 2024-03-14 (목) 17:32 3 Months ago Address
I want to do this too.
GFYS Writer 2024-03-14 (목) 18:35 3 Months ago Address
You will become prettier!
준강서강준 2024-03-14 (목) 19:06 3 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
GFYS Writer 2024-03-15 (금) 11:32 3 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
준강서강준 2024-03-15 (금) 22:33 3 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
냥야 2024-03-14 (목) 23:29 3 Months ago Address
The surgery went well. Your face shape is beautiful. How long did the pain last??
GFYS Writer 2024-03-15 (금) 11:32 3 Months ago Address
The pain... um... how much... The pain wasn't that bad and it only hurt for 2-3 days?
eiejs 2024-03-15 (금) 09:59 3 Months ago Address
Wow, that's awesome.. I'm going to a consultation soon. Can you send me a message?
GFYS Writer 2024-03-15 (금) 11:33 3 Months ago Address
Yes, please send me a message~
홍잉양 2024-03-15 (금) 13:58 3 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
GFYS Writer 2024-03-18 (월) 13:20 3 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
루나aa 2024-03-16 (토) 20:26 3 Months ago Address
It's so pretty
아이스촠코 2024-03-17 (일) 20:36 3 Months ago Address
The tip of your chin is so pretty...
메렁메룽 2024-03-21 (목) 23:10 3 Months ago Address
Wow, it’s so pretty. It worked out great!
꼬리네임 2024-03-24 (일) 03:44 3 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
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