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[Square Jaw]

Double jaw surgery (facial contouring) Review of double jaw surgery 3 months after surgery at Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery!!

모도시 2024-02-29 (목) 22:30 4 Months ago 2423
1200 만원

This is a man who underwent double jaw and V-line surgery at Iyu Oral. I have lived with stress my entire life due to my protruding chin since I was a child, but I thought I should do it before it was too late, so I underwent surgery by Dr. Jong-yoon Kim of Iyu Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. It has been 3 months now, and my senses are slowly coming back, so there is no major problem in my daily life. The swelling remains very slightly and they say it will gradually go away over time, so I'm not too worried. I met up with friends after a long time, and many of them said they were surprised to see that their profile had changed a lot. Friends said that their jaw line got smaller and their nose looked bigger, perhaps because they had double jaw and V-line surgery. Still, I am very satisfied with my face getting smaller! After the surgery, there were a lot of foods I couldn't eat, but now I'm finding them and eating them one by one. I hope this review will be of some help to those of you who, like me, are stressed out due to your chin, received. I looked at the hospital's YouTube channel and looked at the surgery history, and one of the reasons was that I thought it would be safe. The consultation was detailed and I think I did a good job in many ways. I was scared of the pain after the surgery, but fortunately there was not much pain. After the surgery, my nose was stuffy and I felt like I had a cold, so I was able to breathe. I was scolded because it was difficult. My mouth was so swollen that I couldn't even open it. On the first day of surgery, I remember not being able to sleep for a long time because I was concentrating on breathing. You need to control your physical condition well before surgery. Blood flowed backwards while I was coughing, and my eyes were bleeding too . It started to look cloudy, so I thought it was my eyes, but my parents who were watching next to me were shocked and were shocked that my eyes were bleeding. Also, since my butt is bad, a donut cushion is a must!
이유구강악안면외과's Community Reviews (Total 83)
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Double jaw surgery (facial contouring) Review of double jaw surgery 3 months after surgery at Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery!!'s Reviews More (10/83)

Comment 9
김김킴 2024-03-01 (금) 01:20 4 Months ago Address
수술 넘 잘됐당 축하해
yeueo 2024-03-02 (토) 17:01 3 Months ago Address
존잘 되셨네요 축하드립니다
안전헌세살 2024-03-03 (일) 15:32 3 Months ago Address
갸름해지신것 같아요
징이융 2024-03-04 (월) 02:47 3 Months ago Address
옹 잘했는디???
사랑스러운혜원 2024-03-04 (월) 10:13 3 Months ago Address
오 전후차이 대박이네요
IiIiIiIiIi… 2024-03-05 (화) 15:30 3 Months ago Address
오리승연 2024-03-05 (화) 15:42 3 Months ago Address
자연스럽다 ㅇ ㅎㅎ
츄르ㅇ 2024-04-16 (화) 23:20 2 Months ago Address
자연스러워요 !!
mistysting 2024-05-04 (토) 15:40 1 Months ago Address
광대도 하긴건가요?
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