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Facial bone job

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[Square Jaw]

Very satisfied

아이구여 2024-02-23 (금) 09:39 4 Months ago 1206
3410000 만원
30 days

Contouring surgery is the most difficult major surgery among plastic surgery, so it was very difficult to decide whether to undergo it or not. However , I had a complex about my square jaw, so I decided to have contouring surgery. So, I looked into several hospitals with all my heart and soul. I went for a consultation.  Among them Because the hospital was the cleanest and the doctor and manager spoke kindly. And before I knew it, I had square jaw surgery. In the second week, the swelling wasn't that big. I am now able to carry out my daily life. Haha, in two weeks you won't even be able to recognize it. Oh , and the pain after the surgery is what I was most worried about. The pain is crazy for an hour or two after the surgery. Haha, but if you just endure that much, it won't hurt at all~~ haha ​​And the aftercare at Samsao Plastic Surgery was very kind and thorough. For the aftercare did a good job of removing the stitches in my mouth. He also explained the post-surgery precautions very kindly. And in the first month when the major swelling went down, the width of the frontal area became much narrower and nicer. Looking at it from the side, you can really see the effect of the surgery. It was amazing..!! I am really satisfied!! The effect looks better in person than in the photo Thank you!! Doctor haha!! Really satisfied..! ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Thank you all for being so kind! Haha, it feels like I'm living a new life ㅠㅠ Above all, thank you so much for keeping me safe.!!
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Comment 2
asgasgsa 2024-02-23 (금) 12:14 4 Months ago Address
1종만 한거지! 잘됏다!!
나니난희 2024-02-23 (금) 15:05 4 Months ago Address
오 깔끔하게 자ㅓㅇ리됐다 ㅎㅎ
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