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Facial bone job

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[Face Contour Resurgery]

Post before and after photos of contouring

다썽이 2023-12-15 (금) 17:16 6 Months ago 2592
650 만원



<한달전 >



Before the surgery - A month ago from now - As of now, the entire square jaw and the side jaw were shaved with a round shape, and the chin tip was reduced and a cortical osteotomy was done separately. The pre-surgery photo is a Gika photo without any exaggeration. I was really serious. It was a case of double jaw thinking ㅠ (I love Yuno..black) Because of the angle of the photo, it may look a bit dramatic, but it was taken as similar as possible, so baba. People with naturally large bones like me can do contour surgery. It's a major surgery, so find a real doctor who is good at it. Don't forget to go.
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Comment 15
리미미미미 2023-12-15 (금) 18:03 6 Months ago Address
It went great... It's been a month since the surgery??
데지미아 2023-12-15 (금) 20:31 6 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
데지미아 2023-12-15 (금) 20:35 6 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
예땅 2023-12-16 (토) 15:16 6 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
피쟈 2023-12-17 (일) 07:53 6 Months ago Address
Wow, it’s really so pretty,,,,!!! There doesn’t seem to be much swelling.
쟈감쟈져 2023-12-18 (월) 01:23 6 Months ago Address
It’s pretty, I think it went well, really.
lemonsoda 2023-12-18 (월) 07:50 6 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
킥라니 2023-12-18 (월) 13:19 6 Months ago Address
Great. Did you do it here?
soul2624 2023-12-21 (목) 01:58 6 Months ago Address
Your face seems to have changed a lot haha
뿅쁑뺭 2023-12-21 (목) 12:12 6 Months ago Address
That's awesome..
매미0 2023-12-27 (수) 21:41 6 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
끼륵끼룩갈매기 2023-12-30 (토) 01:08 6 Months ago Address
Oh where did you do it?
우은 2024-01-01 (월) 03:12 5 Months ago Address
The surgery went really well!! I need some information too.
공쿤 2024-01-03 (수) 00:34 5 Months ago Address
Wow, I thought you were evil! It went really well, congratulations.
짜라란아아 2024-01-10 (수) 21:07 5 Months ago Address
Amazing, Great!!
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