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[Square Jaw]

Iyu Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Square Jaw 6-month review!!

임보누나 2023-12-13 (수) 20:44 6 Months ago 2714
500 만원
180 days

I did a lot of research here too. From the beginning, I only wanted a square jaw, and I wanted it to look natural. I didn't want a V-line, but I just wanted a square jaw, so I thought I would have to get it done at a place that specializes in bone surgery, so I chose oral and maxillofacial surgery. The reason I chose this place was because people had less swelling right after surgery than other places, so I thought the director was good at the surgery. As expected, I had less swelling and the surgery came out as well as I wanted, so I'm satisfied!! After the surgery, I lost weight and then gained it again, and the fat on my chin is not noticeable, but I know when I wear a hat. When I lose the weight again, my facial line will look good. I thought square jaw surgery was scary at first, but now I think I've almost recovered (probably in two weeks). I feel like I've completely recovered since then lol) I'm very satisfied because I no longer have an angular square jaw. I had it done by Dr. Kim Jong-yoon~ The director did everything I wanted with the lines~ Anyway, I was very satisfied with the surgery.
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이유구강악안면외과's Community Reviews (Total 84)
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Iyu Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Square Jaw 6-month review!!'s Reviews More (10/84)

Comment 11
공백기간 2023-12-14 (목) 11:43 6 Months ago Address
Wow, it worked out so naturally..! Weren’t you scared during the surgery?! I heard that Director Kim Jong-yoon is good at V-lines. What kind of follow-up care was there?
마녀갓 2023-12-14 (목) 13:16 6 Months ago Address
I like it
셀카요정 2023-12-15 (금) 09:50 6 Months ago Address
I don’t feel like I have a square jaw at all. That’s good.
캘린더 2023-12-15 (금) 09:53 6 Months ago Address
The square jaw feeling is completely gone!! Dr. Kim Jong-yoon is famous for being good at surgery.
뵤뵤뵤뵤 2023-12-15 (금) 09:54 6 Months ago Address
Oh, thank you for your hard work! Even though you say you've gained weight, I can see that you've become prettier because your jaw line is slightly visible!!! So cute~~~~~
카오다요 2023-12-15 (금) 09:56 6 Months ago Address
Ohh! It looks like you're doing well! I’m curious about the front too~~ haha
쿼카탐지기 2023-12-15 (금) 16:39 6 Months ago Address
피쟈 2023-12-17 (일) 07:56 6 Months ago Address
오오 나도 딱 사각턱만 치고 싶은데ㅠ
넘 잘됐다 자연스러워!!
종히얌 2023-12-26 (화) 17:41 6 Months ago Address
여기 많이 듣긴했는데 여기 혹시 상담비있음??
닭발땡겨 2023-12-28 (목) 15:38 6 Months ago Address
오옹 사각턱 ! 자연스럽게 잘됫다 !!
키위다무끄 2023-12-30 (토) 18:45 6 Months ago Address
우와 진짜 자연스럽게 됬어요!!!
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