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[Face Contour Resurgery]

첫수술 망해서 약으로버티다가 재수술로 다시 사람된 1년차 후기

성형괴물1716 2023-08-25 (금) 14:37 1 Years ago 5808
첫수술 후

<첫수술 후>

재수술 후 8개월차

<재수술 후 8개월차>

재수술 후 1년차

<재수술 후 1년차>

재수술 후 1년차

<재수술 후 1년차>

재수술 후 1년차

<재수술 후 1년차>

닉네임이 성형괴물인 이유는 이뻐질려고 성형했는데 오히려 괴물처럼 변해서 제 스스로를 성형괴물이라고 불렀어요
자책,회의감,후회,우울... 한동안 정신과 약까지 먹었었어요 원래 멘탈도 강한 스타일도 아니였어서...

22년 1월달에 압구정에 있는 병원에서 광대수술했고 사진 첨부한것처럼 엄청나게 망했죠 모...
엄청 효과 좋을 광대라고 자신있게 말하던 원장님이... 얼굴 완전 망쳐놨죠 ...
시간이 지날수록 비대칭은 심해지고 수술하기 전보다 한쪽은 더 커지고;;;
원장 본인도 심각성을 알았는지 재수술해주겠다고 하는데 제정신 박힌 사람이면 날 이렇게 만든곳에서
재수술 절대 안하잖아요... 됐다고 했어요

재수술은 제 계획에 없던 일이라 엄청나게 큰 멘붕이였고
정신부여잡고 병원 정말 많이 다녔고 첫 수술 후 7개월 뒤 재수술을 했어요
첫번째 병원에서 재수술비용 지원은 전혀 없어서 온전히 제 돈이 또 지출//

비대칭을 정말 개선하고싶다고 간절히 부탁드렸고
광대까지 작아지면 정말좋겠지만 안된다면 비대칭이라도 맞추고싶다고했어요

수술끝나고 눈물나는데 울면 붓는다고 참으라고 하더라구요...
이렇게 두번 고생할지 몰랐거든요..
하루하루 기도하는 마음으로 지냈던거 같아요
저때문에 같이 고생하는 엄마한테도 정말 미안했어요

일단 결론적으로 결과는 후...진짜 대만족해요
정말 힘들고 스트레스 엄청나게 받았는데
광대 비대칭 교정뿐만 아니라 광대 자체도 작아져서 행복하더라구요
거울보면서 그래, 내가 원하던 그림이 이거였지..
돌고돌아 힘들게 왔다 그래도 잘되서 다행이다 했어요

지금은 1년이 되었고 광대가 가장 처짐이 많다고하는데 볼처짐은 현재까진 없는거같아요
광대리프팅도 함께해주면서 광대축소하는 수술 받았어요
얼마전에 울쎄라 600샷이랑 스킨보톡스 시술받았어요(다른병원에서)

첫번째 수술했던 병원은 비댓 달아도 알려드릴 수 없으니 묻지말아주세요
두번째 윤곽병원과 울쎄라 병원은 알려드릴 수 있어요

Comment 210
오션송이 2023-08-25 (금) 15:13 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-25 (금) 17:28 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
오션송이 2023-08-26 (토) 01:21 1 Years ago Address
Thank you, congratulations, you're so pretty ^^
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-28 (월) 10:13 1 Years ago Address
I hope you become pretty ^^
ㅎ희 2023-08-25 (금) 15:42 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-25 (금) 17:28 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
성형백퍼성공 2023-08-25 (금) 16:17 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-25 (금) 17:29 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
소보루빵 2023-08-25 (금) 16:51 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-25 (금) 17:29 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
엽서화 2023-08-25 (금) 17:24 1 Years ago Address
Wow, this is exactly the face shape I want. Could you tell me where you got it done?
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-25 (금) 17:30 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
엽서화 2023-08-25 (금) 17:30 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-25 (금) 17:33 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
도레미솔라시 2023-08-25 (금) 17:31 1 Years ago Address
It seems okay haha ​​congratulations!
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-25 (금) 17:34 1 Years ago Address
thank you.
플라하 2023-08-25 (금) 17:52 1 Years ago Address
The effect is amazing!!ㅠ Can I also get some information about Contour Hospital and Ulthera Hospital?
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-28 (월) 10:07 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
Yuuuumi 2023-12-07 (목) 13:15 9 Months ago Address
Can you share which hospital it is?
자연얼굴 2023-08-25 (금) 17:59 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-28 (월) 10:08 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
만두헤 2023-08-25 (금) 20:56 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-28 (월) 10:08 1 Years ago Address
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필레미뇽 2023-08-25 (금) 21:17 1 Years ago Address
Oh, I've definitely become slimmer.
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-28 (월) 10:08 1 Years ago Address
So admit it!
Rlatmdal16 2023-08-25 (금) 21:27 1 Years ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-28 (월) 10:08 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
식영이 2023-08-25 (금) 21:30 1 Years ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-28 (월) 10:09 1 Years ago Address
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ㅎㅇㅎㅇ요 2023-08-25 (금) 21:54 1 Years ago Address
Some information about the second hospital!! Very, very pretty face shape
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-28 (월) 10:09 1 Years ago Address
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사라아아암코및뒷트 2023-08-25 (금) 23:04 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-28 (월) 10:09 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
dyso27 2023-08-25 (금) 23:08 1 Years ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-28 (월) 10:09 1 Years ago Address
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소소슈슈 2023-08-25 (금) 23:44 1 Years ago Address
Please tell me the hospital information ㅠㅠ!!
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-28 (월) 10:09 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
쏘루 2023-08-26 (토) 15:03 1 Years ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-28 (월) 10:09 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
Dubuuuu 2023-08-26 (토) 17:56 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-28 (월) 10:10 1 Years ago Address
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비민 2023-08-26 (토) 21:17 1 Years ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-28 (월) 10:10 1 Years ago Address
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ㅁㄷㄱㅇㅇ 2023-08-26 (토) 23:40 1 Years ago Address
Secondly, can I get some information about Byeongwoo?ㅠ
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-28 (월) 10:10 1 Years ago Address
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밤비농 2023-08-27 (일) 00:06 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-28 (월) 10:10 1 Years ago Address
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갈아엎기대작전 2023-08-27 (일) 01:32 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-28 (월) 10:10 1 Years ago Address
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소쨩 2023-08-27 (일) 10:03 1 Years ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-28 (월) 10:10 1 Years ago Address
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고구마아이스크림 2023-08-27 (일) 19:12 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-28 (월) 10:10 1 Years ago Address
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유니제이끄 2023-08-27 (일) 23:25 1 Years ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-28 (월) 10:11 1 Years ago Address
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귀요미염 2023-08-27 (일) 23:33 1 Years ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-28 (월) 10:11 1 Years ago Address
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은비17 2023-08-28 (월) 03:32 1 Years ago Address
Looking at the photo, I think they must have had a hard time~~ㅠI look envious now.. Please share the hospital with me too.
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-28 (월) 10:11 1 Years ago Address
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행운럭키7 2023-08-28 (월) 06:40 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-28 (월) 10:11 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
공중붕양 2023-08-28 (월) 11:10 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-28 (월) 15:22 1 Years ago Address
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밍밍ㅎㅋ 2023-08-28 (월) 14:24 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-28 (월) 15:23 1 Years ago Address
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밍밍ㅎㅋ 2023-08-28 (월) 16:02 1 Years ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-28 (월) 18:10 1 Years ago Address
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쪼아용 2023-08-28 (월) 18:17 1 Years ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-29 (화) 10:12 1 Years ago Address
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잔망루피 2023-08-28 (월) 20:27 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-29 (화) 10:13 1 Years ago Address
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호롱호랭 2023-08-28 (월) 23:43 1 Years ago Address
The second hospital somewhere is awesome ㅠㅠㅠ
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-29 (화) 10:13 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
안뚜경 2023-08-29 (화) 01:07 1 Years ago Address
The pain must have been so severe. I endured each day to see her become prettier.. One month felt like a year.. The pain must have been twice as much. From now on, I hope I only walk on a happy path..
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-29 (화) 10:14 1 Years ago Address
Thank you so much for your warm words. I will do my best ^^
라라리라라20 2023-08-29 (화) 11:22 1 Years ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-29 (화) 14:53 1 Years ago Address
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도톰 2023-08-29 (화) 12:53 1 Years ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-29 (화) 14:53 1 Years ago Address
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은비17 2023-08-29 (화) 15:46 1 Years ago Address
Ah~~~~~Post-surgery care is important. ㅠ Please share the hospital where you received Ulthera 600 shot and skin Botox.
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-29 (화) 18:13 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
희원희원희히 2023-08-29 (화) 16:08 1 Years ago Address
우왕 너무잘됐따 ㅎ
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-29 (화) 18:13 1 Years ago Address
Thank you^^
yjcysj 2023-08-29 (화) 18:41 1 Years ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-30 (수) 10:22 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
yjcysj 2023-08-31 (목) 00:22 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
압구정요정 2023-08-29 (화) 22:39 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-30 (수) 10:22 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
리자잉 2023-08-30 (수) 00:35 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-30 (수) 10:22 1 Years ago Address
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밀랄루 2023-08-30 (수) 20:18 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-31 (목) 18:51 1 Years ago Address
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밀랄루 2023-09-01 (금) 01:33 1 Years ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-09-28 (목) 10:51 11 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
imme 2023-08-31 (목) 00:22 1 Years ago Address
It went so well, congratulations! I also need some information..ㅠㅠ
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-31 (목) 18:51 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
Dbifr 2023-08-31 (목) 16:57 1 Years ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-08-31 (목) 18:51 1 Years ago Address
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Dbifr 2023-08-31 (목) 23:28 1 Years ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-09-08 (금) 10:23 1 Years ago Address
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Dbifr 2023-09-14 (목) 14:49 1 Years ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-09-28 (목) 10:50 11 Months ago Address
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짱난다 2023-08-31 (목) 19:55 1 Years ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-09-08 (금) 10:24 1 Years ago Address
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수수쑤 2023-09-05 (화) 11:05 1 Years ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-09-08 (금) 10:24 1 Years ago Address
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미인될거안 2023-09-06 (수) 00:31 1 Years ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-09-08 (금) 10:24 1 Years ago Address
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son슨 2023-09-06 (수) 03:04 1 Years ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-09-08 (금) 10:24 1 Years ago Address
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몬둥이 2023-09-06 (수) 15:47 1 Years ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-09-08 (금) 10:25 1 Years ago Address
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몬둥이 2023-09-08 (금) 13:07 1 Years ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-09-28 (목) 10:49 11 Months ago Address
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몬둥이 2023-09-28 (목) 10:56 11 Months ago Address
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mimi8526 2023-09-06 (수) 21:25 1 Years ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-09-08 (금) 10:25 1 Years ago Address
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소금소금이 2023-09-07 (목) 05:24 1 Years ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-09-08 (금) 10:25 1 Years ago Address
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라라리라라20 2023-09-07 (목) 06:07 1 Years ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-09-08 (금) 10:25 1 Years ago Address
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굿바이하이 2023-09-07 (목) 10:10 1 Years ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-09-08 (금) 10:25 1 Years ago Address
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딸기맛새콤달콤 2023-09-10 (일) 07:41 1 Years ago Address
재수 잘된거 너무 축하해!!! 라인도 예쁘고 여백없이 잘 됐다ㅎㅎ
재수병원이랑 울쎄라 병원 정보 부탁할게!
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-09-28 (목) 10:44 11 Months ago Address
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쟤리 2023-09-12 (화) 14:54 1 Years ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-09-28 (목) 10:45 11 Months ago Address
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eqqmsl 2023-09-13 (수) 13:42 1 Years ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-09-28 (목) 10:45 11 Months ago Address
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지렁이불빨래 2023-09-13 (수) 22:39 1 Years ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-09-28 (목) 10:45 11 Months ago Address
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지렁이불빨래 2023-09-28 (목) 16:04 11 Months ago Address
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말리와나 2023-09-13 (수) 23:43 1 Years ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-09-28 (목) 10:45 11 Months ago Address
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Asdf6 2023-09-14 (목) 12:33 1 Years ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-09-28 (목) 10:45 11 Months ago Address
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까이여 2023-09-14 (목) 22:13 1 Years ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-09-28 (목) 10:45 11 Months ago Address
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보라빛밤 2023-09-15 (금) 17:51 1 Years ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-09-28 (목) 10:45 11 Months ago Address
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요조한 2023-09-18 (월) 13:00 1 Years ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-09-28 (목) 10:46 11 Months ago Address
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안녕나는쿠키 2023-09-18 (월) 14:45 1 Years ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-09-28 (목) 10:46 11 Months ago Address
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Anjrh 2023-09-19 (화) 01:35 1 Years ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-09-28 (목) 10:46 11 Months ago Address
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에딭 2023-09-19 (화) 09:58 1 Years ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-09-28 (목) 10:46 11 Months ago Address
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102938q 2023-09-19 (화) 19:05 1 Years ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-09-28 (목) 10:46 11 Months ago Address
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견적수십억 2023-09-20 (수) 14:43 11 Months ago Address
맘고생 심햇을텐데 잘됏다 정보좀줘
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-09-28 (목) 10:46 11 Months ago Address
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out브로커out 2023-09-20 (수) 18:22 11 Months ago Address
어머 너무예쁘당 혹시 윤곽병원이랑 스킨보톡스+울쎄라 병원정보 알 수 있을까?!
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-09-28 (목) 10:47 11 Months ago Address
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탈출자 2023-09-21 (목) 15:18 11 Months ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-09-28 (목) 10:47 11 Months ago Address
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백진아 2023-09-23 (토) 16:01 11 Months ago Address
첫번째 사진 나랑 얼굴형 너무 똑같애ㅠㅠ재수술 진짜 너무 잘됐다!!재수술 병원 어디서 했는지 알 수 있을까??
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-09-28 (목) 10:47 11 Months ago Address
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소소란 2023-09-23 (토) 22:57 11 Months ago Address
정말잘됐네요 저도 병원 후기좀 부탁드립니다ㅜㅜㅜㅜ
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-09-28 (목) 10:48 11 Months ago Address
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소소란 2023-10-02 (월) 17:41 11 Months ago Address
본디에서 비용은 얼마나드셨을까요?
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-10-05 (목) 14:20 11 Months ago Address
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삐삐호 2023-10-03 (화) 01:32 11 Months ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-10-05 (목) 14:21 11 Months ago Address
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양념반후라이드 2023-10-04 (수) 09:30 11 Months ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-10-05 (목) 14:21 11 Months ago Address
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수술숙 2023-10-09 (월) 08:39 11 Months ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-10-11 (수) 15:23 11 Months ago Address
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말랑씽 2023-10-14 (토) 21:07 10 Months ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-10-19 (목) 15:13 10 Months ago Address
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예사찡 2023-10-15 (일) 22:56 10 Months ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-10-19 (목) 15:13 10 Months ago Address
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다해언니 2023-10-17 (화) 15:55 10 Months ago Address
재수술 병원 알려주세요오ㅠㅠ
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-10-19 (목) 15:13 10 Months ago Address
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도비에요 2023-10-19 (목) 06:20 10 Months ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-10-19 (목) 15:13 10 Months ago Address
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예현진 2023-10-21 (토) 10:16 10 Months ago Address
재수술 잘돼서 정말 다행이다 ㅜ
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-10-25 (수) 12:22 10 Months ago Address
그러니깐요 ㅜ
광대부자다 2023-10-24 (화) 00:40 10 Months ago Address
너무 예뻐요!! 그동안 고생 많으셨어요 두번째 병원 정보랑 비용은 얼마인지 부탁드려도 될까요?
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-10-25 (수) 12:22 10 Months ago Address
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dunkixx 2023-10-27 (금) 13:09 10 Months ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-11-07 (화) 10:00 10 Months ago Address
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소금소금이 2023-10-31 (화) 00:56 10 Months ago Address
너무 예쁘게 잘 되셨어요! 두번째 병원 정보 알 수 있을까요!?
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-11-07 (화) 10:00 10 Months ago Address
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연뚜우우웅 2023-11-01 (수) 09:00 10 Months ago Address
와 진짜 광대 너무너무 잘 되셨어요!! 저도 두번째 윤곽 병원 정보좀 알 수 있을까요?
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-11-07 (화) 10:00 10 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
Xseanzo 2023-11-01 (수) 10:19 10 Months ago Address
정말 아름다워 보여요! 병원이 어디 있는지 알 수 있나요?
성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-11-07 (화) 10:01 10 Months ago Address
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오우아 2023-11-01 (수) 23:21 10 Months ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-11-07 (화) 10:01 10 Months ago Address
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코아아아앙악 2023-11-05 (일) 03:11 10 Months ago Address
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성형괴물1716 Writer 2023-11-07 (화) 10:01 10 Months ago Address
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Yuuuumi 2023-11-14 (화) 17:24 9 Months ago Address
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윈이 2023-11-25 (토) 18:09 9 Months ago Address
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마예수 2023-12-04 (월) 12:16 9 Months ago Address
저도 윤곽 재수술 생각중인데 혹시 정보 알려주실 수 있을까요??ㅜㅜ
릿뿡빵 2023-12-07 (목) 00:04 9 Months ago Address
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탈출자 2023-12-07 (목) 01:52 9 Months ago Address
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Yuuuumi 2023-12-07 (목) 13:14 9 Months ago Address
얼굴형 진짜 이쁘다 병원 공유가능할까..? 울쎄라 병원두…!
리랄랄랄 2023-12-08 (금) 17:48 9 Months ago Address
너무 잘됐다 고생했네 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 나도 병원 정보좀 알려주라!!!
막창뿌셔 2023-12-16 (토) 11:37 8 Months ago Address
두번째 두 병원 정보 좀 부탁 드려도 될까요ㅜㅜ?!
연하남만셋 2023-12-20 (수) 02:33 8 Months ago Address
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djfjr 2023-12-22 (금) 00:39 8 Months ago Address
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성공윤곽 2023-12-24 (일) 03:40 8 Months ago Address
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주주주주링 2023-12-27 (수) 15:11 8 Months ago Address
두번 째 병원 정보 부탁드려용
소리벼리 2024-02-09 (금) 01:35 7 Months ago Address
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마스카라마스카라 2024-02-18 (일) 17:53 6 Months ago Address
정보좀 공유 부탁드려요
저도 불유합으로 광대가 너무 아픕니다
카뿌 2024-05-08 (수) 21:28 4 Months ago Address
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음뭬엥 2024-05-28 (화) 16:05 3 Months ago Address
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쌤밍 2024-06-22 (토) 19:53 2 Months ago Address
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맘모스빵존맛 2024-07-31 (수) 14:24 1 Months ago Address
정보좀 알수있을까용?! !
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