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Facial bone job

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A review of a deep cheek surgery done 3 years ago (+ Accu-suction, fat grafting, 1 and a half years later) with photos!

mio3o 2023-07-14 (금) 11:02 1 Years ago 4057
240 만원
1100 days

I thought I posted it, but I didn't. First of all, my mom and I are bungeoppang, and when I saw my mom's cheeks sagging like a bulldog, I thought I'd be like that too, so I looked into it a lot. Even though she's in her 20s, she's already saggy and looks like a bulldogㅠㅠ.. I thought it was because of dialysis. Because it's a deep cheek, it needs to be removed... It's not a surgery, it's a surgery to cut open the inside of the mouth and remove the fat! I was under sedation, but did I get Accu-liposuction? (double chin liposuction) and there were injection marks left... ㅠㅋㅋ Then, I had thigh fat removed and fat grafted to the shadows under the cheekbones and nasolabial folds (in the second round, fat grafting was done to the shadows under the cheekbones, nasolabial folds, and chin). ) And they gave me botox as a service for my cobblestone chin , and they only did fat grafting so little that it wouldn't really be noticeable. I wanted a mani, but I had to put it in little by little for it to stick and not clump up? Anyway, it's been a while so I don't remember, but they say it's better to put it in little by little and do the mani often, so now I'm doing it little by little. I thought it was really good because I did the 5th round, which was about the size of my nasolabial cheeks. At first, I was disappointed. I remember that it was probably 88 if I only did the deep cheeks. I was 240 in total, including the 2nd round of deep cheeks + Accu liposuction + fat grafting. Originally, well. It's a style that doesn't cause any swelling or bruising, so I just continued with the surgery. There was no change. Everyone else heard that the area where the thigh fat was harvested was painful, but was it tolerable? It was just a sore feeling, like a bruise. There was only one doctor, so he seemed very busy. He only told me what I needed and didn't talk too much. Later on, I gained some faith and added a few more fat grafts. The fat redistribution under the eyes was also not advertised as such! Really, I sold my own goods and paid for it with my own money. I had the surgery in May 2020! It's been about 3 years now and it remains the same! The unfortunate thing is that the surgery was perfect, but I tend to have cheekbones, so after the surgery, my face shape became a little more triangular... Sigh... But I guess this can't be helped unless I get cheekbone surgery, but overall, I'm more satisfied than I was before the surgery! The pictures are in order: before the surgery, 2 days after the surgery (it stayed like this), and after 1 and a half years after the surgery. +++ Everyone responded that it went better than expected, so I uploaded the current picture. The four pictures were taken in November of last year. It also shows the shortcomings, not the bad ones. Well, first of all, because of my cheekbones, my face ended up looking like an inverted triangle. I originally had a round and short face, but after doing it, it had the effect of making me look a little longer... But everyone's face shape is different, so consider it based on your own face shape. It would be nice to do it! Oh, and there were no particular side effects. In general, I think it's better than not doing it at all haha...

Comment 35
송미역 2023-07-14 (금) 12:46 1 Years ago Address
Wow, that’s very dramatic. The before and after.
mio3o Writer 2023-07-14 (금) 13:28 1 Years ago Address
I was like that too when I was posting this lol I think it looks like that because I'm a bit of a severe case haha.
마무미뭉 2023-07-14 (금) 13:27 1 Years ago Address
The effect is really good.
mio3o Writer 2023-07-14 (금) 13:29 1 Years ago Address
Ugh, but sometimes I feel like I'm too angular when I'm a clownㅠㅠㅋㅋㅋ
유닝블리 2023-07-14 (금) 13:45 1 Years ago Address
이게 심부볼은 지방흡입으로도 안빠진다고하드라 ㅠㅠ심부볼 뺀게 훨씬 낫다!
mio3o Writer 2023-07-14 (금) 14:15 1 Years ago Address
웅 마저마저 난심부볼이 먼지도 몰랏는데 지방 뭉친 덩어리??같은거라 떼어내야된다더라규ㅠㅠ
모르지엘라 2023-07-14 (금) 14:10 1 Years ago Address
심부볼도 효과가 좋긴하구나..정보 고마워
mio3o Writer 2023-07-14 (금) 14:17 1 Years ago Address
나도 후기올리면서보니까 진짜 드라마틱하게됐는데 그땐 몰랏던거같아ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ반응이 생각보다 좋넹
럽럽미라 2023-07-14 (금) 14:29 1 Years ago Address
심부볼 빼고나서 부작용같은건 없었엉??
mio3o Writer 2023-07-14 (금) 14:31 1 Years ago Address
딱히 없는뎀 굳이 찾자면 내가 얼굴형이 짧고 동글한편이였는데 하고나서 좀 약간 길어보이는듯한 효과가잇엉ㅠㅠ부작용은 아니구 단점인데..이건 사람마다 얼굴형이 다르니ㅠㅠㅋㅋㅋㅋ
파라파라둥 2023-07-14 (금) 16:54 1 Years ago Address
우와...아프지는 안오?
mio3o Writer 2023-07-14 (금) 16:57 1 Years ago Address
수면마취라서 아프진않앗음!ㅎㅎ
진지니s 2023-07-15 (토) 12:47 1 Years ago Address
잘됫다 !! 라인이 이뻐졋어 *.*
갉곡 2023-07-17 (월) 15:57 1 Years ago Address
와... 진짜 잘된것 같아요 얼굴라인.. ㅜㅜ 효과진짜 잘보셨네요
Kashy 2023-07-22 (토) 16:39 1 Years ago Address
입벌릴때 해골 처럼 안들어가???
mio3o Writer 2023-07-22 (토) 16:41 1 Years ago Address
웅 전혀 없움ㅇㅅㅇ
sg레테 2023-07-23 (일) 01:57 1 Years ago Address
혹시 아큐스컬프 지흡 얼마야? 가격 비댓으로알려줄수있어?
mio3o Writer 2023-07-27 (목) 22:41 1 Years ago Address
다 같이 한번에 결제해서 기억이안나ㅠㅠ미안
재수술잘받자 2023-07-27 (목) 20:27 1 Years ago Address
광대밑에 지방을 더넣으면 덜 길어보이지않을까?ㅜ
나도 똑같은 얼굴인데 길어보일까봐 걱정되서 고민중
mio3o Writer 2023-07-27 (목) 22:43 1 Years ago Address
넣긴했거든 나듀ㅠㅠ근데 더 해야할둣,,,,엄청 조금씩 넣어주시거든ㅋㅋㅋㅋ지방이식만 다른데 알아봐도 괜찮을듯?
여긴 조금식 많이하는세 생착이나 이런거좋다구 그냥 꺼진부분 평평하게 해주는 정도로만 해줭
어누우웅 2023-07-30 (일) 01:44 1 Years ago Address
가격 얼마나와써?
mio3o Writer 2023-07-31 (월) 11:39 1 Years ago Address
글에 다써놧쟈낭
핼롤라 2023-07-30 (일) 12:30 1 Years ago Address
알굴 그렇게 길어보이지 않는데? 라인 완전 깔끔하게 정리됬다 너무 예뻐!
mio3o Writer 2023-07-31 (월) 11:39 1 Years ago Address
고마오 위로가되는구나ㅠㅠㅋㅋㅋㅌ
앙성형띠 2023-08-02 (수) 15:06 1 Years ago Address
수술 이쁘게 잘됐다! 축하해
병원 어딘지 초성 알수 있을까?
mio3o Writer 2023-08-02 (수) 15:09 1 Years ago Address
유ㅣ에 병원정보 누르면 나왐 써놧오
MERoGu2 2023-08-03 (목) 06:52 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
mio3o Writer 2023-09-01 (금) 08:47 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
kitty99 2023-12-05 (화) 19:31 9 Months ago Address
지방 채취한 허벅지 부분 흉터나 자국은 어때? 나도 여기 상담받고 왔는데 셀룰라이트처럼 울퉁불퉁할 수도 있다 그래서 망설이는중이거든 ㅠ
mio3o Writer 2024-07-12 (금) 21:47 2 Months ago Address
엄청 소량빼서 티도안나는데 약간 흉은남았오
ciel07 2023-12-22 (금) 00:35 8 Months ago Address
윤쓰윰스 2024-02-06 (화) 02:07 7 Months ago Address
오와 예뻐졋따!!
나더 심부볼제거 고민중인데 볼패임이나 처짐이 무조건 있대서 망설이는 중이야 ㅠ 혹시 그런건 없옹?
mio3o Writer 2024-07-12 (금) 21:47 2 Months ago Address
난 볼패임 없더라규
어리고싶다 2024-07-12 (금) 21:22 2 Months ago Address
와 잘됐다.. 불독살 때문에 심부볼제거 고민중인데 유라인 컷주사랑 심부볼제거 수술이랑 뭘 해야할지 모르겠음...
mio3o Writer 2024-07-12 (금) 21:48 2 Months ago Address
난 원래 지흡알아보러간건데 이건 심부볼 제거수술 해야된다해서 한고야
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