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Facial bone job

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[Double Chin]

I came here today with a tired face.

늙은얼굴 2023-07-01 (토) 23:08 1 Years ago 2479




Arrived at the hospital, took a picture, changed clothes, looked at the director, drew a picture of my face, tied my arms and legs in the operating room , poured a bucket of disinfectant on my head (is this...is that all done????), applied yellow disinfectant to my neck (don't you wipe it off after this??), and anesthesia started . I woke up in the middle. They said it was almost over and that they were going to give me an injection, so I remember asking for more anesthesia. And when I woke up, the recovery room didn't seem to have a service mind. How many ccs did you remove from your face? He said that his face doesn't show up in cc. Other hospitals seem to inform me, but I only like the director. My hair is all wet. The swelling goes down in half a day. I'll come back after I remove the stitches for a detailed review. There's not much to do for now.

Comment 22
초바비15 2023-07-01 (토) 23:26 1 Years ago Address
Where did you do it?
늙은얼굴 Writer 2023-07-01 (토) 23:59 1 Years ago Address
iliilllili… 2023-07-01 (토) 23:57 1 Years ago Address
Your face is half cut..?
늙은얼굴 Writer 2023-07-01 (토) 23:59 1 Years ago Address
huh? It's not that bad hahahaha
권유라 2023-07-02 (일) 01:02 1 Years ago Address
Wow.. your jaw line has become sharper.
청명 2023-07-02 (일) 01:13 1 Years ago Address
Wow, it looks like it went in...it's good.
하몽지 2023-07-02 (일) 01:37 1 Years ago Address
I think it went really well!!! Be sure to leave a review
베티엘리 2023-07-02 (일) 01:43 1 Years ago Address
One person waiting for a review haha
여망망 2023-07-02 (일) 02:05 1 Years ago Address
Thank you for your hard workㅠㅠ I hope the swelling goes down quickly!!
재링이당 2023-07-02 (일) 12:25 1 Years ago Address
Oh, I’m curious about the reviews!!
주하조아 2023-07-02 (일) 14:27 1 Years ago Address
Even though I don't like the attitude, the results seem to be good. In particular, the jowl fat seems to have decreased significantly. It will probably disappear more and more as time passes. And the effect is even better if you also exercise.
말차크림빵 2023-07-03 (월) 06:24 1 Years ago Address
I’m curious about the reviews!
qweqw123 2023-07-03 (월) 13:39 1 Years ago Address
Good job
ddert4345 2023-07-03 (월) 17:34 1 Years ago Address
joooooos 2023-07-03 (월) 19:26 1 Years ago Address
Thank you for your hard work! ㅠㅠㅠ Let’s watch the swelling go down :)
이얌뽀 2023-07-04 (화) 01:58 1 Years ago Address
Wow, there is no swelling and it’s dramatic ㅠㅠ Can you give me some information?
귀요마 2023-07-05 (수) 06:14 1 Years ago Address
Oh... the director's skills are good.
소금소소 2023-07-06 (목) 17:52 1 Years ago Address
Oh, it's going so well
호호안나 2023-07-11 (화) 06:02 1 Years ago Address
Thank you for your hard work! Once the swelling goes down, you'll look slimmer.
raea 2023-07-14 (금) 13:54 1 Years ago Address
How are you feeling now? I'm curious about the reviews
뚜밍 2023-08-02 (수) 08:47 1 Years ago Address
Did you just get a double chin..?!
눈재수술신중요함 2023-08-09 (수) 20:19 1 Years ago Address
Did you just get a double chin? I'm curious about the price and which director you did it with.
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