<여러 곳 상담 다니기 귀찮았는데 다행히 딱 처음 간 곳에서 믿고 수술 하게되었습니다~ 원장님도 자신있어 하시고 제가 궁금했던 것들 다 명쾌하게 답을 주셨어요~ 광대 컴플렉스로 갔다가 사각턱과 지방이식도 추천해주셨습니다.>
<광대+사각턱+지방이식으로 진행했고 일주일때까지는 정말 너무너무 힘들었습니다.. 전신마취 여파도 심했고 목이 수술 후 2주반 정도는 성대결절 난 사람이였어요.. 잠잘때 가래랑 목이아파 잘 못자기도 했고 얼굴이 부어서 터질거같은 느낌에 오래 자지도 못했어요. 붓기는 사실 초반엔 거울 잘 안봤구요.. 맘접고 살면 빠지려니 했어요. 처음엔 말도안되게 붓고 괴물같습니다.. 그 짧은 시기 버텨내면 나아지니 걱정 안하셔도 될거같아요. 신기하더라고요. 돌아오네요.. 전 지방이식도 같이해서 더 심하게 부었던 것 같아요. 그래도 예전엔 볼꺼짐이 심하고 퀭한 인상이였는데 얼굴에 어느정도 지방도 들어가고 윤곽도 부드러워져서 요새 인상이 좋아보이네요~ 더 붓기 빠지면 기대됩니다!>
I went through cheekbones + square jaw + fat transplant, and it was really, really hard until a week ago. The aftermath of the general anesthesia was severe, and I had vocal cord nodules for about two and a half weeks after the surgery. I couldn't sleep for a long time because my face was swollen and felt like it was about to explode. Actually, I didn't look in the mirror well at first.. I thought it would go away if I gave up. At first, it's ridiculously swollen and looks like a monster.. If you endure that short period of time, it will get better, so you don't have to worry. It was amazing. It's coming back.. I think the swelling was worse because of the fat transplant.
Still, I used to have a lot of saggy cheeks and a puffy impression, but some fat is added to the face and the outline has become softer, so the impression looks good these days~ I'm looking forward to it when the
swelling goes down!