They said they did 3 types of contours, AQ respiration, and forehead giyi. Looking at the forehead, the upper part of the left eyebrow is a bit distorted, and the cheekbones are still protruding, and the cheeks
seem to be
severely sagging. .In
the 1st week, I met the doctor and told him that my cheeks were going to disappear, and he said that the cheekbones and chin were reduced because of the swelling.
I forgot about my forehead and couldn't ask, so the nursing sister said that she wanted to ask that doctor one more question. She asked me to ask her. ..?
I think that the fire poisoning is because of the swelling, but is it really all because of the swelling?
Should I have a reoperation? How do Sung-Ye look?
Oh, and if there is a Sung-ye who has been acquiescent to the 3 types with me, I would be grateful if he could tell me when the swelling went down and he went about his daily life.