<턱살 람스 시술 전 모습><턱살 람스 시술 7주 차><턱살 람스 시술 7주 차><턱살 람스 시술 7주 차><7th week of jowl Rams treatment><7th week of jowl Rams treatment><7th week of jowl Rams treatment>It's already been 7 weeks since I received the Rams double chin treatment!
I can feel the time passing really quickly,,ㅠㅠ
I felt that Rams Facial was effective from the 5th week, and
after the 7th week, I felt it even more clearly!
Many people around me say that my face has become much smaller, and
I myself am very satisfied
that the double chin area has disappeared when I take selfies or look in the mirror
!! I received Carboxy treatment twice, but after receiving Carboxy, my face was swollen and swollen from gas for two weeks, which was a bit uncomfortable. However, it was said to be
good for reducing lumps and facial fat and smoothing out lines, so just one last time. I'm thinking of taking it!
Actually, I got my second carboxylic treatment this Monday, and my face is still really swollen haha.
When I got my first carboxylic treatment, I didn't do any exercise, so I think the swelling lasted a while, but this time, I started exercising at the same time, so I think the swelling went down a little faster. !
Now the lumps are almost gone and I feel like there really is no discomfort after the procedure!!
I was always stressed about my chin, but I am so happy that I got the Rams treatment and overcame my complex and started the new year!!!