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Facial bone job

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3rd day review of cheekbone surgery

맨들맨들 2022-07-29 (금) 13:33 2 Years ago 2037
350 만원
3 days
Today is just the 3rd day! It's said that there isn't a lot of swelling, but it's very painful ㅠㅠ I slept a bit on the way home from the surgery on the same day, but when I was sleeping and sneezing, nosebleeds came out ㅠㅠ It was n't a joke with nosebleeds and phlegm the day of surgery and the next day . Haeㅠ The left side was a little more swollen than the right side. I was told to wear it for 3 days, but my double chin hurts so much ㅠㅠ Today I’m taking a break ㅠㅠ It hurts so much even with a cotton pad in it ㅠㅠ Under the chin hurts the most ㅠㅠ Surgery site pain I can stand it, but I can't stand the pain caused by hunger. It's strangely a bit strange when I press my upper teeth with my tongue, maybe because of the squeezing of the gums. Originally, I should have called it a bulge before the surgery, but the shaded areas are very visible now.

Comment 13
꿀벌이 2022-07-30 (토) 11:53 2 Years ago Address
Wouldn't it get better with time? I'm still in surgery.
꽃샘추위 2022-07-30 (토) 14:34 2 Years ago Address
it'll be alright
멕히 2022-07-30 (토) 20:16 2 Years ago Address
It's still the 3rd day, so shouldn't we wait and see?
좋은인상유지하기 2022-07-31 (일) 10:49 2 Years ago Address
3일이 붓기 최고조라고 하니, 아직은 맘 편히 갖으세요
노엘린 2022-08-01 (월) 13:28 2 Years ago Address
원래 붓기나 아픈게 2-3일이 최고라고 하니까.. 그리고 실밥 빼면서 확 괜찮아지니까 조금만 더 힘내요~!
쩨리씨 2022-08-02 (화) 13:00 2 Years ago Address
3일이 제일 아프다고 하고 붓기도 심하다고 하드라구요ㅜㅜ지금 윤곽3종 고민인데ㅜㅜ 직장인이라ㅜㅜ 회복때문에ㅜㅜ
단순변심 2022-08-02 (화) 17:49 2 Years ago Address
나도 같은 원장님으로 지정해서 상담 받은적 있는데 경과 궁금하다 붓기 예쁘게 빠지면 자랑해줘
피정 2022-08-07 (일) 09:42 2 Years ago Address
디에이에서 한 사람들만 이렇게 사후 피가 많이 나는거야 아니면 안면윤곽 수술이 원래 이런거야..?
몬무 2022-08-07 (일) 18:41 2 Years ago Address
아이고 ㅜㅜ 고생이네요 정말.. 힘내요
life 2022-08-11 (목) 17:03 2 Years ago Address
ㅠㅠ 광대 수술 후기 보면 떠 갑자기 무서워서 하기 시러딤
뚜뚜잉뽀잉 2022-08-12 (금) 18:06 2 Years ago Address
익은토마토 2022-08-18 (목) 15:02 2 Years ago Address
저는 다음주 상담받으러갈예정인데 ㅠㅠ 무서워용 ㅠㅠ
터틀한거북이 2022-11-16 (수) 21:35 2 Years ago Address
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