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[Square Jaw]

5 months after square jaw surgery

카일리젤리 2022-06-07 (화) 08:33 2 Years ago 1677
왼쪽 사진

<왼쪽 사진>

오른쪽 사진

<오른쪽 사진>

I did it in January and now about 5 months have passed. I'm curious to see what it looks like. For reference, I had an asymmetric square jaw, especially on the right side. I'm a little worried about the right side being a little less cut, but how does it look?? At first, I thought it would be okay to take care of the swelling and massage, but please take a look. It's good that it's improved to some extent, but I'm worried about it because it's asymmetrical.

Comment 20
요리사상디 2022-06-07 (화) 09:26 2 Years ago Address
The 2nd angle is right on the right side of the photo (if it's the left jaw at the point of use? If it's a left and right inverted photo), I can see two right away.. I made a bit of an error in the excision.
카일리젤리 Writer 2022-06-07 (화) 13:25 2 Years ago Address
[@Cook Sanji] My right chin is like that... It's stressful...
코코아분말 2022-06-07 (화) 12:53 2 Years ago Address
Is it really true that there is a curve in the front chin? Comparing the two, they are slightly different.
카일리젤리 Writer 2022-06-07 (화) 13:26 2 Years ago Address
[@Cocoa powder] Yes, there's a little bit of that, but it's from the very end...
망고왜먹다망고 2022-06-07 (화) 13:46 2 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
카일리젤리 Writer 2022-06-07 (화) 15:43 2 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
akaha 2022-06-07 (화) 23:46 2 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
카일리젤리 Writer 2022-06-08 (수) 02:53 2 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
하리뽀젤뤼 2022-06-08 (수) 01:20 2 Years ago Address
For hospital information.
카일리젤리 Writer 2022-06-08 (수) 02:54 2 Years ago Address
[@Haripojelu]   I think it's a little difficult to give hospital information ㅡㅜㅜ
gzl 2022-06-08 (수) 02:53 2 Years ago Address
There was no fattening at all?
카일리젤리 Writer 2022-06-08 (수) 02:55 2 Years ago Address
[@gzl] I haven't lost weight yet. Looks like time has to wait
파그모앙 2022-06-09 (목) 12:29 2 Years ago Address
The right side has a slightly different angle, so it's hard to say exactly what to say.
카일리젤리 Writer 2022-06-09 (목) 13:54 2 Years ago Address
[@Pagmoang] That's right ㅜㅜ I think I'll go to the dentist for a CT scan soon.
사이먼로이 2022-06-17 (금) 12:42 2 Years ago Address
5개월차인데 살짝 비대칭 걱정은 되네요. 저는 몇년 전에 했는데 시간이 지나면서 비대칭이 약간 오더라구요.
불가사립 2022-06-17 (금) 14:37 2 Years ago Address
자연스럽고 좋은뎅?~
연보라아 2022-06-18 (토) 08:30 2 Years ago Address
햄뚱이 2022-06-24 (금) 08:59 2 Years ago Address
어디서했는지 알 수 있을까요 ?
guoguo88 2022-09-13 (화) 19:10 2 Years ago Address
귀뒤로 하신건가요? 아니면 입안절개??
오바람1 2022-10-09 (일) 20:46 1 Years ago Address
후기 좋네요~~~~~~~~
잘된것같아요 감사드려요!
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