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Facial bone job

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These are photos taken 7 weeks before and after quick cheekbone surgery. I'm posting this in case it helps.

pomoongirl 2021-12-07 (화) 17:28 2 Years ago 5878

Please understand that the picture quality is poor as the phone camera is in a bad state. The first and second photos were taken before surgery. The cheekbones are all protruding overall! And on October 15th, I underwent a modified 15-minute cheek, back, and cheek fat transplant at ㄹㅋ. And the photos taken yesterday are the third and fourth photos. Personally, I am satisfied with the effect of reducing the side and back cheekbones. And ㄹㅋ ㄱㅅㅎ, the perception of the director is still good. And the recovery after surgery was definitely very fast. However, it is very unfortunate that I rashly overlooked the lack of effect of 45-degree cheekbone reduction due to my almost pathological fear of general anesthesia and incisions inside the mouth. As you can see in the picture, the 45 degree cheekbones are the same. I am planning to have reoperation next year. I wrote this in hopes that it might be of some help to those who are having trouble with quick clowns. If you have any questions, please leave a comment. Lastly, if you are seriously considering plastic surgery, I recommend that you read this article, understandably, gather relevant information with a long-term and careful attitude, and visit several hospitals. I am by no means an impatient person, but I regret rushing too much due to my impatience to see a difference as soon as possible and my vague fear of standard surgical procedures. Thanks for reading.

Comment 40
hsjsiskaka 2021-12-07 (화) 18:29 2 Years ago Address
The cheek surgery was successful. Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations
아근데요 2021-12-07 (화) 18:53 2 Years ago Address
I think the hairstyle accentuates the clown. Changing the hair might make the clown less prominent..!
pomoongirl Writer 2021-12-07 (화) 19:29 2 Years ago Address
[@I'm sorry] Thanks for the advice. Actually, I'm not really interested in appearance (it's not a good version just because I'm interested in it... lol), I'm just thinking about it because the clown is too prominent, so that's good advice. Shall we cut it short?
어쩐지좋은일이 2021-12-07 (화) 19:07 2 Years ago Address
Quick Clown Hmmmm
pomoongirl Writer 2021-12-07 (화) 19:29 2 Years ago Address
[@Something good] I think there are definitely people who are suitable. hehe
호롱불소리 2021-12-08 (수) 07:00 2 Years ago Address
It's better to outline it properly.. I was even worse than the clown, but I ended up contouring it. How much did the quick clown cost?
pomoongirl Writer 2021-12-08 (수) 13:21 2 Years ago Address
[@Chorongfire] Thanks for the reply. Wow... you see. I did those three for a total of 500.
호롱불소리 2021-12-08 (수) 14:00 2 Years ago Address
[@pomoongirl] Give me 200 or 300 more and outline.. I did 3 types of Accu contours at 800, so I think Quick is a bit lacking in effect.
pomoongirl Writer 2021-12-08 (수) 15:11 2 Years ago Address
[@horongbulsori] Thanks for the advice. I'd like to see if there are other places to go!
팅꺼벨 2021-12-08 (수) 14:15 2 Years ago Address
It will cost twice as much money... ㅠㅠㅠ
pomoongirl Writer 2021-12-08 (수) 15:11 2 Years ago Address
[@Tingkebel] Oops. TT I will. TT haha
lililllill… 2021-12-10 (금) 18:10 2 Years ago Address
I'm trying to enlarge myself, but I'm thinking about quick. How long is the cost and recovery period?
pomoongirl Writer 2021-12-10 (금) 19:56 2 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
젤다파리 2021-12-11 (토) 17:00 2 Years ago Address
효과가 되게 좋아보이네요.
pomoongirl Writer 2021-12-11 (토) 17:34 2 Years ago Address
[@젤다파리] 그런가요? 감사합니다. ㅜㅜ 요즘 참 괴롭네요.
elelel 2021-12-11 (토) 20:36 2 Years ago Address
좋은 결과가 나와서 다행이예요. 효과도 좋은 것 같구요. 축하드려요~ 관리 잘하세요!
pomoongirl Writer 2021-12-11 (토) 22:23 2 Years ago Address
[@elelel]  감사합니다만... 성공 후기가 아니라서요.ㅜ
elelel 2021-12-12 (일) 10:57 2 Years ago Address
[@pomoongirl]  아 광대 다 날리시려고 하신 거구나… 전 안전지향적으로 하신 줄 알았어요.
론빵이 2021-12-12 (일) 22:49 2 Years ago Address
45도 광대 효과가 아예 없으신거에요??
pomoongirl Writer 2021-12-12 (일) 23:14 2 Years ago Address
[@론빵이] 네. ㅜㅜ 지금은 재수술 가능만 하면 좋겠네요.
성형공부하는중중중 2021-12-13 (월) 02:14 2 Years ago Address
퀵 광대를 선택하신 이유가 있으신가요?? 어디병원인지도 궁금해요ㅠㅠ 잘 되신 것 같네요ㅠㅠ
pomoongirl Writer 2021-12-13 (월) 09:32 2 Years ago Address
[@성형공부하는중중중] 본문에 명시했듯 입 안 절개가 너무 무서워서 단념했던 차에 뭐에 홀린 듯 하게 됐습니다. 병원은 ㄹㅋㅋ입니다~!
dddd1234 2021-12-14 (화) 19:37 2 Years ago Address
후기 공유해주셔서 감사합니다 저도 광대 고민중인데 볼처짐같은 거는 어떻게 생각하시나요? 원장님께서 따로 말씀해주신게 있나요?
쿠쿠다쯔 2021-12-16 (목) 15:54 2 Years ago Address
요롱이리 2022-01-20 (목) 23:56 2 Years ago Address
나도 너무 무섭고 해서 ㄹㅋㅋ로 마음 굳혔는데 변형퀵광대로 했는데도 45도 효과가 이렇다니 좀 충격이네 ㅠㅠ 어쩌지
pomoongirl Writer 2022-01-28 (금) 01:44 2 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
웃는광대요 2022-01-28 (금) 23:15 2 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
pomoongirl Writer 2022-02-28 (월) 15:36 2 Years ago Address
[@웃는광대요] 이제야 봤네요. 우선 좋은 말씀과 충고 감사드려요. 수술은 결정하셨나요?
익명의제이 2022-04-18 (월) 02:08 2 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
pomoongirl Writer 2022-08-04 (목) 15:30 2 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
오잼 2022-08-04 (목) 15:18 2 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
pomoongirl Writer 2022-08-04 (목) 15:29 2 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
오잼 2022-08-04 (목) 15:46 2 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
pomoongirl Writer 2022-08-04 (목) 19:22 2 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
오잼 2022-08-04 (목) 21:52 2 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
pomoongirl Writer 2022-08-05 (금) 00:30 2 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
오잼 2022-08-05 (금) 08:20 2 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
pomoongirl Writer 2022-08-11 (목) 06:54 2 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
후후11후후 2023-02-20 (월) 01:46 1 Years ago Address
저 너무 하고 싶은데 저정도면 꽤 잘된거 아닌가요?? ㅜㅜ
왜 불만족이신가요!
랄랄1 2023-05-27 (토) 19:21 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
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