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Facial bone job

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subperiosteal elevation

심부볼지방이식 2021-09-18 (토) 19:00 3 Years ago 3650
50 days
After removing the cheekbones and deep cheeks, my front cheeks drooped to the point of serious discharge.  I tried all the mini-lift thread lifts, but the effect was insignificant. Because of this, I searched many cafes here and there and looked for reviews, but only one or two people were satisfied with the side effects. I asked a lot of questions about side effects on the director's blog, went to face-to-face counseling twice, and thought a lot for two months. It 's been a little less than 2 months since I had the surgery, but I 'm really satisfied with the effect. I had such a hard time to the extent that I wanted to do it . Get a consultation

Comment 15
성예284857 2021-09-18 (토) 22:19 3 Years ago Address
It's not a common surgery, but wasn't it scary? I'm glad you were satisfied!!
심부볼지방이식 Writer 2021-09-19 (일) 16:49 3 Years ago Address
[@Sungye284857] I was scared, I didn't expect much, I didn't have anything else to do.
성예284857 2021-09-19 (일) 19:59 3 Years ago Address
[@Deep cheek fat transplant] I'm really, really glad you saw the effect... It must have been hard, but you worked hard..
하나양1 2021-09-25 (토) 01:57 3 Years ago Address
You worked hard~
뭉미이 2021-11-28 (일) 08:44 3 Years ago Address
How much was the cost and swelling??
좋은일가득 2021-12-23 (목) 18:56 2 Years ago Address
how much does it cost?
마옹 2022-01-21 (금) 15:28 2 Years ago Address
정말 다행이네요ㅠㅠ..
amniddo 2022-06-08 (수) 10:06 2 Years ago Address
아프지는 않으셨나요? 잘되셨다니 너무 부럽습니다 다른데 후기보니 안좋은 이야기들이 많아서 결정을 못하겠어요
어도러블 2022-09-07 (수) 09:47 2 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
재수술인가요 2022-11-16 (수) 00:13 2 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
캐롤라인a 2022-11-30 (수) 18:39 2 Years ago Address
골막하거상은 잘 된분 후기는 거의 본적이 없는데 잘 되셨다니 다행이네요~ 살이 흘러내리는 심한분 한테 효과가 있는것 같네요~
고양이냄새 2023-06-29 (목) 09:26 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
1모모모모1 2023-09-20 (수) 00:12 1 Years ago Address
너무 제 얘기 같아서 ㅠㅠ 너무 고생 많으섰고 효과가 있어서 참 다행이예요! 저도 마지막이라 생각하고 골막하거상 상담 받으러 가보려구요 ㅠㅠ 앞광대 쉐이빙을 당해서 볼살이 흘러내리다못해 그냥 미끄러져있어요ㅠㅠ 너무 힘듦 ㅠㅠ
슈숑맘마 2023-10-14 (토) 00:03 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
My0506 2024-06-28 (금) 18:57 5 Months ago Address
골막하거상 관심있는데 수술효과 아직도 있나요?
지금은 어떠신지 궁금하네요~~
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