It's been a month since I had endoscopic forehead augmentation, endoscopic cheekbone reduction, and forehead reduction! I'm still satisfied with the surgery
and I've been diligently applying scar cream, but the scar seems to be fading a little slowly since the first month. They say you have to be patient..ㅎㅎ
Still, hair is growing little by little on the part of my head where my scar is, like a grass doll!
I like the cheekbone so much as the swelling goes down! My facial line has become much smoother and
people ask me why my face got so small and I feel good!!
My mouth opening range has also widened when I eat food. I can now put a boiled egg in my mouth in one bite?
My forehead that was pulled in after the forehead augmentation has become much smoother!!
My eyelids have also naturally lifted and I still think it was a good decision to have all the surgeriesㅜㅜ