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Orthognathic + contour 2 types, day 5

블랙우드 2019-12-31 (화) 18:30 4 Years ago 2512
A slight short chin + protruding mouth + mild asymmetry case . I cleaned up the front chin and square chin without additional money. I'm going to do a clown when I go pinning in a year. I don't think there's any point in posting pictures because of the swelling, but I've done extractions in the past, and I need to correct before and after both jaws. The aftereffects of general anesthesia are harder to bear than the risks of surgery. Surgery is not a big deal if you have the skills of a doctor. The pain in the surgical site can be endured with painkiller injections, but the anesthesia tube is swollen in the neck and nose, and the head is dizzy. In addition, my swollen ears are painful and uncomfortable because I press my face with a pressure bandage, and I breathe through my mouth, but it is so painful that my mouth and tongue dry out. I don't even drink water for 8 hours a day. Even if you drink it after 8 hours, you can't drink it. It's just wet. Twice general anesthesia is not possible ㅜ I had a cold at the time. I think it's been harder to breathe since then. I have a feeling of fear of not being able to breathe when I sleep. From the 3rd to 4th day, when the swelling in the neck and nose starts to subside, it becomes fat. I haven't eaten anything but water since then. I don't even want to eat because I'm holding on to intravenous and my body is uncomfortable. On the 4th day, the ringer is also removed, making it easier to work. I ate Yoplait milk. Being in the hospital for 5 days and 4 nights is so boring and difficult. It's even better if you share a hospital room with someone else. I can't wash, I can't brush my teeth. Even after discharge, I couldn't gargle or drink for 1-2 weeks, and I kept my mouth tied, so I was forced to drink only liquids without dry ingredients at home and drink until I blew my mouth. Lost 2 kg in weight. Don't buy even one expensive pharmacy drug that is said to be good for swelling. Anyway, I can't take pills for a few weeks from the day of surgery, and I barely take powdered medicine. swelling already going down during that period; Fully speculative; Buy only Otrivine to pierce your nose. When you leave the hospital, the hospital gives you a prescription. I'll take more pictures when the swelling subsides.

Comment 6
조각인형 2019-12-31 (화) 21:38 4 Years ago Address
큰 수술 하셨네요. 수고 많으셨습니다ㅠㅠ
유르미 2020-01-02 (목) 11:34 4 Years ago Address
의사 실력이 중요하죠 ㅠ 붓기 빨리 빠지길 바랄게요!
석세스 2020-01-03 (금) 18:58 4 Years ago Address
얼릉 붓기 빠지시길!! ㅎㅎ
보보123 2020-01-06 (월) 02:12 4 Years ago Address
5일차에 이정도면 붓기 진짜 없네요 ㅠㅠ 수술 잘 되신것 같아요 고생하셨습니다
블랙우드 Writer 2020-01-07 (화) 20:11 4 Years ago Address
[@보보123] 속도가 빠르신것같아요. 수술하기전에 사랑니도 여기서 뽑았는데 한쪽뽑는데10분이 안걸리시더라구요. 엄청 무심하게 퍽퍽하더니 끝;; 붓기가 거의 없어서 냉찜할 필요도없었어요. 그래서 믿고 양악했어요.
비투 2020-01-11 (토) 08:55 4 Years ago Address
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