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Facial bone job

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It's been 8 years since square jaw surgery!

애이치 2019-12-10 (화) 00:43 4 Years ago 2335
I can't even remember when I had the square jaw surgery. The most difficult moment after surgery was right after waking up from general anesthesia... It hurt so much that I felt like my head was being cut in two. I remember asking me to keep taking painkillers because I thought I was going to die... One day and then it was tolerable. The swelling wasn't too bad, so I pretended not to know after a week and met a friend and lied to me that I was in pain. There is nothing, I am satisfied! But sometimes my chin hurts and it hurts when I smile because I open my mouth wide.. And over time, I have a double chin, but I don't know if this is sagging. I want to get out of my obsession with it ㅜㅜ It's so sad to have an ugly face shape with severe asymmetry. Anyway, I think square jaw surgery can be done if it is a real complex.

Comment 5
옮으 2019-12-23 (월) 02:43 4 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
애이치 Writer 2020-01-05 (일) 23:48 4 Years ago Address
[@Translation] I wasn't really worried about clowns either.. After I had a square chin, I could see clowns ㅠ
보아배 2020-01-10 (금) 14:45 4 Years ago Address
귀뒤사각턱말고 일반 사각턱 수술 받으신건가요?? 어느병원에서 받으셨는지 정보 좀 알려주세요
저도 사각턱 때문에 지금 고민이거든요
호벅지 2020-04-21 (화) 12:39 4 Years ago Address
부럽습니다 ㅜㅜ 사각은 상대적으로 쳐짐이 덜하겠죠? ㅜㅜ 혹시 병원 어디인지 알수잇을까요?
슈슈슈슈슈슉 2020-05-06 (수) 21:18 4 Years ago Address
혹시 몇살때 하셨는지 여쭤봐도 될까요?!
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