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Facial bone job

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Men's Contour Review (Day 10)

riversk 2019-09-13 (금) 03:00 5 Years ago 2856
I did it with my nose and eyes at once~ I don't recommend doing it all at once because it's hard to recover . . I didn't do the cheekbones because there was no place to touch them, and I cleaned up the chin like adjusting the asymmetry. Now that it's been 10 days, my senses are returning little by little, but I still feel a lot of tingling. The gums and swelling were severe, so I think the jaw pain was really severe until the 5th than other parts. I kept getting more and more pain relievers, but it was especially painful because I didn't even get cold compresses until the taping was off. Right now, I tend to eat porridge well, chew rice poorly, and swallow a lot. I haven't been able to open my mouth much yet, so it's a bit stuffy when I talk or eat, but the hospital asked me not to overdo it yet and refrain from exercising my jaw. The pain subsided on the 5th day and is gone now! I can't tell you the result, as the swelling hasn't gone down yet, but from what I can feel, it seems that the original bone has become slimmer and has an angle that wasn't there. ㄱㅇㅇ It seems that the director is especially specialized in facial contouring - Even though he received the same treatment on other parts, the hospital asked for facial contouring to be partially disclosed.

Comment 24
펀치머신 2019-09-13 (금) 15:14 5 Years ago Address
Wow, the eye and nose contours all at once ㅜㅜ You worked hard! Are you okay to breathe? I'm also planning to do the outline and nose according to my schedule, but I'm so worried that I won't be able to breathe..
riversk Writer 2019-09-13 (금) 21:18 5 Years ago Address
[@Punch Machine] A humidifier is a must! I had a hard time in the first two days because the delivery was late. I recommend buying a lip balm with good moisturizing power! ㅠㅠ I think it's especially difficult to do the nose and contour together... Above the nose and below the chin... It's a really unanswerable pain.. You won't be able to sleep much.
펀치머신 2019-09-13 (금) 21:39 5 Years ago Address
[@riversk] 으..ㅋㅋ 생각만해도 고통이 느껴져요ㅠㅠ 첫날만 병원에 입원하는데 호텔에 잇는 5일을 생각해서라도 집에 잇는 가습기도 챙겨가야겟네요;;ㅠㅠ 언제부터 좀 괜찮아지셨어요?!
riversk Writer 2019-09-15 (일) 02:38 5 Years ago Address
[@펀치머신] 턱 통증은 5일까진 정말 매일 새벽이 지옥이였어요.. 조금씩 요령이 생기기는 했는데 그때까진 턱이 정말 아렸구요, 그 이후론 조임 느낌으로 변하면서 풀리기 시작하고 7일째부턴 크게 불편함은 없고 그냥 입 열때, 만질때 아파요.
턱 테이핑 풀때까진 좀 힘드실거에요 ㅠ 전 첫 몇일은 땡김이도 못하겠더라구요.. 30분도 못 버티고 이걸 어떻데 하나 싶었는데 5일쯤 부턴 붓기 좀 빠지고 통증 가라앉으면서 잘 하고 있어요 :)
펀치머신 2019-09-16 (월) 02:19 5 Years ago Address
[@riversk] 혼자서도 버틸수있는 통증이길 바라요ㅜㅜㅜ 수술하고 5일이 고비인거같은데 그 고비를 혼자 잘 버틸수잇겟죠..?ㅠ헝... 수술하신곳 감각은 어떠세요??
riversk Writer 2019-09-20 (금) 23:08 5 Years ago Address
[@펀치머신] 아직 감각 많이 없지만 조금씩 돌아오는 느낌이에요! 아랫입술이 특히 좀 거슬려요 - 말할때 발음에 지장이 조금 있어서요.
나머지 턱은 그냥 좀 얼얼한 느낌이에요! 무리해서 벌리거나 먹을때 욕심내면 턱 관절이 찌릿 하구요.
5일이부터 풀리기 시작해서 전 1-5일이 제일 힘들었어요.. 특히 새벽에 많이 예민해져요 ㅠ
오락실게임 2019-09-14 (토) 11:58 5 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
riversk Writer 2019-09-15 (일) 02:34 5 Years ago Address
[@오락실게임] ㅈㅇㅈ에서 했어요~! ㄷㅇㅇ는 상담받았었는데 너무 상업적이여서 마음에 안들었어요..
riversk Writer 2019-09-15 (일) 03:00 5 Years ago Address
[@riversk] 제이준에서 했어요 :) 후기엔 병원 이름 언급 가능하네요~
오락실게임 2019-09-15 (일) 21:02 5 Years ago Address
[@riversk] 감사합니다!
바이올렛1 2019-09-15 (일) 19:39 5 Years ago Address
큰 수술 받느라 고생하셨네요
캔커피뚜껑 2019-09-16 (월) 02:17 5 Years ago Address
어느 병원 원장님이세요??
riversk Writer 2019-09-17 (화) 06:19 5 Years ago Address
[@캔커피뚜껑] 제이준 김기완 원장님요~!
보보123 2019-09-16 (월) 18:58 5 Years ago Address
진짜 대단하세요 윤곽만해도 엄청 괴로운데; 눈코까지.. 혹여나 따라하실분이 계시다면 신중하시길..ㅠㅠ 글에서 표현한 5일차까지가 거의 지옥문왔다갔다하는 수준일거에요.. 전 턱2종했는데 지옥문앞까지 갔다왔습니다
riversk Writer 2019-09-17 (화) 06:20 5 Years ago Address
[@보보123] ㅠㅠ 심지어 전 시력도 안좋은데 렌즈도 안경도 못쓰고 이제 2주째 생활중인데 너무 답답해요... 내일부터 렌즈 괜찮다는데 완전 기대돼요 ㅎㅎ
desd1 2019-09-20 (금) 01:24 5 Years ago Address
가산현짱 2019-09-23 (월) 00:53 5 Years ago Address
혹시 병원이름좀 알려주실수 있나요??????
riversk Writer 2019-09-23 (월) 06:58 5 Years ago Address
[@가산현짱] 제이준 / 김기완 원장님요
Ssjw112 2019-09-24 (화) 05:04 5 Years ago Address
동감합니다 윤곽 +  코 이제 5일차인데 진짜 살만해요..
어제 너무 아파서 병원에가서 진짜 질질 짯었던것같은데 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
치즈빙수 2019-09-26 (목) 21:29 5 Years ago Address
고생하시네요 저도곧윤곽해야되는데
델리만쥬45 2019-10-06 (일) 00:25 5 Years ago Address
저도 테이프 때니까 붓기가 가라앉더라구요ㅠㅠ
그저그래 2019-10-07 (월) 17:48 5 Years ago Address
혹시 딱딱한 멍울?같은 붓기는 없었나요? 전 일주일짼데 그게 상처살이라고 지금 턱라인에 크게 잡혀서 ㅠㅠ
수소미 2019-10-13 (일) 05:32 5 Years ago Address
지앤지 잘하나봐요?
대탐소실 2019-11-22 (금) 17:28 5 Years ago Address
힘 내세요!!
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