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Facial bone job

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2 kinds of outlines, monthly difference

하누비 2019-08-21 (수) 10:59 5 Years ago 2020
Hello, it's been a month since I contoured. I did two types of contouring (cheekbones, square chin) . On the day of the first surgery, my face was swollen and my neck was very sore . It was cool after removing the tape and sideburns, but I hated looking in the mirror because of the swelling and bruises. So, I took a walk day and night and applied the bruise cream. After two weeks, the bruises disappeared around my eyes and a small yellow bruise remained on my cheek. So, it's okay now. I thought it was fine, but since the third week, the swelling has gradually gone down. After a month like that, I can see some facial contour lines, but there is still swelling on the cheeks and chin, like biting candy . As for the chin, I'm not sure if it's because of the swelling yet. It was a one-month review of the ideal outline.

Comment 12
김해피개는아님 2019-08-21 (수) 11:20 5 Years ago Address
Hehe, it's really amazing that you went for a walk in the morning and evening.
마담보봐르 2019-08-21 (수) 15:42 5 Years ago Address
한달동안 고생 많으셨어요.
저는 광대축소만 했는데 턱이랑 광대중 어떤 곳이 더 힘드세요?
저작활동은 지금 어느단계정도 하고 계신지도 궁금해요.
하누비 Writer 2019-08-21 (수) 21:40 5 Years ago Address
[@마담보봐르] 전 원래 턱보다 광대가 더 모난편이여서 그런지 광대가 좀더 불편했어요 씹기도힘들고 아직도 질긴거나 밥은잘안먹구요 부드러운음식위주로만먹고있어요
냥냔펀치 2019-08-22 (목) 00:15 5 Years ago Address
도움이 많이 됐어요! 감사합니당
Xxxyw 2019-08-22 (목) 21:53 5 Years ago Address
먹는거랑 말할때 발음은 어느정도 회복되셨나요??.
하누비 Writer 2019-08-29 (목) 00:38 5 Years ago Address
[@Xxxyw] 말하는건 한 붕대풀고나서는 말할수있었어요 먹는건 이주넘어서부터 면이나 부드러운 빵조금씩먹었어요
치즈빙수 2019-08-28 (수) 21:28 5 Years ago Address
정보감사드려요 한달차도
아직 갈길이멀었네요..
찰떡잉 2019-08-29 (목) 15:35 5 Years ago Address
숩숩하지 2019-09-16 (월) 11:39 5 Years ago Address
한달인데도 많이 힘든가요? 지금 고민 중인데 어떠허게 해야 할지 싶어요ㅠㅠㅠ
안뇽ㅇㅇㅇ 2019-09-30 (월) 21:02 5 Years ago Address
저도 3주차인데 아직 붓기가 낭낭해요 ㅠㅠ
태진 2019-12-02 (월) 08:08 5 Years ago Address
병원정보 알수있을까용
레마맘 2023-03-30 (목) 00:10 1 Years ago Address
사진올려주실 생각은 없으신가요? 상당히 궁굼해서여..
병원정보랑 비용도여...
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