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Chin tip advancement surgery day 7

에스케이티917 2019-07-28 (일) 11:35 5 Years ago 8600
After suffering from sleep apnea, I underwent chin augmentation surgery along with various surgeries related to sleep apnea. It's now day 7. Perhaps because of the quick recovery, almost all of the swelling has gone down except for the lower lip. Before the surgery, I was most worried about loss of sensation, but fortunately the sensation returned quickly. I still have little feeling in my four lower teeth, and the muscles in the jaw area below my lip feel a little awkward, but I'm glad that it's getting better day by day. It feels like my frozen muscles and bones are melting little by little. The reason I recovered so quickly was because I continued to use cold and warm compresses without skipping them on a regular basis. I never laid down until the 4th day. I continued to sit or move around, and even when I slept, I sat in a sleeping chair. I think continuing to stretch my jaw muscles slowly and carefully also helped a lot. I move my lips slowly up and down, left and right, open and close, movements like this. A bruise has appeared on the surgical site and has spread to the bottom of the neck, so I am constantly applying bruise cream, but it does not go away easily. It will take about 2-3 weeks. Since my job is to make a living by speaking, I was very concerned about my pronunciation, but after about a week, it wasn't a big problem. The pronunciation was very accurate, but maybe a little dull? I think I'll need more practice in the future. On the outside, it has the effect of making you look more handsome as your chin comes out, making your impression clearer, but I think people with long faces should take this into account. Seeing my hidden long face in full was stranger than I thought. Still, I take comfort in the thought that it's better to look a little better even if it's a little longer than an ambiguous one haha. Before the surgery, I looked up a lot of reviews. I hope my review will help someone with the same problem. It wasn't for cosmetic purposes, so I couldn't change the shape or shorten the length, but I think it might be useful. If you have any questions, please leave a comment!

Comment 15
커컹커컹 2019-07-28 (일) 14:28 5 Years ago Address
병원 정보 좀 알 수 있을까요
에스케이티917 Writer 2019-07-28 (일) 15:43 5 Years ago Address
[@커컹커컹] 성형외과랑 협진하는 곳으로 알고있기는 한데 ㅈㅇㅈ수면클리닉에서 했어요
dark3302 2024-06-03 (월) 21:43 3 Months ago Address
혹시 카톡상담가능하나요??
군감자5 2019-07-28 (일) 22:23 5 Years ago Address
1주일안에 붓기 빠지는건 말이안되는데요
제가 30일차에 붓기가 없는편인데 2주차이후 확 빠집니다 턱끝붓기는 2달 간다고 알고있는데
에스케이티917 Writer 2019-07-29 (월) 10:21 5 Years ago Address
[@군감자5] 저도 빨리 빠져서 신기하더라구요ㅎㅎ 아랫입술부터 앞턱부분은 붓기가 좀 남아있어요! 근데 오히려 이 부분은 붓기가 적당하니 볼록해서 오히려 안빠지면 좋겠다는 생각까지 하네요ㅎㅎ 턱 아래부분이나 옆턱은 다 빠졌어요ㅎㅎ
lyssml 2019-07-30 (화) 15:22 5 Years ago Address
실례가 안된다면 쪽지 드려도 될까요?
희야41 2020-08-07 (금) 17:55 4 Years ago Address
입술 바로밑 턱 쪼임과 치아 쪼임은 없으셨나요? 하.. 저는 진짜 미치겠네요. 일주일이 지나도록 쪼이는 감각은 1도 났질 않네요.
고르고르 2021-07-11 (일) 01:37 3 Years ago Address
살 처짐이나 턱 모양 변형은 없으신가요??
강부자 2021-10-23 (토) 20:10 2 Years ago Address
안녕하세요 긴얼굴에 긴무턱이라 턱끝 전진술을 알아 보고 있는데요 더 길어보이는 건 싫은데 이런 얼굴은 안하는게 나을까요?  전진은 몇미리 하신건지요? 원장님 정보 좀 부탁드릴게요.
장곡사 2021-11-10 (수) 16:06 2 Years ago Address
혹시 병원 알 수 있을까요 몇mm 전진하셨나여?
진이9981 2021-12-08 (수) 04:01 2 Years ago Address
저도 고민중인데 어디서 받으셨어요 결정을 못하고 있어요
2등급이라 댓글도 못보고요 ㅜㅜ 정보 꼭 부탁드립니다
턱밑 2022-06-27 (월) 23:48 2 Years ago Address
2주후에 출근해도될까요?
기다려내가간다! 2022-10-22 (토) 09:13 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
아자자아자 2023-07-03 (월) 02:40 1 Years ago Address
코골이 수면무호흡은 나아지셨나요?
아이반호 2023-11-05 (일) 09:29 10 Months ago Address
많이 지났는데 현재 코골이 정도와 예후 어떤지 궁금하네요
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