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Facial bone job

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볼지방흡입 후기

성예사예사예사 2019-04-12 (금) 10:14 5 Years ago 2362
22살때 볼지방흡입을했는데 그당시엔 별로 변화를 모르겠어서 돈버렸다 싶었는데 그때에 비해 4키로정도 빠진지금 얼굴보니까 확실히예전보단 빠진것같은데 그게 살이빠져서 빠진건지 수술의 효과인지는 모르겠어요 ㅋㅋㅋ 100만원정도였는데 병원은 기억안나요ㅠ 되게 오래 찾았었는데 이게 기억이 안나네 ㄷㄷ 압구정이었던것같은데

Comment 11
마숭둥이 2019-04-12 (금) 12:49 5 Years ago Address
Are you the type of person who has trouble losing facial fat?
성예사예사예사 Writer 2019-04-12 (금) 21:51 5 Years ago Address
[@Masungdungi] Yes, I haven't lost much weight, but I'm now at 50kg, so are my belly fat cheeks? I don't know if it's right, but it seems like I've lost all the fat on my cheeks except for that side. I don't know if it's the effect of cheek suction. It was almost 2 years ago.
kimhoe 2019-04-13 (토) 21:17 5 Years ago Address
Wow, I'm thinking about cheek liposuction right now. I guess this will be effective if I lose weight at the same time..? I'm worried
성예사예사예사 Writer 2019-04-14 (일) 23:17 5 Years ago Address
[@kimhoe]   Comparing when I got cheek liposuction and now, I think I was around 54? Now I'm 50, and there's definitely a difference in the photo. But the fat that sticks out when I smile is the same, so I'm looking into it because I wonder if it's my deep cheeks.
우우아이 2019-04-14 (일) 19:00 5 Years ago Address
붓기는 어느정도가나요?
성예사예사예사 Writer 2019-04-14 (일) 23:18 5 Years ago Address
[@우우아이] 저는 붓기는 거의 없었어요 입벌리는데 어려움이잇어서 바로 일상생활가능하진않아요
퓨쳐 2019-04-23 (화) 03:38 5 Years ago Address
으아앙ㄱ 병원 얼릉 기억해내요오!! 수술 덕분에 빠진거 아닐까요..?? 전 살빼도 볼살은 안 줄던데여ㅠ
아익호스 2019-04-29 (월) 01:44 5 Years ago Address
저 지방흡입 찾아보고있는데 혹시 볼에 살이 많아서 하신거에여 날렵해지고싶어서 하신거에여?
성예사요우얌 2019-05-04 (토) 01:15 5 Years ago Address
탄력이 없어지거나 그런 건 없으셨나봐요
Elsa81 2019-06-04 (화) 21:20 5 Years ago Address
저도 볼살이 많아서 지방 흡입 생각 중인데요. 병원 정보 궁금해요!
Vsvs 2020-04-24 (금) 15:05 4 Years ago Address
쳐짐은 안왔어요??
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