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Facial bone job

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[My money/Surgery day ~ 1st day] I received 3 types of contours safely ㅠㅠ

튜튜아 2019-03-21 (목) 15:28 5 Years ago 4382
Originally, I did it cheaply as a condition to leave a review on ㄱㅇㅇ, so I'm writing this because I think I can leave a more objective review in places like Seongyesa ... I need to rest, my throat is dry and my mouth is dry... So the idea that contouring would be easier than the eyes/nose... (Fool Mongchong) It was a very wrong idea. 1. Choosing a hospital I looked at the eyes, nose, and contours together. I think I went to about 15 places . ; Reservations are very tight . I hope that other people should also visit these two places. It sounds like it 's famous . Actually, I shouldn't choose it based on the cost, but I really want to do it, but I don't have enough money . ) Cost 2) Small hospital (private hospital) 3) Safety 4) Reservation forced x These were four. I skipped all places that have forced reservations or have same-day reservation discounts. In most cases, reservations were forced, and reservations were severe at places like this. But I immediately filtered it out... But when I went to the consultation right here, I got a feeling of 'Destiny~~~~~~~ . You can do it haha ​​So I picked this one, but because the cost is cheap, I was also worried. Then I had no choice but to do it.. On the same day.. Anyway, I went to the operating table with a lot of distrust and anxiety until the very end. Don't do this! I think it was 11 o'clock because I was lying on the operating table and came to my senses...;; At first, it was a nightmare and I fell asleep like I was under sleep anesthesia, but it really hurts like crazy.... Sore throat? I didn't feel it at first, but when the tonsils were so swollen, when I got a sore throat, that kind of pain comes. When I swallowed it, it hurts so much that I swallowed it and spit it out... And at first I didn't have any dizziness, but once in the middle of the day when I was going to the bathroom, a rabbit came up so much that I was nauseous. But to my surprise, I vomited once. My mental is very bright.. I'm getting clearer... I can stand it... I want to drink so much water, but I'm really looking forward to the time to drink water . The time really doesn't go away.. If you want to sleep with your eyes closed, 10 minutes have passed and 5 minutes have passed and are you really going crazy ? I knew. The jaw, cheekbones, and front jaw are tingling and it hurts as if someone had hit me.. It hurts even if I took painkillers ... It was really hard . I tend to tolerate it well, but the pain doesn't hurt for a while and I'm constantly being deceived, so I'm really crazy about it. I was discharged. Ah, I didn't feel anything like a ringer tube, and I did n't even know there was a P-Hose in my mouth. There was no such thing as cravings or pain. 3. The first day of surgery (today) Ha...... Everything is fine, but my mouth is open... It doesn't seem to be swollen yet, and my jaw and cheeks are still tingling and hurting as if I've been hit... .. I'm still spitting because I'm afraid of swallowing.... It's really hard . Reoperation? I'll do it, but I can't really do this. Even now, it's really hard... Everyone, if you're going to have surgery , prepare your heart and do it... It's really harder than you imagined..... It hurts like I've been hit with a headache... I think I'm going to cry ㅠㅠㅠㅠ ㅠ The throat is also very sharp.... The most difficult thing: The pain as if the face was smashed + the mouth is not open + the throat knife + the headache + the saliva from the mouth + the thick saliva (?) coming out of the mouth later Day 2~7 I will also bring the first review. I hope it will be a lot of reference . I will not disclose the name of the hospital. If you are interested, you can find what I wrote.

Comment 29
웅앵 2019-03-21 (목) 16:48 5 Years ago Address
ㅠㅜ 어디서하셧나요.. 검색해도안나와서유ㅠ
무사히 수술마치셔서 다행입니다.
 붓기 빨리빠지길 바랄게여! 전 광대 생각중인데 마니 아프다고 하셔서 걱정이에요ㅋㅋ큐
튜튜아 Writer 2019-03-21 (목) 19:11 5 Years ago Address
[@웅앵] 제 댓글남긴거 찾아보면잇을텐뎅..! 감사합니다 :)
어러푸쿠 2019-03-21 (목) 18:56 5 Years ago Address
와...잘됬으면 좋겠어요 아픔이...전에수술한게 생각나네요ㅠㅠ
튜튜아 Writer 2019-03-21 (목) 19:10 5 Years ago Address
[@어러푸쿠] 어휴.. 아픈거 언제까지가나요..ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 침삼킬때마다 너무 목이아파서 그냥 주르륵 뱉고있어여..
미니짱야 2019-03-21 (목) 20:28 5 Years ago Address
저도 하고나서 앞턱이랑 절개부분아파서 진짜 진통제계속 찾고 왜했 하면서 3일동안은 후회한거같으네용 !! 입은안벌려지는데 또 붓기때문에 다물어지지도않았구요 ! 그래도 5일정도지나면 모든게 다 무난할정도로 괜찮아지고 그때부터는 붓기관리 열심히해주세요 !! ㅎㅎ 오래기다렸다하신만큼 잘 되셨음좋겠어요
튜튜아 Writer 2019-03-21 (목) 21:38 5 Years ago Address
[@미니짱야] 짱야님 좋은말씀 정말 감사드립니다.. 너무 아파요... 계속 앉아잇어서 그런지 머리통이 무거워서 그런지 어깨도 너무 뻐근하고... 5일지나면 통증은 많이 가라앉겟죠? ㅠㅠ 붓기는 둘째치고 입에 자꾸 침고이고 삼키자니 목이아프고 총체적난국이에요...
미니짱야 2019-03-21 (목) 21:49 5 Years ago Address
[@튜튜아] 저는 3일동안은 병원약이랑 타이레놀까지 계속 같이먹다가 그뒤로는 타이레놀은 가끔 먹으면 될정도였던거같아요 어깨는 앉아서 자고 수술한뒤라서 계속 아플고같아요 저는 그랬어요 원래도 목어깨통증이 있던편이라 .. 피가래도 계속 나와서 저는 나오는대로 계속 혀로 밀어내서 휴지로 닦아냈었거든요 그래서 남들보다는 목통증이 빨리갔던거같아요 ! 힘들어도 물많이 드시구요 !! 이뇨작용잘되야 좋아요
튜튜아 Writer 2019-03-21 (목) 22:18 5 Years ago Address
[@미니짱야] 하.. 저도 타이레놀 먹어야겟어요ㅠㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜㅜ 물도많이먹고.. 감사합니다ㅠㅠ 너무 힘드네요.
zeze900 2019-03-22 (금) 11:28 5 Years ago Address
지금은 좀 어떠세요??ㅠㅠ 통증이 심한가보네요ㅠㅠ 저두 앞두고 있는데 걱정되네요ㅠㅠ
튜튜아 Writer 2019-03-22 (금) 12:17 5 Years ago Address
[@zeze900] 누워있을 때 너무 힘들어요.. 피가래때문에 잠을 못자겠음.. 자다가 숨막혀 돌아가실것같고 얼굴도 무겁고... 총체적난국이엥ㅛ..
zeze900 2019-03-22 (금) 13:01 5 Years ago Address
[@튜튜아] 오늘이 수술 다음날 2일째죠?? 오늘만 버티면 좀 나아질꺼에요ㅠㅠ 목통증이 생각보다 좀 오래가긴 하긴 하더라구요ㅠㅠ 힘내세요ㅠㅠ 곧 예뻐질꺼에요ㅠㅠ 3종 하셨다고 하셨는데 어디가 더 많이아프다 이런건없었나요?? 그냥 다 아픈가요??ㅠㅠ 피질절골도 같이 하신건지 궁금해요ㅠㅠ
튜튜아 Writer 2019-03-23 (토) 02:37 5 Years ago Address
[@zeze900] 저는 광대도 아프고 턱도아프고 턱끝도 아프고 다아프네욤... 피질절골도 들어간거같아요.. 그냥 전체적으로 야구방망이로 뼈맞은느낌?
zeze900 2019-03-23 (토) 23:41 5 Years ago Address
[@튜튜아] 아 다 아프셨다니 너무 걱정되네요ㅠㅠ광대는 사람들 덜 아프다고 그래서 걱정안했는데ㅠㅠ 너무 하고 싶어서 몇년째 고민하다가 예약금 걸었는데ㅠㅠ 걱정이에요
튜튜아 Writer 2019-03-24 (일) 14:25 5 Years ago Address
[@zeze900] 약간 아침에 일어날때마다 어디서 흠씬 두들겨맞고 일어나는느낌..(?) 4일차인 지금까지도 통증은 잇고 눈코랑 비교가안되게 불편하긴해요.. 하지만 좋은 선택하시길 ㅎㅎ
앤시아 2019-03-23 (토) 08:54 5 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
튜튜아 Writer 2019-03-23 (토) 11:55 5 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
꽃피우리 2019-03-24 (일) 01:29 5 Years ago Address
화이팅요.저두 12일째예요.아직두 첫날이...너무 힘들었구요.
저는 피통안차서 넘좋았네요.목도 별로 아프지않고 다만
기침.가래를 못하게 하니까 그게 죽을맛...4시간마다 진통제
놔달라구 하고 한숨 못자구 퇴원했네요.입안 실밥은
화요일날 풀러가구 지금 음식은 조금씩 씹어 먹구 있어요~
튜튜아 Writer 2019-03-24 (일) 07:02 5 Years ago Address
[@꽃피우리] 오늘 4일차인데 아침에 일어날때마다 너무 아파서일어나네요.. 진짜 덤프트럭에깔린느낌... 다른날 통증은 괜찮으신가봅니다ㅠㅠ 마의 7일을 잘 넘기셧나보네요 :) 붓기는 많이 빠지시고계신가요?
꽃피우리 2019-03-24 (일) 14:09 5 Years ago Address
[@튜튜아]  붓기는 아직 있어요.그래도 마스크안끼고 다닐정도예요.
저는 1일차만 많이 아프고 별로 안아픈거같아요.아직 턱감각도 없고
앞쪽 아랫니도 감각이 없어요.광대쪽도 그렇고.시간이 지나면
괜찮아 지겠죠...지금젤불편한게 먹는게 제일불편해요.실밥풀면
괜찮아 진다고하니 참아야죠ㅠㅠ
튜튜아 Writer 2019-03-24 (일) 14:24 5 Years ago Address
[@꽃피우리] 입안 실밥은 푸는곳도있고 냅두는대도 있는거같더라구요.. 통증없으시다니 부럽습니다... 먹는거 너무불편해욬ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ̆̎ㅋ̐̈ㅋ̊̈ㅋ̄̈ 너무 모든걸 다 먹고싶고ㅠㅠ 탕수육 짜장면 고기 김치 다먹고싶어요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
juble 2019-03-24 (일) 03:03 5 Years ago Address
눈은 수술 중에 힘들고
코는 코 속 거즈, 붓기때문에 힘들고
윤곽은 먹는 것때문에 힘들죠. ㅜㅜ
튜튜아 Writer 2019-03-24 (일) 07:03 5 Years ago Address
[@juble] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ̆̎ㅋ̐̈ㅋ̊̈ㅋ̄̈ 윤곽이 역대급인거같아요;;; 눈코는 그냥 불편한 정도엿는데 얘는 너무 아품ㅠㅜ
bbbb00 2019-03-25 (월) 07:14 5 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
튜튜아 Writer 2019-03-25 (월) 15:15 5 Years ago Address
[@bbbb00] 수술시간 저 5시에 들어갓는데 정신차리니까 11시넘엇엇어요;;;
튜튜아 Writer 2019-03-25 (월) 15:15 5 Years ago Address
[@튜튜아] 그리고 저는 턱 길이 연장때문에 무조건 티절골드가야됏습니다
bbbb00 2019-03-26 (화) 00:50 5 Years ago Address
[@튜튜아] 감사합니다!
022496sy 2019-04-07 (일) 15:39 5 Years ago Address
ㅠㅠㅠ잘 견뎌내시길 빌게요ㅜㅜ!!!
dhebebdkdb 2019-08-15 (목) 15:30 5 Years ago Address
수술예정인데 걱정되네요ㅠㅠ
만수르보다부자 2024-07-28 (일) 20:31 4 Months ago Address
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