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Facial bone job

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Outline3 weeks ago

현츄냠냠 2019-03-06 (수) 02:36 5 Years ago 2310
Last time, I wrote that I was worried because my lower teeth were tight and my lips were crooked after surgery. Haha. The symptoms of lower teeth are gone. The lips are still crooked when pronouncing zutsu . I was confused whether it was swelling or not, but by the third week, the candy pouring is all down. I guess time is the answer! Two months or three months will be different, right?

Comment 10
신블리 2019-03-06 (수) 07:58 5 Years ago Address
I'm on the 3rd day, so the swelling is huge... Like you, I'm looking forward to the 3rd week ㅜㅜ The lip sensation will come back after a while~~~.The contours seem like time is running out.. TT Fight!
현츄냠냠 Writer 2019-03-07 (목) 00:40 5 Years ago Address
[@Shinbli] I have all the senses of the lips. It's a little crooked when I pronounce it.
momo987 2019-03-07 (목) 13:22 5 Years ago Address
[@Shinbli] No pain right now?? I think you said you had severe gum pain.
현츄냠냠 Writer 2019-03-12 (화) 14:40 5 Years ago Address
[@momo987] There was almost no pain after the operation.
와랄랄룰라 2019-03-06 (수) 23:37 5 Years ago Address
The swelling in the nose, eyes, and other parts of the world goes down day by day as time goes by~ I envy you ㅠㅠ
핳흏햫 2019-03-08 (금) 15:21 5 Years ago Address
Do you have any senses?
켜고오나 2019-03-09 (토) 12:09 5 Years ago Address
Hmmm are you okay?
닭꼬지 2019-03-15 (금) 14:42 5 Years ago Address
3종하신거세요? 비용얼마에요??여기 윤곽하시는
의사쌤 몇분정도계시나요
렉씨배 2019-03-23 (토) 07:35 5 Years ago Address
3 종 하섯나요  ?! 얼마에 하셨나요??  ㅠㅠ
해결법몰두 2019-05-14 (화) 04:19 5 Years ago Address
광대효과는어떠세요?? 하이엘절골이라고 안와뼈가까이 절골하지않나요?
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